Games played with joy. The game of joy from the girl polliana

  • 04.02.2021

"You just need to open the shell, and inside it is kindness"

There is such "A game of joy." The Glad Game. It was invented by a children's writer Elinor Porter... And she gave it to her heroine Polianna. The book about this girl was written more than 100 years ago, was filmed more than once, and quite successfully, and is still popular, including in Russia.
Polianna is a girl with an unhappy childhood who feels happy. She lost her parents, lives with an evil aunt, whom she is only a burden. In a closet in a bare-walled attic. And nobody loves her.
But instead of living according to the scenario of the unfortunate Cinderella, obediently tolerating her lot, and dejectedly, but quickly working, instead of waiting for the pumpkin to suddenly turn into a carriage - instead of all these scenarios familiar to unfortunate girls, Polyanna chooses her own. Paradoxical.
She takes all her misfortunes with sincere ... delight. Like a roller coaster in a water park. All her troubles are nothing to her. That is, for pleasure. She does not suffer, but, on the contrary, radiates light. And changes the world around him.

She just has the very game that her deceased father taught her. A game of joy.
The point of the game is to find the positive side of any event, including the seemingly unfavorable event. For example, her aunt punishes Pollyanna for not showing up on time for dinner.
"You will have supper in the kitchen with milk and bread," the lady says menacingly.
“Oh, how great, I love milk and bread,” the girl replies sincerely.
"But this is a punishment ..." - objects the aunt, feeling more and more confused. When your threats are not received with fear, they become meaningless.
And Polianne doesn't care what her aunt calls it. Let the punishment, so what. For her, it's delicious food in a relaxed kitchen setting, not a prim dinner at the table.
A cramped dull little room in the attic? Hurray, you can sleep on the roof!
Aunt makes her work? You don't have to follow these instructions! After all, the point is to get joy from life, and not obediently do everything that they want from you and what is considered right.
In general, all the aunt's tediousness, her anger, punishments and moralizing, all the troubles of the world, the girl perceives unexpectedly, in her own way, with inspiration.

How does she do it? Yes, she just knows how to destroy familiar situations! Don't leave stone unturned on them. Deconstruct the familiar. And all this is thanks to her ... ability to admire. She meets her troubles with a strange enthusiasm. It is this way of experiencing reality that explodes this very reality. After all, the word "rapture" comes from the old Slavic "turgati", which means "to tear". (One-root - to dissolve, pluck ...) Well, and the prefix "vos" means up and out. So delight is when you break out into the sky, beyond the boundaries of yourself, the world, the usual idea of \u200b\u200bhow it all works. This is a real explosion. An explosion of habitual reactions, an explosion of other people's expectations, an explosion of established stereotypes.
Don't you like Monday morning? So, on Pollyanna's advice, you should be more happy about Monday than the rest of the day! Because a whole week will pass before the next hateful morning comes.

Gradually, Pollyanna's play melts the ice in the hearts of the most diverse inhabitants of the town. The grouch stops grumbling. Indeed, for Polianna, grumbling does not cause any disgust, but is even perceived with sympathy. And it blows up the world of grumbling. Feeling accepted and understood for the first time, the grouch is "healed."
What we are so afraid to see inside ourselves is magically transformed when someone looks at it with you in a friendly and calm manner.
In other words, the game helps Pollyana to see people in depth. Feel the soul in them.
"Won't your aunt get angry?" - they ask her.

“He'll be angry, but only on the outside,” says Pollyanna.
"Yes, she's all evil through and through!"
"You just need to open the shell, and inside it is kindness."
We cannot get rid of our "shortcomings" precisely because we consider them to be shortcomings. And then we find ourselves as if bewitched by them. But if we manage to look at them without negativity, with compassion and love, if we can see their charm, their usefulness, their forgotten meaning - they unfold to us from an unexpected side. And they lose their "evil" spell. Similarly, in a fairy tale, a frog turns into a princess after a kiss.
An amazing ability to play joy helps Pollyanna understand the essence of a variety of people. And even the evil witch-aunt, whose face, it seems, never knew a smile, and whose soul - forgiveness. “She doesn't like being seen beautiful,” the girl says about her with sympathy. And she unexpectedly agrees to loose her curls. And suddenly it becomes softer. And - more human.

But beware: there is a danger of misunderstanding the essence of the Game of Joy. Glad Game. - does not mean to engage in self-deception and try to force yourself to believe in something that does not exist. All this imitation of happiness. Technology, how to be happy. Self-fulfilling prophecies delivered to the conveyor belt. Misleading affirmations. The mood for splendor and positive. Such a charm. All this is not about that. And it can lead to a severe crisis. Polianna's secret is different.
No, playing joy means seeing the REAL good in what we used to think is bad. After all, more often than not we are unhappy precisely because we are used to being unhappy. And we are afraid to become happier, because this is unusual for us. But we cannot admit this to ourselves, because it will turn our familiar world upside down. Or rather, from head to foot. In other words, it will blow it up.
And perhaps most importantly, learning to be enthusiastic with all your heart takes a difficult experience. To do this, you have to go through a lot - to learn how to play just like that. Something has to get sick badly, and then come off. Break through. Abroad. Upward.
As James Hillman said, "at some point something else must break through, that laughing look into the depths of the paradox of one's own recklessness, which is characteristic of everyone."

Only those who dare to open up to their sadness can experience true joy. First comes misfortune, and brings pain, acute rejection, disgust, fear ... “No, I don’t want to, I won’t, I don’t need this now. What for? Why me?". I want not to deal with this, to turn away, forget, not to see, not to talk, not to smell. And at the same time, something subtly attracts us there, makes us overcome the negativity, listen. And it turns out that there, in our "NO!" our thirst hides. The thirst to change something, to look at something in a new way, to part with something and find something important instead.
And just there, it is there that our delight is hiding. At some point, you open up to pain and darkness and explode your ideas, as if opening a long-festering wound.

Playing with joy does not mean looking at the world with pink glasses. It is to take it as it is. And through pain, darkness, fear, hatred, anger to be able to see the light.
This is walking through a dark dense forest, picking flowers and mushrooms, noticing a squirrel flashed by, listening to the singing of birds. And not to pretend that there is no forest, as if you are in the Garden of Eden.
It is to open up to what comes in life. And creatively transform your reality, sincerely experiencing it.
And everyone will have their own way - how to break through the darkness. Own and unique Game of Joy.

By the way, Polianna became the heroine of not only the famous children's novel and films, but also scientific works. In 1978, psychologists M argaret Matlin and David Stang first described one phenomenon of the human psyche and called it the Polianna principle. They proved that at the unconscious level, a person more easily assimilates precisely the positive aspects of the information received. So to see the good is inherent in human nature.
The paradox of this phenomenon is also that on the conscious level, on the contrary, we more easily perceive the negative. This is our defensive reaction, a skill formed in the process of evolution. Imagine only our distant ancestors naked, in a deep forest full of different creatures, among giant dinosaurs and saber-toothed tigers.
But protection is protection, and our nature cannot be taken away from us. The trap is that when we ignore our soulfulness, depth, authenticity, we rely only on the fear of tigers. To hate lizards. Waiting for dangers. On the negative, considering it unconditionally significant. And we form our script from it.
But in the depths of the soul lies another knowledge. About happiness. The fact that the joy in our life is already here. Inside. This is something that seeks to incarnate in us. A game of joy. And shouldn't you be especially attentive to this deep need.

Svetlana Gamzaeva, psychologist, Nizhny Novgorod, #spice-souls

My house with a front garden! How you scared me, Miss Pollyanna! - gasping from running, said Nancy, finally reaching the top of a large rock.

Scared? asked Pollyanna, obviously reluctant to go downstairs. “Forgive me, please, but I didn't mean to scare you. True, dad and Women's Help were also scared at first when I did something like that, but then they got used to it. They realized that everything was always fine with me, and no longer worried.

But I didn't even know you were gone, ”Nancy said; she took her hand tighter, fearing that the girl would disappear somewhere again. “You see,” she continued, quickly descending the mountain, “I didn’t see how you left. And it seemed to me that you flew through the roof. That's how it seemed to me. It seemed so, ”she muttered several times.

Pollyanna jumped for joy.

And I did just that! she exclaimed proudly. - Only I flew not up, but down. I went down the tree.

Nancy was dumbfounded.

What have you done? she asked.

I went down the tree that grows near my window.

Ah, you are my stockings, pantaloons! Nancy threw up her hands. - Gee! She hurried forward again.

I wish I could hear what your aunt, Miss Pollyanna, would have to say about that.

Would you really like to? Pollyanna answered readily. - Well, then let me tell her everything as soon as we get home. So you will hear what she has to say to me.

What are you doing! Nancy exclaimed. - No, no, I beg you, don't do it.

Do you think Aunt Polly won't like this? asked Pollyanna, clearly upset at this turn of the matter.

No, that is, yes, - Nancy hesitated, - the fact is that I was joking. You see, I really don't want to know what your aunt has to say about that.

Nancy felt ashamed: she herself had decided, as best she could, not to give Pollyanna an offense.

We need to hurry, ”she tried to translate the conversation. - I still have to wash the dishes.

I'll help you, ”Pollyanna suggested immediately.

Well, what are you, Miss Pollyanna! - Nancy was confused.

They walked in silence for a while. The sun went down and the sky began to darken rapidly. Pollyanna hugged Nancy tighter.

You know, it seems to me that I'm still glad that you were a little scared. Because otherwise you would not have come for me.

And Pollyanna shrugged her shoulders chilly - she was very afraid to walk alone in the dark.

My lamb! My poor thing! Nancy screamed. “You’re probably hungry! I'm afraid I won't be able to please you with anything today. For dinner there is nothing for you but bread and milk, and you will have to eat with me in the kitchen. And all because your aunt got angry when you didn't come to dinner on time.

But I couldn't come. I was here!

Right. But she didn’t know about it, ”Nancy rightly remarked, who had a great deal of work to keep from laughing. - Of course, this is not a reason to force you to eat bread and milk. What a pity that everything turned out this way!

I'm not sorry. I'm glad.

Glad? What are you glad about?

I love bread and milk, and it will be very pleasant for me to eat with you. You see, it's not at all difficult for me to rejoice.

Well, I don't think you find it hard to be happy about anything, ”muttered Nancy, completely stunned, remembering how Pollyanna had tried to love her attic room.

Pollyanna laughed softly.

This is the whole difficulty of our game.

Well yes. Games to rejoice all the time.

Are you okay? Nancy asked grumpily.

Sure. It's just such a game. My dad taught me how to play it, and it's very cool, ”said Pollyanna. - We started playing it when I was still very little. Then I told about our game in Women's Help, and they also started playing. Well, not all, but some.

How is it? I, of course, not a master at all sorts of games, but still tell me. I have never heard of a game of joy.

Pollyanna laughed, then sighed, and her thin face grew sad.

It started when we got crutches among the donations, ”she solemnly said.


Yes. Then I really wanted a doll, so dad asked the woman who collected donations. And that lady replied that no one donated dolls, so instead of a doll she sends small crutches. She wrote that they can also come in handy.

Well, I don’t see anything funny yet, ”Nancy said. - What is this game, just some kind of stupidity.

You don’t understand. Our game was to rejoice, despite the fact that there seems to be nothing to rejoice. So we started with these crutches.

My house with a front garden! How can you be happy when you are waiting for a doll, and they send you crutches!

Pollyanna even clapped her hands for joy.

Can! You can rejoice! Can! Can! she exclaimed. - I, too, at first thought the same as you, - she honestly admitted, - but then dad explained everything to me.

Can you share, show mercy? - Nancy asked offended, because it seemed to her that the girl was just laughing at her.

But listen further, - as if nothing had happened, Pollyanna began to explain, - that is why we should be glad that I don’t need crutches! That's the whole trick! - She finished with a victorious look. - You just need to know how to approach this, and then it is not so difficult to play.

It's just nonsense! Nancy muttered and looked anxiously at Pollyanna.

Not nonsense, but a very clever game, ”she protested fervently. - Since then, dad and I played it all the time. That's just ... Only ... Still, it is sometimes very difficult to play it. For example, when your father leaves for a better world and you have no one left but Women's Help.

That's it! Nancy supported her eagerly. - And when your beloved relative stuffs you into a closet in the attic, in which there is not even decent furniture.

Pollyanna sighed heavily.

Actually, I was upset at first, ”she admitted. - Especially because I was very lonely. And then, I so wanted to live among all these beautiful things ... You know, Nancy, I suddenly felt that I just couldn't play my game. But then I remembered that I hated looking at my freckles, and was immediately glad that I did not have a mirror. Well, when I looked out the window, and I liked the view from it so much ... And it became really good. You see, Nancy, when you are looking for something to be happy about, you somehow think less about everything else. This is the same as with the doll.

Tears rose to Nancy's throat, and she could only chuckle in response.

I usually don't have to spend too much time on this. And sometimes it just happens by itself. After all, I've been playing this game for so many years, and I've trained well. But still, the more I play, the more I get carried away. Pa ... - her voice trembled, - dad also loved to play. And now it will probably be harder for me. After all, there is no dad, and it's not so easy to play alone. I just hope… ”she hesitated, then blurted out resolutely:“ Maybe Aunt Polly will agree to play with me?

Ah, you are my stockings, pantaloons! Nancy muttered to herself. Then, raising her voice, she turned to the girl:

It seems to me, Miss Pollyanna, that I won't be able to play very well. But still I will try. That's how I'll tell you. I will try. I will try, and so I'll tell you.

ABOUT! Nancy! exclaimed Pollyanna, and wrapped her arms around her neck with all her might. - I'm sure we will succeed! And you think so too, right?

M-maybe, ”Nancy replied hesitantly,“ but you don’t have much hope in me. I'm not very skillful before all these games. But I will try to try. That's how I'll tell you: I'll try. And you will still have someone to play with. There will be someone to play with, that's how I'll tell you, ”she concluded as they crossed the threshold of the kitchen.

After Pollyanna had enjoyed her supper of bread and milk, Nancy told her to stop by her aunt. The girl obediently went into the living room. Aunt Polly was sitting with a book in her hands. Noticing her niece, she gave up reading and looked at her coldly.

Have you had your supper yet, Pollyanna?

Yes, Aunt Polly.

I'm sorry, Pollyanna, that it all turned out like this. Of course, I didn't want to force you to eat bread and milk on the first day.

That you, aunt, I am very glad. I love bread and milk and I really like Nancy. We had such a good dinner together.

Aunt Polly sat bolt upright in her chair.

You must go to bed, Pollyanna. You have had a difficult day today. Tomorrow we will draw up a schedule with you, and at the same time find out what you need to buy clothes. Now go to Nancy and ask her for a candle. Just look, be careful with the candle. Breakfast at half past seven. I hope you will try and make it to the table. Well, good night.

Pollyanna went up to her aunt and hugged her as tenderly as if she had known her all her life.

How good it is for me! she exclaimed quietly, and she looked completely happy. I know it will be very good for me to live with you. I knew this already when I was driving to you.

She turned and walked to the door.

Good night, aunt, ”she said, leaving the living room.

Y-yes, ”Miss Polly drawled thoughtfully as the door closed behind her niece. - Yes, it's just an extraordinary child.

She stared gloomily into the corner.

You see, she is glad that I punished her and left her without supper, ”Miss Polly continued in a quiet conversation with herself,“ and she asks me not to worry about this. And she will be good to live with me. Miracles, and more! Miss Polly wondered, and began reading again.

A quarter of an hour later, in a small closet in the attic, a lonely girl lay with her face buried in a pillow, and her body shook with silent sobs.

Oh, daddy, she whispered through her tears. - Now I can’t play our game at all. I can't at all. But I'm afraid even you could not tell me what to be happy about when you sleep in a dark, scary room, and still completely alone. Oh, if only I was just a little closer to Nancy, or to Aunt Polly, or at least to someone from Women's Aid! Then, probably, I could be happy.

Nancy at this time downstairs was cleaning the dishes.

If I play this stupid game of having fun with crutches instead of a doll, ”she repeated, ferociously scraping the milkman with a brush,“ if I play this game, I’ll play it my way. I will try to make the poor baby find support in me. I'll try. I'll try too! That's what I say: I'll try.

The book "Pollyanna" by Eleanor Porter was sent to me by Sergei.
Pollyanna, the main character of the book, teaches us the game of joy. We all know many different games from childhood. But none of us have heard of the game of joy.
The book can change your life for the better, if you want. And if you don't want to, then she will still teach / remind you how to live.
The 11-year-old girl Pollyanna was left an orphan. Her father died, and before him and his mother.
And the girl turned out to be an unusual child, she always finds something good in absolutely any situation. Something to be happy about. So, when she was waiting for a doll as a gift from Women's Help, and received crutches, because the doll was not there, she cried, but her wonderful father taught her to play the game. A game of joy. It turns out that you can rejoice at the crutches you received ... she doesn't need them!
Life is too short. Time flies inexorably, and you shouldn't waste it on resentment and self-pity (oh, how poor and unhappy we are). Most of our problems are far-fetched. And here, indeed, it is worth learning to perceive everything from the other side. "If you cannot change the situation, change your attitude towards it."
We often invent our own problems. Everything is not enough for us, we are always dissatisfied with something. Often a person realizes his happiness only when he loses it. So the girl Polianna writes in her letter that she would never have known such great happiness, just walking on her own two feet, if she had not had an accident.
The book taught me a lot. Now I try to find a lot of advantages even in the most difficult situation. When I can't find something to be happy about, I find support in the fact that "I don't need crutches!" Simply, I am glad that nothing really bad happened. If, of course, you and your family survived.
as Pollyanna made it clear, even in the most difficult and hopeless situations you can find something to rejoice in. No matter how difficult it is for us, there are people who find it much more difficult.
And, in general, the main idea is that one should enjoy the world and try to find good and positive in everything. The idea is relevant now, and will always be relevant. In addition, it is so sorry to waste your life on whims, worries, regrets and anger. It seems to me that many people understand this simple truth, but very few follow these rules. Yes, of course, as Pollyanna says, there are times in life when it’s very difficult to be happy about something. For some reason, people find a lot of bad things in everyday life, even when it’s not so bad.
And all this also applies to myself. It's not that I always see only the bad in everything. Not at all, I quite agree with Pollyanna's principles of life and I really want to succeed in this game. But, in fact, this does not always work out. After all, one must learn not only to find good in everything, even in problems. But learn to absolutely sincerely think of them as something good.
In psychology, a special term "Pollyanna's principle" appeared, which is understood as the unconscious desire of people to see the positive moments of events.
"Positive thinking is when you fell down the stairs and you think: wow ... how quickly I got there!"
This statement fully reflects the essence of the book "Pollyanna". "Life is like that" - you say. I agree, but why complicate it with negative thinking. After this book, you try to see only the advantages in everything and enjoy even the smallest trifles.

Probably few people today have not heard of the book "Pollyanna" by the English writer Eleanor Porter. At least many watched the movie of the same name. The story of an orphan girl who played “joy” with everyone once won me over. By that time, I was convinced from experience how important it is to find a reason for joy in any situation. But I never practiced it as a game. Which is more interesting to play, the more difficult the life situation. And today I revisit this book in order to remember and better understand its rules. After all, the game is so good that you can improve in it and play it with others.

Pollyanna is a very strange child. She is always happy about everything. For any little thing he enthusiastically thanks people, sees the best in them, fulfills their petty requests and constantly shares his joy. “I'm glad” are her favorite words. Although some people are annoyed. For example, a harsh aunt who, after a falling out with her beloved, closed her heart from everyone and became very picky. None of the servants can please aunt. And even to every fly that has flown into the house, she painfully reacts. After all, flies carry dirt ...

But Pollyanna even loves flies. What they carry on their paws seems fantastically interesting to her. And soon those around her begin to adopt her positive outlook on the world. Some earlier, some later. But more often, because Pollyanna presents it to them as a game.

The essence of the joy game is to be happy all the time. Pollyanna, when she was still young, was taught to play by her late father, a priest. Here's how she talks about it:
“It started when we got crutches among donations. I really wanted a doll then. So dad asked the woman who collected donations. And that lady answered that no one donated dolls. Therefore, instead of a doll, he sends small crutches. She wrote that they can also come in handy. Our game was to rejoice, despite the fact that there seems to be nothing to rejoice. So we started with these crutches. Dad explained everything to me. That is why we should be glad that I don’t need crutches. You just need to know how to approach this. And then it won't be so difficult to play. Since then, my dad and I played all the time. "

Gradually, the game of joy becomes a habit for the girl:
“When you are looking for something to be happy about, you somehow think less about everything else. And sometimes it just comes naturally. After all, I've been playing this game for so many years. And my dad also loved to play. "

But right after her father's death, she has a difficult time. And it happens to cry lonely:
“Oh, daddy! Even you could not tell me what to be happy about when you sleep in a dark, scary room. And completely alone. Daddy, I absolutely can't play our game right now. I can’t at all. ”

Therefore, Pollyanna tries to involve her acquaintances in the game:
“There’s no dad. And it's not so easy to play alone. And I just hope, maybe Aunt Polly will agree to play with me? "

Pollyanna passionately dreams of teaching her beloved aunt to play. But for this she herself has to learn to rejoice in adversity. Overcoming trials one after another and helping other people, Pollyanna achieves a dream come true. And the reader discovers the path to mutual happiness.

Here are some examples of the joy game that I took straight from the book.

1. Pollyanna comes to town to visit her own aunt. But instead of her aunt, she is met by the servant Nancy. Pollyanna says to her:
“Actually, I'm glad that she didn't come to meet me. Because so I would have recognized her, but now I do not know her yet. And then now I have you, Nancy ".

2. At the beginning of the settlement in a new house, the girl is very homesick for her deceased parents. But when the maid catches her crying lonely, this is how she explains her tears:
“No, Nancy. It's all myself. I am still terribly unkind and bad. I just don't want to believe that the Lord and the angels need my dad more than me. ".

3. Aunt places Polianna in a closet in the attic. There are many paintings, carpets and mirrors in her house, which the girl dreamed of, but there is absolutely nothing in Pollyanna's room. But here, too, the child finds reasons for joy:
“Actually, I was upset at first. Especially because I was very lonely. And then I so wanted to live among all these beautiful things. You know, Nancy, I suddenly felt that I just couldn't play my game. But then I remembered that I hated looking at my freckles, and immediately was glad that I did not have a mirror. Well, when I looked out the window, and I liked this view from it, I felt very good. "

4. Strict aunt does not miss the opportunity to punish the girl for any violation of the rules. But every time he gets lost, because an unusual child enjoys even punishments. For example, the fact that she was left in the kitchen with a servant to dine on meager food - bread and milk:
“What are you, aunt, I am very glad. I love bread and milk. And I really like Nancy. We dined so well together. "

5. Sometimes the aunt scolds the girl for things about which she was not warned. Such accusations would be offensive. But Pollyanna knows how to painlessly ask forgiveness for them:
“Of course I'm ashamed, Aunt Polly. I just didn't think that it was my duty. I will not open any more windows. "

6. In some cases Pollyanna defends her interests with childlike spontaneity. Tries to negotiate with aunt. For example, when she wants to impose a "duty" on her in the form of the need to do different things (read aloud, play the piano, sew, cook). The girl really wants to fulfill her duties with joy and have free time for her hobbies:
“But Aunt Polly! When will I live? You left me no time at all. Of course, as long as I practice, I will not stop breathing or moving. But this does not mean that I will live. After all, when I sleep, I also breathe. But I don’t live! When I say live, Aunt Polly, I mean I can do what I want to. Well, there, for example, to play on the street. Read to yourself. Climb the rocks. Chatting with Nancy or old Mr. Tom in the garden. That's what I call living, Aunt Polly. And just breathing is not at all that ".

Aunt refuses to relieve Pollyanna of her "debt." But she also finds a way out here:
“No, you can still rejoice. When this debt has already been fulfilled! "

7. All members of the local ward take turns visiting Mrs. Snow who is sick, but no one likes to do it. Mrs. Snow is known for her capriciousness and picky in the brought gifts. But for Pollyanna, this is just an excuse to diversify life:
“That's a funny woman. You know, Nancy, now I want to look at her even more. She is completely different from others! And when people are not alike, it's so interesting! "

8. Mrs. Snow complains of insomnia. But Pollyanna is delighted:
“Oh, Mrs. Snow, how I envy you! I am always terribly sorry to waste time sleeping. After all, instead of sleeping, you can just live. And I am so sorry that the night is wasted. "

9. Despite the presents brought by Pollyanna, the beautiful hair she made on Mrs. Snow's head, the stories about those whose illnesses are even more difficult, and the promise to come often, the sick woman is still sad. After all, she lies in bed all day. And I am sure that there is nothing to rejoice in her position. This is really a tricky task. Pollyanna thought about it for several days. And here is the answer I found:
“I thought that you should be glad that other people are not as bad as you. After all, they are not sick. And they don't lie in bed all day. "

10. Pollyanna's gloomy lonely neighbor broke his leg. The girl took an active part in calling the doctor, and now she visits and tries to cheer him up:
“I just wanted to say that this is not for long. I mean a broken leg. This is not at all what Mrs. Snow has. She will lie in bed all her life. You are not. You will not lie until the doomsday. I think you should be happy about that. And besides, you only broke one leg. Now you can be glad you didn't break both. "

The most difficult thing for Pollyanna to play is when she herself is bedridden with a fracture of both legs. And here all those whom she had previously taught to play her game come to her aid. Without saying a word, they decide that Pollyanna will be glad that they themselves are now happily living. After all, she so dreamed about it. And they take turns coming to her with good news ...

The novel by the American children's writer Eleanor Porter "Pollyanna" was filmed several times, up to a number of television series, enjoying varying success. The novel itself, its heroine and life situations, which are conveyed in the plot, became not only very popular with readers from different countries, but also received a confident cult status. The British film adaptation of the novel, directed by Sarah Harding, turned out to be, if not the best, then certainly one of the contenders for this title, although it would be difficult to spoil the optimistic plot of the book, thanks to its vital simplicity and openness. And, despite the fact that the novel itself was published in 1913, the plot is quite relevant for our time, since the eternal values \u200b\u200bof family, joy, kindness and attention will always be relevant.

After the death of her parents, little Pollyanna moves to the house of her aunt Polly, a strict, self-contained lady who lives, or rather, exists, according to a carefully verified schedule. Polly accepts her niece not out of family feelings, but rather because "it is so accepted", because this is just her duty. And the town in which the girl is to live is rather dull and grumpy, which is especially evident from some of its inhabitants.

In a fairly short time, Pollyanna, thanks to her restlessness and amazing spontaneity, literally revives not only her aunt's house, but the entire village. The girl's father taught her to seek joy in all life situations, and Pollyanna plays this peculiar game herself and teaches others to play.

Thanks to her openness, kindness and naive nature, the girl wins universal love, especially from Mr. Pendleton, an old grump who lives practically as a hermit in his house. Around the middle of the picture, the characters of the characters appear, and we see typical problems familiar to almost everyone. Madame Polly holds in herself a proud grudge against Pollyanna's deceased parents, who were married against the family's opinion, as well as a grudge against the man she is still in love with. The results of ordinary life squabbles between people, unprincipled grievances and useless pride are nullified by a little freckled girl who managed to bring real feelings into the relations of the heroes, which they tried to suppress within themselves.

By the way, in science there is a psychological phenomenon named after the main character of our film, or rather, the book: "Pollyanna's principle." It lies in the fact that people tend to subconsciously perceive exclusively positive information addressed to them, leaving all the negative outside their inner state. It was our heroine who became the prototype for this phenomenon, because Pollyanna taught herself to find joy in any situation, with which she infected everyone around her, returning happiness to their lives.

What does this film teach us?

At first glance, the picture turned out to be an ordinary children's fairy tale about kindness, but in fact, even adults should learn from little Pollyanna. Hardly any of the viewers have not come across the typical "Pendleton" or "Polly" in real life. And is all the so-called proud resentment worth those warm moments of mutual understanding, harmony and love with which you can fill your life? It is possible that the complete absence of negativity in Pollyanna's character looks like a kind of utopia, however, most of us should adopt at least part of this attitude towards life.