Games on the asphalt. Children's game of hopscotch Game of hopscotch round

  • 24.06.2024

Hopscotch is a traditional game that children of all nations have played for many centuries. In their distant childhood, today's mothers most often drew rectangular hopscotch and jumped on them on one leg, pushing a bat - a round heavy box. If there was no bat, they drew classics of a more complex shape. A mother with many children talks about how it is customary to play hopscotch in America.

Hopscotch is usually played outdoors on a board drawn in chalk on a sidewalk or other flat paved surface. Many school yards have a painted field and many people gather there to play in the evenings, on weekends and in the summer.

There are many ways to draw a hopscotch field. The traditional field consists of 10 numbered rectangles arranged in a column, with a semicircle - the exit - at the end. On a spiral field, the area is designed in the form of spirals. Another traditional board is the airplane board, with 8 numbered rectangles and an airplane-shaped entrance and exit.

Some classics require bits. When I was a kid, my favorite bits were small chains. They are easy to throw, don't spin, and won't hurt you if they hit someone.

There are hundreds of hopscotch games. The following games are quite common and suitable for beginner players. Once you and your child become familiar with these games, you will be happy to look for new ones or invent your own.

Draw hopscotch - regular or snail.

The first player hopscotches back and forth, hitting all the rectangles. The first time he jumps is on his right foot. The second time on the left leg. The third time he jumps, changing legs. The fourth time - on both legs.

The player jumps in this sequence until he makes a mistake: he steps on the line, jumps on two legs when he should on one, jumps on the wrong leg; then he leaves the game. Other players jump in the same way. When the first player's turn comes again, he begins to jump from the place where he made the mistake. The winner is the one who completes the entire sequence of jumps first.

For these classics you will need a bat (small chain, coin or stone) - one for each player. Draw the hopscotch as shown in the picture.

The first player stands in front of the first rectangle. He throws his bat into this rectangle, then jumps into it on one leg, bends down, picks up the bat and hops back and forth on one leg, stepping into each rectangle.

Then he throws the bat at the second rectangle, jumps into it, picks up the bat and jumps back and forth. He continues to jump in this manner until he misses (steps onto the line, jumps on two legs, or misses the desired rectangle with the bat).

In the same way, all players jump in turn. When it is the first player's turn again, he starts from the place where he made a mistake. The winner is the one who completes all throws and jumps, including the place marked “exit”.

Play by the classic "10 and out" rules, but the first player, when he makes a mistake, must leave his bat in the place where he last jumped correctly. Players must jump, throwing their bats where other players' bats are.

Classics - names

Use chalk to draw any hopscotch field. The first player jumps back and forth on one leg, stepping into each rectangle. If he does this without mistakes (does not step on the line, does not place two feet), he can write his name on any rectangle. If he makes a mistake, it is the other player's turn.

Other players continue to jump in the same way. The player must jump over rectangles named after other players, but he can stand with 2 feet on his own rectangle. The game continues when all the rectangles are occupied, but now if someone makes a mistake, he leaves the game. The game ends when one player remains - the winner.

Draw an airplane field with chalk, as in the picture. Each player will need a bat (small chain, coin or stone).

The first player stands in the house. He throws his bat into the first rectangle, jumps onto the second rectangle over the first on one leg, jumps with both legs at the same time on rectangles 3 and 4, on one leg jumps on rectangle 5, with both legs simultaneously jumps on 6 and 7, with one leg on 8 He turns around and jumps in the same way to rectangle number 2, where he picks up his bat, jumps to 1 and home. Then he turns around, throws his bat onto rectangle 2 and jumps in the same way until he makes a mistake (steps on the line, stands with two feet where he should jump on one, throws the bat incorrectly).

Players take turns jumping in the same way. When it is a player's turn again, he begins to jump from the place where he made a mistake. Whoever finishes jumping and throwing all over the field first wins.

Comment on the article "How to play hopscotch: 5 options for playing our childhood"

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Hopscotch is not just an entertaining game for children. This is also an excellent way to develop the eye and sense of balance, train good coordination of movements and provide an excellent load on the legs. We need to bring back the wonderful games of our childhood from oblivion.



Children's games - "classics"

Prepared by: teacher-methodologist at FIZO MDOU No. 45

Zinovieva Tatyana Viktorovna

Hopscotch is a children's outdoor game whose peak popularity occurred during the Soviet childhood of today's parents and grandparents. Modern children have different priorities - they are busy with TV, computers and other benefits of technology, and today fun and active games for girls - hopscotch, rubber bands, jump ropes - are almost forgotten.

This is a rather sad trend, because no electronic entertainment can replace active games in the fresh air, which are directly beneficial for children's health and also help develop communication skills. We need to bring back the wonderful games of our childhood from oblivion.

Hopscotch is not just an entertaining game. This is also an excellent way to develop the eye and sense of balance, train good coordination of movements and provide an excellent load on the legs. And also, like any other game with rules, it naturally and easily teaches the child to manage his behavior in accordance with the rules. And here the child has no protest, because the rules are dictated not by adults, but by the game itself. It is the ability to manage one’s behavior in accordance with the rules, the ability not only to win, but also to lose, that is very important for preparing a child for school.

To play hopscotch on the asphalt, we only need the asphalt itself, chalk for drawing on it and a “bat” - a round flat box, for example, shoe polish. And also favorable weather and friendly company. There are several variations of this game, which determine the type of field.

Let's look at the most popular of them.

A) The figure of “classes” is drawn on the asphalt. Its forms come in different forms.

The length of the cells is from 30 to 50 cm, the width is 50 cm. The cells are designated by numbers. Each of the players has a bat - a small flat stone, a shard, or a tin can.

One of the players stands in front of the line and throws his bat into the first class. If this is successful, then the player jumps on one leg to where the bat lies, picks it up and jumps further. They also throw the bat at all subsequent classes. The winner is the one who managed to finish the last class first.

If a player hits the line with the bat or in the wrong class, stands on both feet, or steps on the line, then he must give way to the next player. When his turn comes again, he continues to play from the class in which he made the mistake.

The figure marks those classes in which you can rest (in them the player stands on two legs), or vice versa, in which you cannot step (marked “fire”, “swamp”). If a bat hits them, then all completed classes “burn out.” We must start from the beginning.

Varieties of the game

1. Having hit the desired class with the bat, the player jumps to it on one leg and pushes the bat with the toe of his foot back through all previous classes beyond the end line, and he himself jumps through the next cells of the figure. In even-numbered classes you must jump on your right foot, and in odd-numbered classes you must jump on your left.

2. Having thrown the bat into the next cell, the player jumps to it on one leg, and overcomes subsequent cells by moving the bat in front of him with the toe of his foot. From the last cell he knocks it across the line.

3. Draw a figure and number the cells. The size of each cell is 30 x 30 cm. You must jump in order from one cell to another on two legs. Before the game, they agree on which direction to turn during the jump.

For all class options there are general mandatory rules:

1. When jumping, do not stand on the lines dividing the cells.

2. The bat is not allowed to hit the lines separating the cells.

3. The bat cannot jump over the next square.

4. Move the bat strictly according to the cell numbers.

IN) Options for playing hopscotch

To play the game you will need to draw a figure with squares on the asphalt with chalk.

The upper semicircle is called the "cauldron". You also need to find a bat - it can be a medium-sized pebble, a jar of shoe polish or candy (you can put sand or earth in them for weight).

Players schedule a line (who is behind whom). Then the first player throws the bat onto the first square and jumps there. Then there are two variants of this game

Option 1. Normal.

"Simple" classics. We jump on one leg to 1, then 2, then with two legs at once to 3-4, one to 5, two to 6-7, one to 8, two to 9-10, turn 180%, and at the same time find ourselves with two legs again to 9-10, and back in the same move.

Then we throw on square 2 (this is “second class”) and jump again from the beginning. And so on, throwing the bat further and further, but always starting to jump from the first square. On the “return path” you need to bend over and pick up your bat (if at this moment the player is standing on one leg, you still need to bend over - the main thing here is not to lose your balance). If we don’t hit the right square with the bat, a turn transition occurs - the next player jumps. The first one to “master” 10 (ten) wins. If a bat suddenly falls into the “cauldron”, then one “class” is burned out (you will have to throw the bat 1 square less than what you “scored” before).

Option 2. Diverse.

The main difference between this option is that the bat needs to be “passed” through all classes - from 1 to 10. A class is considered passed after the player reaches cell 10 with the bat.

The essence of the game: we throw the bat onto the square with the corresponding “class” and then carry out the “classes” tasks one by one:

The first one is ordinary. We jump or walk as we please, and throw the bat to the next square with each step (jump).

Second, we throw the bat at the number “2” with our eyes closed. Then we jump and walk as we please, the main thing is to reach the 10th square.

The third is "poker". We jump on our right foot, always “kicking” the bat to the left to the next square. "Recess" (the opportunity to rest while standing on 2 legs) - on the 5th square.

The fourth is on the left leg. We “kick” the bat all the time to the right. "Recess" (the opportunity to rest while standing on 2 legs) - on the 6th square.

Fifth - we jump (we don’t walk, we jump) and kick the bat with both legs at the same time.

Sixth - we jump and throw the bat over one cell (1-3-5-7-9).

Seventh - you can't laugh. Everyone around at this time is trying to make you laugh.

Eighth - you can throw a bat from the fifth class (square).

Ninth - throw the bat at "9" and jump with your eyes closed.

and the Tenth - a trickle (i.e. ten times on one leg from the first to the tenth), while you don’t have to touch the bat.

Required conditions:

If the bat does not hit the desired square, move forward.

You cannot stand with a bat in one class with both legs (the exception is the fifth class, which completely jumped on 2 legs).

If you fall into the “cauldron”, the whole class burns out - the next move must be started from the previous level.

Do not trample, do not move the bat, and do not step on the lines!

Classics- a game that was very popular in our childhood. The game was loved by girls of all ages. Remember? All courtyards and sidewalks were painted with chalk squares of “classics”. Today there is an excellent alternative to crayons - soft floor mats-puzzles with numbers in the middle. They are sold in almost any children's store, and you can “assemble” any hopscotch field from them anywhere, even in the house.

Rules of the game Classics

There are versions of the classics with and without a bat.

Ordinary classics

Required bat- a box of lollipops, shoe polish or just a stone. To play, you need to choose a paved area, approximately 1.5 by 2.5 meters. A rectangle is drawn on it with chalk and divided into classes. Each class is a square of 40 by 40 or 50 by 50 centimeters. There should be 10 classes in total (according to the number of classes in the school).

Players distribute sequence jumping.

The first player throws the bat on 1 (first class) and starts it " jump over»:

We jump on one leg to 1, then to 2, then with both legs to 3-4, then one to 5, two to 6-7, one to 8, two to 9-10, then you need to turn around in the jump by 180%, and at the same time be again with two feet on 9-10, and we jump back according to the same principle.

If the first class was completed without errors, the player moves to the second class, moving the bat to the number 2 with his foot, and so on until the 10th class.

You should always start jumping with number 1, no matter what class you are in.

On the way back from 10 to 1, the player stops and raises his bat, even if he is standing on one foot.

If the bat flies outside the required square, the turn goes to the next player. If a player or bat hits the fire, one class is burned (the bat moves back one level).

If a player accidentally steps outside the line of the required square or does not maintain balance on one leg, the turn passes to the other player.

The first one to reach 10th grade wins.

Today there is an excellent alternative to crayons - soft floor mats-puzzles with numbers in the middle. They are sold in almost any children's store, and you can “assemble” any hopscotch field from them anywhere, even in the house.

One of the exciting games is considered a classic children's game.
Previously, there was not a single asphalt yard on which hopscotch squares were not drawn with chalk. You can play hopscotch alone, but it’s much more fun when there are several players.

What do you need to play hopscotch?

To play this game, you need a free piece of asphalt or other solid base, a piece of chalk or plaster to draw squares (classes). You can paint the squares for the game with oil paints, in which case they will not be erased for a long time. Also, to play hopscotch, you will need a bat. A bat is a flat, round jar filled with sand for weight, or a small pebble. To make a bat, you can take an empty jar of shoe polish, tooth powder or candy canes.

How to draw hopscotch

Squares called classes are drawn on the asphalt with chalk, plaster or paint.
The size of the squares is 50*50cm. The first two squares are drawn together. The third and fourth are across the first two. The fifth is drawn close to the third and fourth in the middle. The sixth and seventh across the fifth. The eighth is adjacent to the sixth and seventh. The ninth and tenth across the eighth. Then a semicircle is drawn above the ninth and tenth squares connecting the uppermost corners of the ninth and tenth squares. This is the sun.

How to count?

Before the start of the game, you need to count to determine the order of throwing the bat, that is, recite a short rhyme. When a poem is read, with each word the counting person points to one player in a circle, that is, the word player, the word player. Whoever finishes the rhyme first is eliminated from the counting rhyme and throws the bat first. On the second second. On the third third and so on. Until all players leave the counter
Here is an example of a simple counting rhyme.
They sat on the golden porch
Tsar, prince
King, prince
Shoemaker, tailor
Who will you be
Speak quickly
Don't delay
Kind and honest people.
In this counting rhyme, you need to remember who you were called when you were counted. If the poem ends with you, quickly say who you are. Tsar, prince, king, prince, shoemaker or tailor. And the poem is read again.
If you called yourself the king and during the second count you are called the king, then you are eliminated and will throw the bat first. If you make a mistake, the one who was named king during the re-count is eliminated and throws the bat first. And so on until all players leave the counting table.

Children's game classics rules

The player takes a bat and throwing it must hit the first square (class). A bat is allowed to hit the line if most of the bit is in the required class. If it does not fall into the desired class, or most of it is beyond the line of the class square, then the move is skipped.
If the bat is thrown correctly, the player stands in the first class with one leg, bends the other at the knee and jumps on one leg into the second class. Then he jumps into the third and fourth, standing on both legs. Then everything repeats itself, one classic, one leg, two classes, two legs.
In the ninth-tenth grade, you need to jump and turn 180 degrees in a jump. Having turned around, the player continues to jump in the opposite direction. When jumping on the classics, you cannot step on the line. If it does, you skip your turn.
Having jumped to the bat, you need to pick it up and jump out of the first class with the bat.
The bat is then thrown into the second class, and everything is repeated until the player makes a mistake, or completes the full circle, throwing the bat to the tenth class and back to the first.
If a player, while standing on one leg in class while lifting a bat, loses his balance and stands on two legs, he misses a turn
Throwing a bat in ninth and tenth grade must be especially careful. When a bat hits the sun, one class burns out. That is, someone who throws in the tenth grade misses a turn, and when it’s his turn, he must throw the bat in the ninth grade.

There were ten squares, just like the classrooms at school. So, in order to move to the next class, it was necessary, without stepping on the line, to jump through the squares on one or two legs, while simultaneously pushing a special cue ball. If one was not found, some flat pebble was immediately taken and the game began!

In the childhood of your mom and dad, “Classics” were mega-popular, well, about the same as “Counter Strike” is now. Sports stores in the 1980s even sold colorful hopscotch cue balls with characters from the cartoon “Well, Just Wait!” Words cannot express how proud the young owners were of them! But there were also more inventive, and most importantly - cheap, cue balls - a can of shoe polish, a bright lid, or a puck.

How did the game of hopscotch come about?

The history of hopscotch is fascinating and very interesting. It turns out that something like classics was played back in Ancient Rome. True, then this entertainment was available exclusively to boys. Discrimination? Not at all! In this way, future warriors trained stability, dexterity of movement, endurance, and the ability to maintain balance.

Oh, yes, there was one more tiny feature: the length of the lines of the ancient Roman classics was - how long would you think? - 30 meters.

The first mentions of the “classics”, dating back to the 1st century AD, can be found in the works of Pliny, the famous ancient Roman writer.

Already in the Middle Ages, the game became popular in Europe - the ancient Roman legionnaires brought it with them to most countries, where the classics quickly transformed from a serious educational activity into children's entertainment.

The great popularity of the “classics” was already indicated by the fact that famous writers mentioned them in their works, such as Francois Rabelais in the novel "Gargantua and Pantagruel". Especially, wrote Cornelius Kilian in 1574, the game was loved by Dutch children. And in the 19th century, the classics reached our country.

As before, it was mostly boys who played hopscotch, and Only by the 1950s did girls begin to actively participate in the game. In each city and even courtyard, the rules could differ significantly. Many variants of the game have appeared: with and without a cue ball, with jumping on one leg or on both, with the classic arrangement of squares and classics of the most bizarre shapes.

I will try to tell you about the most common rules of the classics.

Rules of the game of hopscotch

Hopscotch is best played on asphalt. We draw a small rectangle-grid in a ratio of 2 to 5. You will get 10 squares. We put the class numbers: from 1 to 5 up, and from 6 to 10 down. From the 5th and 6th grades we draw a semicircular arc - this area is painted over and is called “fire” (“swamp”). There are other versions of the classics, when one square alternates with two, for example. Everything is ready, you can play!

Basic rules for playing hopscotch:

  • It is not allowed to step on the lines of the squares.
  • You cannot stomp and move the cue ball in the square. You are allowed to hit it only once in one cell, so that it necessarily flies into the next one.
  • The failed player waits his turn and tries to take the same class again.

Any violation of the rules gives the next player the right to test his strength.

The player begins the game by throwing the cue ball into the first square. Then, jumping on one leg, he uses it to push the cue ball into the second square and jumps behind it to the next square.

In the fifth and sixth squares you can “rest”: stand on both feet, shift, push the cue ball several times, etc.

Having successfully overcome the path of 10 squares, the player moves to the next class and throws the cue ball into the second square.

It's a shame that the classics - a game with a long history - have disappeared from our backyards, giving way to modern gadgets and solitude at the computer. But, as they say, everything is in your hands! You can easily bring back the wonderful fun by inviting your friends to play hopscotch. And your mother or grandmother, remembering their happy childhood, will be happy to help you set the rules of the game.