Get involved in the game. Meaning of the word get carried away

  • 29.07.2021

Does an intellectual need to humble his thoughts on the path to God, how to respect human freedom, do heresies exist today, and why not everyone will be saved, patrologist Alexei SIDOROV, professor at the Moscow Theological Academy, argues.

Recently, Harvard Divinity School professor Karen King, in an interview with the author of the Smithsonian magazine, stated that she does not recognize the term "heretical" in principle and is ready to consider the Gnostic sects of the 1st - 4th centuries. like trends in Christianity. Is it fair to say that there were many different denominations in the days of the ancient Christians?

- What attracts in Gnosticism today? Mystic? Beautiful names? Immoralism?

First of all, about immorality or immorality. In Gnosticism, there were sects of both a libertine and a purely ascetic plan, categorically denying everything bodily; the latter, as far as I can tell, were more. But both extremes are alien to Orthodoxy, in the moral teaching of which great attention has always been and is given to the body and the bodily, as a creation of God. At the same time, it is prescribed to treat sin very severely, which, after the fall, was mixed with the carnal principle in man, corrupting at the same time his spiritual principle. Therefore, Orthodox asceticism and Gnostic "hyperasceticism" are not only purely different categories, but also radically opposite.

As for the interest in Gnosticism, today there is indeed an increased interest in this ancient heresy, however, it seems to me, it is noticeable among relatively few and, in general, marginal intellectuals. At one time, I, unfortunately, also paid tribute to this intellectual charms(that is, "over-flattering", lies), having read more than one hundred works in different languages, interpreting various aspects of this heretical movement. I see the main reason for this interest in the fact that the human vain mind, which has lost the main landmark of being as a result of the fall, always wants something “such”, instead of striving for God, it is carried away by the “whirling of thoughts”, which gave rise to ancient Gnosticism. But the same “whirling of thoughts” captivates modern man: he gladly indulges himself in the “bead game”. You can play this game all your life, but it completely obscures the main question of our earthly and quickly transient earthly life: how to be saved? And if we do not pose such a question and do not give an answer to it, then the whole local life is lived in vain by us and loses all its meaning. And the answer to this main question of human life is found only in Orthodoxy, where the unity of "theory" (that is, speculation) and "practice" (that is, moral life) is an unshakable postulate. I do it firmly and on experience I know, because I myself “whirled with thoughts” for a long time.

Christ the triumphant tramples the asp, the basilisk, the lion and the serpent. Gospel cover, ca. 800 years. Oxford, Bodleian Library

What forms should apologetics take today? Should it more “rigidly” assert the Orthodox point of view or, on the contrary, call for dialogue and clarification of positions?

Without apologetics it is impossible for the Church to exist, and Orthodox thinking is always apologetic to some extent. After all, the Orthodox Church has always lived, lives and will live either in an indifferent or hostile world. After all, the Lord Himself said: "Do not be afraid, little flock." There are always very few Orthodox and they are surrounded by the ever-changing sea of ​​life. And how it will change sometimes depends on us: on our apologetics both in life and in word. What matters is the form this apologetics takes. Personally, I do not accept the word "hardness". Of course, heresies and errors must be exposed, but mainly with love and meekness. Naturally, it happens that those who are mistaken stubbornly do not want to deviate from their error, and then it is hardly necessary to "cast pearls before swine." However, if it is possible to turn a person to repentance, that is, to a change in his entire way of life and thinking, then “rigidity” can only do harm. It should always be remembered that adherence to principles and rigidity are different things. Both in history and at the present time there have been and are met, for example, confessors, both strict and affectionate, but both of them are principled, and therefore many are converted to repentance. Likewise, an apologist can be strict or soft, but he must always be principled. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to denounce heresies, both present and past. Although in the strict sense of the word there are almost no "past" heresies: they have a steady tendency to always be reborn, albeit in a somewhat new guise. In particular, the same Gnosticism, which in modern times is being revived in various forms of anthroposophy and theosophy. Origenism is also akin to it (especially the doctrine of "apocatastasis" - the salvation of all), which is trying to be reborn in modern times. The apologist must clearly realize that the new guise of an old heresy does not change its essence in the least.

What books would you recommend to a modern intellectual who is skeptical, and even hostile towards the Church, but who does not know the Church?

Although this is not entirely correct, I would like to answer the question with a question: are there medicines that are suitable for everyone? We do not know through which book the Voice of God will call (if it calls) us. At one time I was inspired to study Christianity by Plotinus, a very refined and "elitist" philosopher, in whom I was actively engaged. Then the book of Father Pavel Florensky "The Pillar and Ground of the Truth" and "Confession" by Blessed Augustine played an important role. All these thinkers are very different, but apparently for some reason it was through them that it was necessary to convert me to Orthodoxy. And another person can be led to the only Truth by a very simple book: he will reveal, for example, the "Law of God" - and his life will change. The main thing is that a person - whether an intellectual, or "not very intellectual" - would sincerely seek this Truth; even if he errs, the Lord will lead him to the right path. The books you need will come. And if he does not seek, but simply admires his intellect and therefore questions everything, then this is the case about which the Lord said: “Let the dead bury their dead.” Every person has a great gift of God - free will. And if the Lord respects her and does not step over human freedom, then all the more we must respect her in every possible way.

get carried away

get carried away, get carried away, get carried away, past. carried away, carried away by owls. (to get involved), by whom and without additional.

    Feeling sympathy, desire, wholly, passionately surrender to something. (cause, passion), become an adherent of someone. Where it is a question of the people, there I am ready to get carried away first. Nekrasov. I am ashamed: I was carried away by a militant vagabond in my old age. Pushkin. Get involved in work. Get carried away with chess or playing chess.

    Get busy with something. entirely, without thinking about the other (colloquial). The speaker got carried away and talked for an hour.

    Fall in love with someone. You were carried away by me and you thought that you met your ideal in me. Chekhov.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.

get carried away

Ekus, - you eat, - you eat; - eksya, - eksya; -shock; - drenched; - have a good time; owls.

    who-what. Surrender completely to some. idea, activity, feeling. U. book. U. favorite work.

    by whom. Feel the attraction of the heart, fall in love. W. a beautiful girl.

    nesov. get carried away, -ayes, -ayesh.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Examples of the use of the word get carried away in the literature.

Starting from the 4th grade, I was an excellent student and early got carried away aircraft modeling, participated in many competitions, set a number of All-Union records and even once exceeded the World achievement.

Noticing that the elf is so got carried away, which completely ceased to pay attention to my presence, I carefully lay down on my belly and crawled along the reed beds, trying to get closer to the scoundrel.

Amankul and horsemen got carried away conversations that they did not notice how akyn Nurym entered the yurt.

I, for example, got carried away aerobic and anaerobic metabolism of the muscular system of the thoroughbred horse.

Garner and Andersen got carried away playing on the screen external review: The scattered dots in the rectangle had to be connected with lines.

He got excited, waved his arms, and Art remained calm, not allowing himself to relax for a moment and get carried away fight.

Essentially, he is got carried away organization of the legal punishment of Ferrant in the next world, who preferred to watch over his afterlife and leave Lilea for the time being in the seething storm.

A few days later, Balthasar Claes was looking for the hand of twenty-five-year-old Josephine Temninck, whom he immediately got carried away.

All these laws of social development were in effect in the Nikolaev era, and by virtue of their action, the youth of the Nikolaev era got carried away second-rate, false ideas, the ancestor of which was Voltairianism and Freemasonry, and did not become ideological heir treasures left by Pushkin, Gogol and the Slavophiles.

I know that you have renounced your homeland And you mention the king in vain, You are easy money got carried away You trade in piracy and robbery.

Tyko Vylko got carried away hunting and, as he later admitted, did not even think about loading the rifle in time.

He fought splendidly and put the enemy to flight, but too got carried away persecution and this inappropriate ambition ruined the victory, for Demetrius himself, having returned, was no longer able to connect with the infantry - in the meantime, the enemy elephants managed to block his path - and the phalanx was left without cover, which, of course, did not hide from the gaze of Seleucus, who, however, he did not attack the infantrymen, but only pressed them, threatening to attack and, as it were, urging them to go over to his side.

This time, dinner at Ryzhy’s house took place a little later than usual and, being a dinner in form, in essence it was more like a dinner: the hospitable host himself lingered in the state field, it was almost impossible to get the baroness out of her favorite ancient repository, and the major got carried away the development of a new tsar-city defense concept that he completely forgot about lunch.

Thinking about this and that, Zubrilka is so got carried away with her thoughts that she stumbled and almost flew off the cliff into the water.

Perhaps he got carried away and I forgot about everything, or maybe I realized: I will later remember that he advised me to take up Jim Iber already when Iber was out of reach, which he, it turns out, did not know at that moment.

The older generation does not get tired of scolding virtual games. Most adults believe that this is "only a waste of time and damage to the eyesight." Some parents are sure that computer entertainment (or those games that are created for consoles) spoil both schoolchildren and students. At the same time, few people ask children about what they play and why. In the minds of the ignorant, games are equivalent to three concepts: shooting games, blood and pornography. Only it's not like that at all. Gamer Svetlana Ostanina told Life about the benefits of immersion in virtual reality, combining study and play, as well as learning through eSports.

About increasing the level of knowledge of a foreign language

For those who are serious about gaming, standardized versions not interesting. No matter how high-quality and detailed the translation of the characters' lines may be, it does not always convey all the lexical shades of their speech, and more importantly, we do not hear the original voice acting. The creators of the game make sure that the voices of the characters are worked out. That is, for example, the guard had a rough voice, and the sorceress had a high and imperious one. Russian voice acting is inferior, especially pirated.

It is important for gamers to be completely immersed in the game, especially when it comes to such legendary games, such as, The Elder Scrolls ( cycle the most popular games in the fantasy style under the common Russian name "Chronicles of Tamriel", including Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim. - Approx. Life) or Diablo ( one of the most famous games company Blizzard Entertainment, in which the main character needs to fight demons. - Approx. Life).

My fluent English is in many ways my love for computer games. Fantasy games not only allow you to learn English thanks to a large number of dialogues, but also learn the translation of rare words, vocabulary that is not taught in universities. For example, thanks to Morrowind, I learned that "priest" is priest, "spell" is spell, "staff" is staff, "heather" is heather, "warlock" is warlock, "pick" is pickaxe, and "slayer" is drainheart .

At first, when the level of foreign was not high enough, I chose games on English language, but with Russian subtitles. Probably one of my favorite games at the time (I was 11 years old) was Black and White. It was a god simulation game. There was amazing voice acting: British English, beautiful voices that "chew" the words.

It’s very cool when you don’t learn anything, but willy-nilly remember a huge number of words, some expressions. And everything is easily stored in memory, because you go through the same level several times, and besides, you want to understand the characters of your favorite game, to know what the story is about.

On the development of reaction and attention

Separate conversation - shooters ( shooters among the people. - Approx. Life). They develop the reaction of a person, his attentiveness. To complete a level or kill an enemy in the same Counter strike:Global Offense( team game in a counter-terrorist operation. - Approx. Life) should be observant. It's just that almost any player is annoyed to "hang" in one location for several tens of hours: you have to take your time, look around. You need to collect yourself somehow. It may sound funny, but games have taught me a perseverance that I didn't have before.

In general, in my opinion, the way a child plays shows his philosophy. If after the first few failures (or even after the first one) he deletes the game or gives up the mouse, joystick and decides in anger not to play anymore, then this indicates his inability to overcome problems. After all, even such a trifle infuriates a person. The main thing is that the student does not turn out to be a gamer. Parents need to distinguish the disease from the normal desire for everyone to relax from school.

About time management and motivation

I have been fond of computer games since school, and there has always been a question of how to devote more time to entertainment, but not to the detriment of study and some household chores. Our parents never scolded me or my friends (also fans of e-sports and games "for one"), because first we did all our business, and then we sat down to play. At the same time, the desire for virtual games was so strong that we not only completed our homework with high quality, but also quickly. Favorite virtual space is a huge motivation to finish boring things faster, especially for a child.

The same was true at the university. It was especially important to properly organize my time when I started playing eSports. League of Legend players ( an online game in which the players of one team must capture all the towers of the other team. - Approx. Life) with whom I play, they agree on a game at a certain time, and you can’t let anyone down.

About teamwork and the ability to communicate in a team

The most important thing in eSports is not only the skill of the player, but also teamwork, or teamplay. If you want to achieve some result, then you need to help your ally in everything. This is especially evident in League of Legend, since each player has his own role - a support (a character that helps is healing himself and other players, strengthening the abilities of team members, protecting them from enemy attacks), AD (or shooter, the main a fighter whose abilities inflict the most "human" damage to enemies with weapons and in hand-to-hand combat), AP (a battle mage who deals high damage with magical abilities), a tank (a character who has strong armor and a large percentage of health, due to which he is the main attacker or the initiator of fights) and the jungler (a hero who helps his team to perform mass killings of enemies, however most time is located in a territory remote from the rest of the team members). It is very important to be able to correctly negotiate with strangers, since each player believes that the tactics proposed and familiar to him are the most correct, however, teamplay implies that a person must be able to adapt to others in the name of common victory. The game taught me patience and also expanded my circle of acquaintances. Some help me in real life both at work and in my studies.

Experts: games help in learning English. And that's it

English First school manager and English teacher Anastasia Melnikova:

Indeed, children who play computer games have a larger vocabulary than their peers. They are also better able to build phrases - they memorize something completely from games, something is purely intuitive. This is auditory memory. Also in English, pronunciation, intonation, with which children ask questions, is important. Virtual reality also helps them in this.

You can also positively assess the vocabulary that children learn while playing: in an average school, students will not be told how to say “gnome”, “trident” or, for example, “curse” in English. Another question is that children can also pick up jargon, but there are enough of them in the Russian language. You can't follow everything.

President of the All-Russian Fund "Education" Sergey Komkov:

It has been proven time and again that life in virtual world negatively affects the personality of the child. The computer should be "dosed", and games are desirable only developing, without aggression. Today in US schools in almost all states there is a position - an Internet nanny who, during breaks and after school, keeps an eye on what children play.

The way the child focuses in the game is not projected onto his real life. Attentiveness is not developed by computer games - on the contrary, when a child concentrated on a virtual task suddenly loses the game - parents say that you need to turn off the computer - then the student starts hysterical, in reality he does not have the proper motivation to follow the "details", as in Game. The worst thing is that the computer acts as a drug, because of which children in the USA come to schools with guns and shoot their classmates.

Modern youth every day is more and more interested in computer games and game consoles. Everyone has their own reasons for this. Some want to show off their keyboard skills in front of their classmates and friends. Others try to assert themselves in this way. The third lacks impressions, and games allow at least a virtual look at something new. Fourth, while playing computer games, they want to acquire skills and abilities that can be useful to them in life. And for the fifth, it turned into a real mania: as soon as another new product appears, the gamer will not calm down until he passes it. But why? "Easy Useful" will help you figure it out.

Are there any benefits of playing computer games?

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. There is an opinion that computer games develop reaction and fine motor skills. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. The only thing a player can learn is to accurately hit the keys without looking at the keyboard or gamepad (remote for the game). However, only developers, and even people who are engaged in public play for money - the so-called "let-players" and "streamers" derive practical benefit from their hobby.

The time has passed when fashion game you could copy from a friend to your disk or download a pirated version on the Internet. Today, in this way, you can get only the most simple games or outdated versions. To protect themselves from cyberpirates, developers put up their freshly advertised creations for sale on major trading floors gaming industry- such as Steam, GOG and some others. It is enough for a company to spend money on good anti-hacker protection - and thousands of players, deprived of pirated versions, will go to buy a new product.

Here is another way for manufacturers to make money: you can add a store to the game, where the player gets access to various closed features for virtual money gameplay. These can be additional artifacts, new locations, or so-called skins - design options. If there is not enough in-game currency, a gamer can buy an additional one by paying quite real rubles.

In addition to manufacturers, professional players earn money on games. The "letters" pass various games by popular demand of the audience and shoot it on video. "Streamers" do the same, but at the same time, they communicate with their viewers directly during the process, as if they are reporting. In both cases, viewers are unobtrusively invited to support the player financially (in slang - “donate”, from the English donate - donate money), and in return he will release more videos. Sometimes letsplayers and streamers enter into a contract with developers and play games for promotional purposes in order to increase their popularity.

There is a myth that the average player can also benefit by playing, for example, in an online casino. Alas, for the most part, such establishments, like real casinos, only lure money from a gullible person, after which they block access to the site under one pretext or another.

Games and mental disorders

There are hundreds of thousands of "toys" on the market. Some of them - logical or attentive - do not harm the players if they do not spend long hours at the screen. Many games, on the contrary, develop the logical thinking and horizons of the player. There are games that do not increase a person's knowledge, but help in the development of imaginative thinking, teach you to focus on the little things.

Unfortunately, many people, especially teenagers and young people, often find such games boring and ask for spectacular spectacles, speed, and shooting. Not everyone will like to perform the same actions, putting together a puzzle. Because of this, various kinds of horrors (from the English horror - horror), shooters (from the English shoot - to shoot) and thrillers (from the English thrill - trembling, awe) are born - video games, the plot of which is designed to put pressure on the player's psyche as much as possible.

Many young people will chuckle skeptically: they have heard the rumors that "shooters" turn people into serial killers more than once, but they refuse to believe it. Indeed, a psychologically stable, prosperous, sane person has terrible and bloody games will not cause desire to go to kill people. However, there are many people at risk in society: disadvantaged, victims of violence, people suffering from nervous and mental illnesses. They have carnage on the screen can provoke an aggravation, and the consequences can be dire.

Games take time

Even for mentally healthy people, computer games pose a number of non-obvious threats. Let's give an example from real life: a person often plays a network "toy" (an online game with the ability to play against real opponents), participates in various virtual events. For activity, he is offered free access to previously hidden opportunities.

The gamer, of course, agrees, after which they send him the conditions of the promotion. Most often they say that a person must win a certain amount of victories within a strictly allotted time. Otherwise, he will be able to try out the update for a certain amount, which is required for the purchase - full or partial. The conditions of the promotion are always harsh: the player is forced to either abandon his idea, or play literally for days on end.

However, not only hardcore gamers are burning hours of life in the online world. Ordinary players also spend a lot of time passing the next level. Even if you play an hour or two a day, it's already 14 hours a week, and 60 a month. It turns out that you give almost three days to the game. It's worth it?

Games with paid content are dangerous

Games with paid content are especially dangerous: even an adult player will not resist the temptation to "pump" his character for a small amount, and there is no need to talk about children. Not wanting to lag behind classmates who have already bought all the best artifacts, a student can spend pocket money or take money from their parents without asking.

However, not every child dares to get into the parent's wallet, but many, as practice shows, willingly agree to the offer of strangers on the Internet to "earn some money." Of course, such offers come from intruders, and the income is to make "bookmarks" (hiding places) with prohibited substances or send naked photos of yourself. When such outrageous cases come to light, parents are amazed to the core that their quiet straight-A student or sportswoman agreed to such a monstrous salary in order to buy virtual nonsense in the game.

How to get rid of gambling addiction

If you feel that your passion for computer games is turning into an addiction, try to break this vicious circle at the first dangerous signs. As soon as the games lose their attraction for you, you can return to them again, but already as a winner. They have lost power over you, now you and only you are the master of your life.

What is the root cause of morbid passion for computer games? Most often, a person is fond of them in such cases:

  • when bored;
  • with a lack of communication;
  • with the inability or unwillingness to build normal relationships.

In the first case, a sharp rejection of games will help. Other hobbies, sometimes completely unexpected, can fill the resulting void. Are you so passionate about the game that you began to perceive its characters as real people? Perfectly! What happened to them after you left? Take a thick notebook and a pen (for this period it is very important to generally minimize the use of any technical devices) and sketch out the plot. Oh, this is already interesting! Well, let's add some details... "Look, I didn't even know they could do something like this..." After a while, you will have in your hands a unique fan fiction (fan's work based on a book or game), incomparably more exciting than any game.

In the second case, there is only one cure - to find friends and a new social circle outside the world of games. Today there are many interest groups in social networks, yes and in real world. It will be useful to sign up for training, dancing, right-brain painting classes or a programming circle. All these classes are held for both adults and children, so they will be useful for former gamers of any age. Spend more time with family and friends, and even better - become a volunteer and help people and animals in trouble. Once you feel that you are needed in the real world, you will no longer want to return to the virtual one.

In the third case, to get rid of addiction to games, you will need a good psychologist and a change of team. It is a long and, no doubt, difficult process, at the end of which you will be surprised at the changes that have taken place in you.

Why is the game so attractive? In it, you can always press pause, go through an unsuccessful episode again, and if all else fails, remove the hated disk out of sight. The habit of playing freedom often leads to the fact that real life seems too complicated, and the person closes in the game world. Do not be afraid to go to a psychologist: it does not label you as mentally ill. A competent specialist will help you during conversations, therapeutic tasks and, by the way, games, but not computer games, to regain self-confidence and interest in life.