Bosses in "Terraria": description and methods of summoning. Twins Terraria - summoning and battle tactics What weapons can you defeat the twins in Terraria

  • 09.06.2024

First night.

After appearing in our world (I hope that you have a medium one, because this is the best size for one player), the first task is to explore the world: we run left and right all the way into the crimson/distortion (this is done to assess our safety and security your home), opening chests along the way. That's it, we have found the distortion/crimson and know its position relative to the center of the world (the farther from the center the better for the house, but this makes us spend more time getting to it).
The next task is to cut down the tree before nightfall (after cutting down the tree, plant an acorn in its place, this will minimize the loss of trees in the world), the more the better.
Next, if we are lucky enough to find the “entrance to the mine,” then it’s better to go there (there is a chance to find a chest and go down quite deep, this in turn will allow us to get more resources we need).
If you are unlucky to find the “mine entrance”, then you need to dig a shaft with a diameter of two blocks for yourself, thereby making your life easier when digging the “road to hell”, about which later.
In the mine, our task is to dig up as many resources as possible (ores, precious stones, silt, etc.), as well as crystal hearts.
So, what are crystal hearts and what are they for? They are needed to replenish the player's maximum health (max. 400, using hearts). The first time you use it, the NPC Nurse comes (which is very useful when fighting hardmode bosses). A large number of these hearts are found in the jungle.
You can also find similar rooms with a golden chest in which you can find useful loot.

Building a house.

First part. Eye of Cthulhu.

This part is dedicated to the first boss of the game, the Eye of Cthulhu.

First stage of preparation:

We take 5-7 bombs (we should have found them in the mine), make them sticky and go to the crimson/distortion to break one crimson heart/shadow sphere. Because of this, a meteorite will fall on the world, which is what we need. If after 2-3 game days it still hasn’t fallen, we repeat it again (only one, because when the third sphere/heart is destroyed, the distortion/Crimson boss will come). “A meteorite fell on the world” - the message means that a meteorite fell on the world (your cap). We craft any bow and arrows (100-130 pieces), 70-90 platforms, 30-40 sticky bombs and go look for the meteorite crash site. We build a bridge over the meteorite, like this:
Next, we throw sticky bombs on the meteorite (so as not to receive damage while standing on the blocks of the meteorite, mining it with a pickaxe). From the meteorite we should get 320-430 meteorite ore. We melt it into ingots and make a meteorite set and a meteorite cannon, you can also make a hammer axe. We sell the remaining ingots/ore to traders.

Stage two - boss arena:

The arena will be the simplest, we need: 200 platforms, 2 fires, 50-100 wood, height 10 blocks above the surface.
Something like this:
Why is the arena closed? So that our character does not fly away from the arena after a collision with the boss. Of course, the size can be made larger, I don’t force you to make it exactly the same (!!!).

Third phase - battle:

The battle is simple: we take a meteorite cannon and simply hit the boss, dodging his attacks and minions (the battle takes ~1-1.5 minutes).
We collect all the loot from the boss and make a distortion/crimson ax (yes, an ax, not a sword) and, if there are enough ingots, make a distortion/crimson bow.

Second part. Brain of Cthulhu.

This part is dedicated to the second boss of the game - Brain of Cthulhu (If there is a crimson in the world).

After killing the Eye, we need to gain 180+ HP to fight the Brain. We are looking for crystal hearts to replenish max. HP reserve When we have gained 180+ HP (depending on how lucky the hearts are) we begin preparation. We need to collect ingredients for 3 potions: Regeneration, Iron Skin and Soup. We make an alchemical table (table/workbench and a mug/jar on it) like this:

After making 3 potions, taking 200 platforms, 3 fires, 20-30 torches (if you have 15 gems: Diamond, Sapphire, Topaz, Ruby, etc., then make a grappling hook, it will be very useful!), meteorite gun, and putting on a meteorite set - we go to Crimson!
The battle arena should be something like this (this is ideal):

Stage two - boss fight:

We drink our potions, break the third heart of Crimson (in general, I advise you to do the first kill with a summoner, because it’s easier) and hit the boss with a meteorite cannon, simultaneously dodging his attacks.

We repeat killing the boss until we have a complete bloody set, a pickaxe and a sword (the latter is essentially useless, but is needed to craft the blade of the night, about which later).

Second part. Eater of Worlds.

In essence, this is the same part, only here we have the boss of distortion - the Devourer of Worlds.

The first stage is preparation for the battle and the arena:

After killing the Eye, we need to gain 180+ HP to fight the Devourer. We are looking for crystal hearts to replenish max. HP reserve When we have gained 180+ HP (depending on how lucky the hearts are) we begin preparation. We need to collect ingredients for 3 potions: Regeneration, Iron Skin and Soup. We make an alchemical table (table/workbench and a mug/jar on it) like this:
The Potion of Regeneration is crafted from a Jar of Water - 1 pc., Dayflower - 1 pc., Mushroom - 1 pc. (Gives a buff to HP regeneration)
Potion of Iron Skin is crafted from a Jar of Water - 1 pc., Dayflower - 1 pc., Lead\Iron Ore - 1 pc. (Adds us 8 armor).
The soup is crafted from a Bowl - 1 piece, a Mushroom - 1 piece, a Goldfish (you can catch dozens of them during the rain right on the surface!) - 1 piece.
After making 3 potions, taking 50-70 platforms, 2 fires, 10-15 torches (if you have 15 gems: Diamond, Sapphire, Topaz, Ruby, etc., then make a grappling hook, it will be very useful!) , a meteorite cannon, and putting on a meteorite set - we set off into the distortion!
The battle arena should look like this:
The distance from the ground is 20 blocks, the length is 50-70 platforms.

Stage two - boss fight:

We drink our potions, break the third shadow sphere (in general, I advise you to do the first kill with a summoner, because it’s easier) and hit the boss with a meteorite cannon, simultaneously dodging his attacks.
The boss is killed. We collect all the loot and run to melt it into ingots and then into armor (I will give priority to the breastplate and boots if there are not enough materials).
We repeat killing the boss until the dark set, pickaxe and sword are complete (the latter is essentially useless, but is needed for crafting the blade of the night, about which later).
I find this boss to be the easiest in the game (normal mode).
P.S. I also advise you to farm gold on this boss, because all his loot is quite expensive (~7-13 gold per battle).

Third part. The road to hell.

Why did I call this stage such a phraseology? It’s just that this is the road to hell, literally and figuratively.
It starts from our mine (if you dug for yourself, if you didn’t, then you will have to) and is its continuation. Along the way we will meet various mobs (they do not pose a great danger), but they can greatly interfere with the drilling of the infernal well. Based on my experience, I advise you to fence yourself off with walls on both sides like this:
This will help you avoid problems when descending into hell. You can fence with any materials, even sand. It will be good if we find a mushroom biome (large and small glowing mushrooms grow in it), it will be needed to create potions for 100 hp and one useful NPC, about which later. You can identify it by its characteristic background and music.
On the way you may come across lava lakes, which we fill with water (let water from the water lakes into the tunnel).
After the descent, thereby completing our road to hell, we begin exploring this underground world, full of suffering and torment, our task is to find as many fireflowers and obsidian skin potions as possible (they are needed for comfortable mining of hellstone for the hellish set).

Having run around hell a fair amount, we begin preparations for mining the hellstone:

1) We need: 2+ potions of obsidian skin, a pickaxe of crimson/distortion and a grappling hook.
2) We go down to hell and begin to dig a hellish stone (when a block of hellish stone is destroyed, a small amount of lava flows out of it, but with a potion of obsidian skin it is not terrible), we also take one hellish furnace, it is located in obsidian fortresses.
3) We must dig up at least 100 pieces of hellstone (this figure is the minimum, and if you still have a lot of potions and/or enough to extract 300+ stones, then it’s better to dig to the end!).
Next we need obsidian, it is easy to get (mixing lava and water).
Now we have obsidian and hellstone. We approach the infernal furnace and melt everything into ingots (ratio: 4 ores to 1 obsidian). Next, we make ourselves a flaming (fiery) sword. If there are still ingots left, we melt them into hellish armor (in this order: breastplate, boots, helmet).
That's it, now you have the best (not in terms of damage, but in terms of usefulness) sword in pre-hardmode!

Fourth part. Jungle trek.

After completing the hellish road and crafting a fiery sword (it’s good if there were enough materials for a hellish set), we go to the jungle! There is no wider field of activity than in the jungle.

So, we have several tasks in the jungle:

1) Collection of materials: Sting - 14 pcs., Jungle spores - 27 pcs., Vine - 4 pcs., jungle tree wood.
2)Collecting crystal hearts (as I wrote earlier, there are most of them in the jungle), the more, the better.
3) Find a bee hive with boss bait (needed to kill the queen bee).
4) This task is secondary, but no less important. Search for the Dungeon Golem (it’s better to find it at the beginning of the game, so as not to waste time in the hardmode jungle, where you can accidentally die). It looks something like this.
You can also immediately go look for the entrance (the door to the Dungeon will be closed), which is located either to the left or right of the Dungeon.
5)Search for chests in golden rooms.
6)Search for a whetstone, which increases weapon penetration (ignores 5 units of enemy armor)
After completing the gathering and searching for things that interest us, we go home and craft a grass sword (put it in the chest immediately, as it is worse than a flaming sword), an ivy whip (the best grappling hook before hardmode) and Amazonia (yo-yo), which is a good a means against single targets.

Fifth part. Queen Bee.

A few words:

One of the most useful bosses in the game (not for loot, but for other goodies). After killing the queen, the NPC Witch Doctor will come to our world, who will have two useful things - wings and filler. But every coin has a downside...
1) Wings cost 1 platinum coin (100 gold) and can only be bought in HM (HardMode) and if the Witch Doctor lives in the jungle (just after killing the queen, immediately make him a home there).
2) Filler is a thing that is difficult to overestimate, with its help you can make bottles (potions that affect only melee weapons, all weapons on a chain, yo-yo and some unique types), which provide very useful buffs that make our lives easier ( reducing enemy armor, fire damage, poisoning, increasing the number of dropped coins, etc.). But all the most useful buffs are available ONLY in HM and if there is a crimson (reduction of armor) in the world.
And now about the boss:

First stage. Preparation:

The Queen is a rather dangerous opponent due to her high speed and damage.
For battle, a standard set (universal): regen potion, armor, soup, 2 fires, 100-150 platforms and torches. A meteorite set and a meteorite cannon will suffice as weapons.

Second stage. Arena.

The arena is the simplest:
This will be enough.

Third stage. Battle.

Before the battle, we fall into honey, drink our potions, and only then break the queen’s larva. During the battle, we dodge the boss's attacks and periodically fall into the honey.
After the victory, we get 15-25 bees, which are very useful in the battle with the keeper of the Dungeon - Skeletron. Not to be confused with the other Dungeon Guardian.
Honey is also very useful and practical to use, I advise you to collect 20-30 buckets of honey, or even more. It will be better if you can just smear yourself with it.

Sixth part. Skeletron.

A few words

The last but not least important stage of pre-HD remains - the battle with Skeletron. So we already have top loot before HD, killing Skeletron is a matter of one or two minutes.

For the boss, we take our favorite standard set: a regen potion, armor, soup, a mini-shark (bought from a gunsmith), a stack of ammo for it, a hellish set (if you dug up a lot of hellstone during your first trip) or a bloody\dark set (Crimson \distortion accordingly), 2-3 fires, platforms, torches.
The arena is like this:

Second stage. Battle:

We wait for night, run to the NPC grandfather, who stands at the entrance to the dungeon, drink our potions, choose in the conversation: “Curse” (after which a boss will appear in his place) and immediately run to our arena. During the battle, we dodge Skeletron’s attacks and hit him in the head (don’t waste time on your hands). In one or two minutes the boss will prostrate himself before us. Don't expect any useful loot from it. After killing him, we can safely enter his Dungeon.

Seventh part. Skeletron dungeon.

Before heading to the Dungeon, we need to have at least 300 HP, a hellish set, a mini-shark, a flaming sword and a lot of torches ~2-3 stacks.
Our tasks:
1) Open as many golden chests as possible, obtaining them: Muromasu, Cobalt Shield, and, if possible, yo-yo Valor.
2)Explore the ENTIRE Dungeon:
3) Find the Alchemy Laboratory and Summoner's Table. When brewing potions, the Alchemy Laboratory has a 33% chance of not using up one of the ingredients. The summoner table provides a ten minute buff that allows you to summon an additional minion.
4) Find a Mechanic and a Goblin Engineer (if you defeated the Goblin Army). The Mechanic will sell wires for mechanisms and various activators (pressure plates, switches, levers). You can buy rocket boots and an engineering table from the Goblin (allows you to combine some accessories), and he can also sharpen our weapons, thereby being the most useful NPC in the game.
5) Find biome chests that contain unique weapons, but are available after killing Plantera.
6) Collect as many water candles as possible, which increase the spawn of mobs (an extremely useful item)
The dungeon is the last frontier before the Wall of Flesh.

Eighth part. Wall of flesh.

A few words:

The last part of this guide is the battle against the Wall of Flesh.

First stage. Preparation and arena:

For the boss, we take our favorite standard set: a regen potion, armor, soup, a mini-shark, a stack of ammo for it, a flaming sword, a hellish set and a voodoo doll (obtained from voodoo demons).
The arena consists of one strip a thousand blocks long (any except loose ones):

Second stage. Battle:

Fighting the Wall of Flesh is not difficult at all. We drink the potion, throw the voodoo doll into the lava and start running along our road, simultaneously shooting at the boss and dodging blows. After his death, he drops useful loot (a bender, one of the 3 damage emblems and some weapons). Also, after the death of the boss, the world goes into HardMode.

Ninth part. Mining HardMod ore.

After moving to XM, our main task is to destroy as many demonic/bloody altars as possible (the more we break, the more ore there will be) and to extract XM ore. After destroying the altars, you will have new ore: cobalt/palladium, orichalcum/mithril, adamantium/titanium. To mine the first type of ore, we need a hellish pickaxe. First of all, we will collect ores with a cobalt/palladium pickaxe. Then you need to make an orichalcum/mithril anvil, a set of armor for war and a pickaxe (one of two types). After this, we make an adamantite/titanium pickaxe (don’t waste time on the set). As a result, we should have: an adamantite / titanium pickaxe and a mithril / orichalcum set for war.

Tenth part. Creating wings.

After mining XM ore and creating the corresponding items, our next task is to create angel/demon wings (there is no difference).
1) Extraction of souls of light/night (which ones do not matter) in the underground holy lands or in the underground distortion/crimson. A total of 25 souls are needed.
2) Killing Wyverns (~4-5 times), from which we need to get 20 souls of flight. Wyverns live on the level of floating islands, I also advise you to take with you a water candle (from the Dungeon), which increases spawn, accordingly speeding up farming. For an easier kill, buy a shotgun from a gunsmith and make a stack of explosive bullets.
After collecting materials, we go to the mithril / orichalcum anvil and make our long-awaited wings.
After you scrape together one platinum coin, then buy leafy wings from the Witch Doctor, as they will be the best at the time of purchase (only steampunk wings, etc., starting from them, are better). Wings are sold only at night and if the Witch Doctor lives in the jungle).

Eleventh part. Destroyer.

First stage. Preparation and arena:

To destroy the Destroyer we need Daedalus' assault bow (or just Daedalus's bow) and a stack of holy arrows for it. Daedalus' Bow has a chance to drop from Holy Mimics. This mimic has high damage, high maneuverability, and the ability to pass through blocks. The most effective farming is to extract 15 souls of light for the holy key, which is placed in any chest and our mimic appears in its place. I found one interesting bug. After the mimic jumps on top of you (flies above you for a short time and then falls on top) and falls onto the platform, he will get stuck on it, which makes it easy to kill him.

He can also drop a good triple hook (one of the best in the game).
I also got stuck like this:

After receiving the coveted bow, we go to the ground holy lands to kill fairies (we farm fairy pollen) and unicorns (you need to knock out 5 horns from them). After farming, we go to the mithril / orichalcum anvil and make one stack of holy arrows.
And now a few words about the arena. To create it you need: a fire, a heart lamp (hp crystal and four chains), 200 platforms and a small house for a nurse to heal during the battle. Potions are standard: regen, armor, soup. Weapons include Daedalus's bow and a stack of holy arrows. From armor, mithril/orihalcum set for war. From accessories we need: obsidian shield, wings, archer emblem (farm from the wall of flesh), spectral boots and any other accessory. The summoner is made from 6 souls of the night, 6 vertebrae/pieces of rotten meat and 5 iron/lead ingots.

Second stage. Arena:

The arena is a line of platforms with a room for a nurse in the middle, and on the roof of the house there is a fire, in the house there is a box of cartridges (bought from a traveling merchant), place a heart lamp under the house. You can also take two buckets of honey and make a “bath” in the floor (2x2 blocks) and pour our honey into it. The arena looks something like this:
On the top right is a piece of the arena for Skeletron Prime (more on him later).

Third stage. Battle:

Before the battle, we jump into our bath of honey, drink the potion and summon the Destroyer. During the battle, we shoot at the boss with a bow, while healing from the nurse and jumping into our bath with honey. I also advise you to set auto-pause in the settings (so that you don’t get hit while choosing a healer in the dialogue with the nurse).
A minute later the boss is defeated, dropping 20-30 destroyer souls and 20-30 holy ingots. We make a bib from ingots.
We repeat the destruction of the boss until the holy set for war is completely collected.

Twelfth part. Yo-yo update.

This stage is dedicated to farming Cinder or Amarok (as you wish, but Amarok does a little more damage). To speed up the farming of yo-yos, we need a weapon upgrade, more precisely, a Mini Shark to a Mega Shark.
To improve it we need:
1)Mini shark.
2)20 destroyer souls.
3) Illegal part of the weapon (purchased from the gunsmith at night for 35 gold).
4) Five shark fins (fall from sharks in the ocean at the edges of the world).
After collecting all the materials, go to the mithril / orichalcum anvil and craft a Mega Shark. Then we can make more explosive bullets (I recommend making four stacks - for all cells), since they are good for killing mobs.
The next task is the descent into hell/underground frosty biome. Also take a water candle with you. Farming a yo-yo is simple - killing hellish/frost mobs before the coveted yo-yo falls out.

Thirteenth part. Twins.

A few words:

Gemini is a bit of an unusual boss, as it consists of two eyes - Spasmatism and Retinizer (Retinizer, how cool it sounds: 3).

First stage. Preparation and arena:

For the battle we need: Mega Shark, a stack of explosive bullets, a holy set for war, a regen potion, armor, soup and a boss summoner (crafted in the same way as the Destroyer summoner, but we need souls of light and instead of rot/vertebrae we will need 3 lenses).
You can take the “Destruction” arena. We also enable auto-pause for the convenience of healing from the nurse.

Second stage. Battle:

Before the battle, we jump into the honey, drink the potion and summon the Twins. First of all, we kill Spasmatism, since it is more dangerous than Retinizer. The boss takes quite a long time to kill due to its high maneuverability and speed, but it is easy to kill.
The drop from the boss is almost useless for us now, but we can make one good summoner staff (Optic Staff), which is very good. I also advise you to make a fairy (a pet that can illuminate the space around the character), it is done simply and inexpensively.

Fourteenth part. Skeletron Prime.

A few words:

Prime is the last mechanical boss, after which Plantera's bud appears (in the jungle, but more on her later).

First stage. Preparation and arena:

If you are lucky and have crimson in your world, then go to the underground distortion for ichor (20-30 pieces is enough). Then we make two stacks of ichor bullets (well, the cartridges are very useful and do not lose their relevance throughout the game, since they reduce the target’s defense by 20 units). If you are unlucky and there is a distortion in your world, then we go to the underground distortion for the cursed fire (also 20-30 pieces) and make cursed bullets. For the battle, the same set as for the Twins, only with different bullets and a Prime summoner.
For an arena with 400-500 platforms (4-5 floors) and 3 fires, a room for a nurse:

Second stage. Battle:

We jump into the honey, drink the potions and call the boss. We shoot stasis at the skull, ignoring the hands. Also, the hands will try to ram us, we just dodge, and occasionally get healed by the nurse (also with auto-pause turned on).
After death, the boss will drop souls of fear, which are needed for a number of items, but we only need the Pickaxe and the Destroyer Emblem (all this is made from 3 types of essences - the essences of mechanical bosses).

Fifteenth part. Plantera.

A few words:

Very easy HM boss if you use one special arena.

First stage. Preparation and arena:

The set is the same as for Prime, but without the summoner, since we must find it ourselves (a pink glowing bud that is immediately noticeable).

The arena is a tunnel measuring 100x6. You also need: 2 bonfires, 2 “Honey baths”, 2 heart lamps, 130 wires, 2 pressure plates that work for the player (wires and plate are purchased from the mechanic) and 2 teleporters (purchased from the steam mechanic). Make the arena 10-20 blocks above the bud (so as not to run through the entire jungle). And yet, put the button directly on the teleport.
The arena looks like this:

Second stage. Battle:

We break the bud and climb into the arena, drink the potions, jump into the bathtub and teleport (by jumping on the button) to the other edge of the arena. Our task is to align the boss parallel to the arena something like this:

Second stage. Battle:

We hit the boss with the Mega Shark, when Plantera comes close, we jump on the teleport button. With such an arena, the boss will die in two minutes.
The drop from the boss is almost useless, the most useful is the key to the Dungeon Golem (100% drop chance). New strong mobs will also appear in the Skeletron Dungeon.

Sixteenth part. Golem Dungeon.

After the death of Plantera, we move to the Golem Dungeon (if we found it back in pre-XM) or go look for it. Take wire cutters with you, because there are a lot of traps in the Dungeon (!!!).
Our tasks:
1) Open all the chests in the Dungeon, finding as many batteries as possible (to summon the Golem) and fragments of the solar panel (to summon the Solar Eclipse).
2) Find the altar of lizards (the Golem is summoned on it).
3) Collect all the traps from the Dungeon (they are very useful in some farming/arenas).

Seventeenth part (optional). Crimson Key Farm.

If you have a distortion in the world, then create a world with crimson, because otherwise you will not get vampire blades (!!!). However, with the new equipment, it will be much easier to get to killing Plantera. Of course, if you can do without blades, then feel free to skip this step.
This part is dedicated to the AFK farming of the Crimson Key. To create it we need: mud blocks, jungle grass seeds, crimson ice blocks, a water candle, ichor torches (33 pieces are made from one ichor), wires, a 5-second timer and 100 platforms.
The farm looks like this:
The key takes a long time to break out, so leave it for at least an hour (!!!), not forgetting to check it (some kind of invasion may begin and they will kill you).
After the treasured key falls out, we go to the Skeletron Dungeon and open the Crimson chest, and in it are vampire blades - a very imposing weapon that heals in proportion to the damage done (but only 15% goes to heal us). They will be a good addition during boss battles, but not the most important (!!!).

Eighteenth part (optional). Umbra (Solar Eclipse).

Umbra (that's what I call it) or Solar Eclipse is a daily event during which you can get various useful goodies. It can replace a day with a small chance, and it can also be summoned using a solar tablet (fragments of which we collected in the Golem Dungeon).
What useful things can you get from this event after killing Plantera:
1) The second most damaging yo-yo in the game (Eye of Cthulhu).
2) Broken swords of the hero, which are needed in crafting the Terra Sword (an excellent weapon with high speed and damage).
3) Deadly Sphere Staff (summons a very damaging minion).
Also, in one event (with the sale of all unnecessary things) you can farm from 70 gold to one platinum coin. Mobs during the umbra are very strong, so you can’t do without the arena!
You can make an arena like this:
Due to the size of the lava trap (9 blocks wide), the drops will not burn in it. You can also remove spear traps if you don’t have them/don’t want to waste them. The hatch is needed to fly out of the arena when Motron appears or to destroy the Flying Dutchman.
If you don’t get the items you need, make signs and farm some more!

Nineteenth. Golem.

A few words:

The golem has a good drop, which will allow you to make the second-best defense/damage armor in the game.

First stage. Preparation and arena:

For the boss, standard potions with a bottle of ichor (cursed flame), accessories: emblem of a warrior, avenger, obsidian shield, wings and any other. Weapons include vampire blades.
For the arena we need platforms (the exact number depends on the size of the Golem's room) and fires.
Something like this:

Second stage. Battle:

We drink the potion and activate the altar with the battery. The boss falls on top of us - we dodge. The boss doesn't have much HP, but his damage is quite high. With vampire blades we will always be at HP. We immediately knock off his hands, since in the second phase he hits them very quickly.
The most important thing to get from the Golem is a drill saw (has a chance to drop) and beetle shells (always drop out). Even after the boss's death, the steam mechanic will begin selling steampunk wings.

The twentieth part. Crafting beetle armor.

The beetle armor will be very useful until the end of the game.
To craft it, we need turtle armor, which is made from 3 turtle shells (drops from giant turtles) and chlorophyte ingots (this ore is only found in the jungle).

Our tasks:

1) Farm 3 turtle shells (it drops out rarely, so be prepared to spend a lot of time), it’s better to take a water candle.
2) Mining chlorophyte with speleologist's potions (a total of 324 ores are needed).
3) Make a turtle set.
4) From the turtle set, make beetle armor using beetle shells.

A few words about Duke Fishron.

After update 1.3, this boss became much more difficult to kill, since before it could be killed by calmly flying away from it across the entire map. However, in 1.3 this opportunity was removed and you can kill him (easy to kill) only within the ocean. Of the loot, only wings are useful, the drop rate of which leaves much to be desired...
In my opinion, this boss does not require killing and will not make the game easier, but rather will only make it more difficult, so I will not describe killing him in my guide. If you want his trophies, then kill the Moon Lord, and then calmly kill Duke Fishron.
This is only the personal opinion of the author.

First stage. Tower of the Sun:

I consider this tower to be quite easy, because the only difficult enemies we have are Glista (Half-legged) and Ninja (Selenian). The first has high damage, only one vulnerable point - the tail (the damage to the tail is tenfold, which allows you to heal 100 HP with vampire blades) and it attacks only when you fly 10-15 blocks off the ground. The second mob is more dangerous for shooters and archers, since while spinning it reflects all attacks from long-range weapons at the shooter (along the same trajectory, so it makes sense to dodge).
The tower itself is protected by fire spits (however, its attack radius leaves much to be desired), which fall perpendicular to it. They cause a lot of damage, so I don't recommend getting under them. The Tower drops fragments of the sun, which are needed for crafting armor and weapons for war. I also advise you to make a Solar Eruption from these fragments (an excellent weapon on a chain that hits through any walls).
All classes cope with this Tower quite easily, but it will be a little easier for a magician to do it.

Second stage. Vortex Tower:

This tower is also quite simple. Of the difficult (annoying) enemies, only the Alien Womb, which imposes the “Gravity Distortion” debuff on us, which is very inconvenient and greatly interferes with the fight. The tower is also defended by lightning bolts, which I also do not recommend standing under. The Tower drops fragments of the vortex, which are needed to craft weapons and armor for the shooter.

Third stage. Nebula Tower:

For me this Tower is the most difficult. The most dangerous mobs for us are: Nebula Flyer (teleports to the player after receiving damage and does a lot of damage), Foreteller (throws 4-5 daggers in a fan, which deal a lot of damage) and Brain Sucker (when “sucked” to the player, it greatly reduces vision , so only the player himself is visible). The Tower drops fragments of the nebula, which are needed to craft weapons and armor for the mage.

Fourth stage. Stardust Tower:

I consider this tower to be the easiest and simplest. I didn't notice any dangerous enemies. Among the useful ones, there is a Star Cell, which can be propagated by destroying a large cell and waiting for the small cells to evolve into large ones, and so on again. Drops fragments of stardust, which are needed to craft weapons and armor for the summoner.
After destroying all four towers, the Moon Lord will come in one minute, so teleport home and run to the arena.

Twenty-third part. Moon Lord.

A few words:

Now the moment has come for the battle with the last boss of the game - the Moon Lord, but the developers of terraria have made him too sluggish and weak. The drop from the boss is very useful when going through events (Pumpkin and Frost Moon), it’s about them in other guides.

First stage. Preparation and arena:

We made the arena before the destruction of the Sky Towers. As for potions, you need standard ones (regen, soup, armor). We get into the room with honey (Important: we should not choke on it), turn on the timer connected to the heart statues and wait for the boss. Also, if we don’t have any shield that gives immunity to knockback, then we attach ourselves to the floor with a hook.

Second stage. Battle:

When the boss appears, we drink the potions and begin to hit him with Solar Eruption in the eyes (on the forehead and both hands). From time to time we get treatment from the nurse. As a result, the boss falls in 2-3 minutes. He drops luminite ore, from which we make ingots, from which we make luminite bullets or armor (using the fragments we also need). To create a set for one of the classes you need to kill it 2-3 times, no less.


So my guide has come to its logical conclusion, I hope you found it useful, so don’t deprive it of a good rating and adding it to your favorites.
Please rate my other guides, they will be very useful for you.

Bosses in Terraria are the most dangerous creatures living in the game world. Only experienced heroes can defeat them, but the reward for killing the next monster is well worth the effort. If you want to know how to summon bosses in Terraria, as well as what to watch out for when fighting each of them, then this article is exactly what you need. After reading it, you can save your time and save your character from death more than once.

Starting bosses

Don't think that the starting bosses in Terraria are easy enemies. Each of them will make you sweat and spend more than one day killing them. And you will face the following opponents:

Hardest Standard Mode Bosses

The bosses in Terraria, which will be discussed below, are a kind of preparation for hardmode. Only after defeating them will you realize that you are ready for an increase in difficulty.

  • Royal slug. This giant enemy gradually decreases in size, receiving another portion of damage. At the same time, he summons small slugs. To start the boss fight, you must use the Slime Crown.
  • Brain of Cthulhu. To summon this comrade you will need a bloody spine. An alternative option is to destroy three living hearts. The boss can summon minions and is invulnerable until they are all destroyed.
  • Queen Bee. It is dangerous with its rapid flights from side to side. He can also summon small bees. To fight the boss, you need to use the bee mass or destroy the large larva.
  • Wall of Flesh. An enemy, after defeating whom, the game world switches to hardmode mode. He can be summoned by throwing a guide doll into the lava. The peculiarity of this enemy is that it simultaneously attacks and retreats.

Hardmode bosses

After defeating the Wall of Flesh, you will gain access to Hardmode. In this mode, everything becomes much more difficult, and before starting the next test, it is better to first look for information about it on the Terraria Wiki. Bosses in hardmode are a bit of a hassle, so let’s look at each of them separately:

  • Twins. They can shoot lasers, fire, and just crash into your hero. They are caused by a mechanical eye, but can also appear on their own.
  • Destroyer. Remember the Eater of Worlds? So this worm is several times larger than its predecessor. Appears after using a mechanical worm or comes just like that.

  • Skeleton Prime. A flying skull that beats the player with melee weapons and shoots them with firearms. The best time to fight this boss is at dawn. To start a battle with a monster, you need to use a mechanical skull or simply wait until the adversary appears on its own.

Bosses in "Terraria 1.2" and higher

  • Plantera. A plant monster that can only be summoned after defeating all mechanical bosses. He can shoot spikes and often tries to ram the character. To activate the battle, you must destroy the Plantera bud.
  • Golem. Appears after you place batteries on the lizard altar. Will beat your hero with his fists and shoot fire at him. Once the monster receives a certain amount of damage, its head will separate from the body and begin shooting lasers.
  • Duke Rybron. The monster will appear if you try to fish in the ocean using a truffle worm as bait. Can fly, summon minions and shoot various projectiles at the hero.
  • Lunatic Cultist. It can only be summoned after killing the Golem. To do this, you will need to defeat the cultists near the main entrance to the dungeon. The boss constantly teleports and also uses various spells.

Final bosses

So, you've reached the endgame content. Now you only have to win:

  • Sky Towers. Four bosses, each of which calls upon unique creatures to help them (not found anywhere else in the game). Before attacking the tower, you will need to deal with all the minions. Bosses appear in the game world only after defeating the Lunatic Cultist.

  • Moon Lord. The most powerful opponent you will face at the end of the game. He will come after a certain time, after you defeat the Sky Towers. Will shoot at the hero with homing missiles, lasers and call for assistants.

Mobile version bosses

There is also a mobile version of the game "Terraria", the bosses of which are exclusive. You will be able to fight such unique monsters as:

  • Lepus. A huge pink rabbit that can be summoned using a suspicious egg. The boss summons copies of himself, as well as small rabbit minions.
  • Turkeycore Ungrateful. The boss is shaped like a roasted turkey. You should hit his head, and when it falls off, hit the monster in the body. To summon the monster, you need to use cursed ground turkey.

Also, do not forget that the developers constantly support their project and add new content to it. It is possible that even more difficult, but damn interesting enemies will appear in the game soon.

It turns into a real hell. The enemies become much more difficult, and the loot tastes better. But to get the goodies, you first need to fight new bosses, one of which is the Twins. This enemy is an analogue of the very first enemy in the game. Want to get some good gear to start Hardmode? Then fight this enemy.

Hello everyone, dear readers. Today's article is about defeating Gemini. We will analyze the tactics, equipment, features and weaknesses of the boss. Are you ready to study the enemy? Then let's go!

About the boss

Gemini is a hardmode boss that consists of two at once. To win, you need to kill two flying eyes at once:

  1. Retinizer– an eye with a red pupil has 20k HP, 10 defense, 40 laser damage and 45 touch damage.
  2. Spasmatism– an eye with a green pupil has 23k HP, 10 defense, 50 damage from cursed flames and 50 damage from touch.

Both eyes have a second phase, where they are significantly intensified and do not allow the player to relax for even a minute. In the second phase:

  • Spasmatism's appearance changes and instead of a green pupil, sharp teeth appear. Defense increases to 35 units, and damage to 60 units. In addition, the cursed flame imposes a debuff on the character, which prohibits healing and deals 6 damage per second. Spasmism enters the second phase as soon as its health level drops to 9k.
  • The retinizer also changes in appearance. Now a laser protrudes from the pupil, which will periodically cause damage. Moreover, the less HP the enemy has, the faster he will attack the player. Defense in the second form increases to 25 units, and laser damage to 30 units. The eye enters the second phase as soon as it has 8k HP left.

Both enemies in their second form increase their touch damage to 75. So, try to avoid melee contact with them. To easily deal with this enemy, the main thing is to choose the right equipment.


The easiest way to defeat the boss is while floating in the air, so first of all, stock up on gravity potions (3 of them are enough) and buy wings. In addition to them, you need to take with you the archer emblem and spectral boots.

To withstand attacks, the character must have a minimum health level of 400 units. An adamantite set with a helmet for long-range attacks or a similar titanium set is suitable as armor. For a complete set, don’t forget to grab 3 healing potions, they definitely won’t be superfluous.

Among the weapons, a clockwork assault rifle would be a good choice. To ensure you have enough shells, take 500 crystal ammo with you.

With these things and the right tactics, you will defeat Gemini without much effort. Let's get straight to the boss challenge.


There is only one way to summon Gemini - with the help of a mechanical eye. This item drops from any mob in Hardmode with a 0.04% chance and can be crafted using a mithril or walnut anvil. For this you will need:

  • 3 lenses.
  • 5 iron or lead ingots.
  • 6 souls of light.

Your opponents can also visit you on one of the hardmode nights, as the Eye of Cthulhu did. But it’s up to you to rely on randomness or to call enemies yourself.

Having summoned the enemy, start flying up and down from the ground, to the edge of the map, shooting Spasmatism along the way. First, completely kill both forms of the first eye, and only then start shooting the second. Don't forget that when entering the second phase, enemies will speed up, so don't let your guard down.

After a few minutes, the boss will be defeated, and you will be content with the loot you received.

This concludes my review of Gemini. Subscribe to the blog and share information with friends. See you soon, dear readers.