Mod for armor from blocks. Block Armor - armor from any blocks

  • 18.08.2020

Block Armor mod for Minecraft 1.12.2 1.11.2 1.10.2 1.9.4 a mod that will allow us to create four parts of our armor, boots, pants, breastplate and helmet, from any type of block, functional or decorative, play. Each of these new armor, as well as protecting against attacks, will provide us with different effects. In addition, we can also use blocks added by other mods as material to create new armor. If you are using a texture pack, the armor design will compensate for the texture pack. All parts of the new armor will be crafted, as always, from the same dungeon, only that instead of using iron, we can use obsidian, Redstone, wood, stone, wool, pumpkins or any other block in the game.

There is a wide range of different mods that are available for minecraft that are going to make the game more enjoyable. However, block, Armor mod is especially interesting because it will help you create different armor. Either way, this is a handy addition that can save you some of the hassle associated with collecting an item. It is available for most extensions. Wasting no more time, let's go ahead and take a look at the specs for this particular mod.

The mod will help you create specific sets of armor. They are crafted from various blocks in the game. Depending on the material of the armor, the sets you create will have different durability, damage, as well as reduction modifiers and abilities.

With the exception of Sugracane, Snow and Emerald Armor, you can craft all other types of armor with the Block Type Armor, which is included in the normal crafting recipe. For example, obsidian armor is made with obsidian, lapis lazuli armor is usually made with lapis lazuli blocks and so on. When it comes to Emerald and Sugarcane, they intend to use a form element. This means you don't need the Emerald Block, but only the Emerald self. The same goes for Sugarcane Armor. In addition, snow armor is crafted using chest plate leather or leather rather than snow blocks.

Block Armor Mod 1.12.2 / 1.11.2 adds sets of armor made from many blocks in game, including blocks from other mods! They have different stats, depending on the block the armor is made from. Some armor sets also have effects when all four pieces of armor are worn. The armor texture also supports resource packs!

With the exception of Sugarcane, Emerald, and Snow armor, all armors are crafted using the armor block type in the standard armor crafting recipe (Lapis armor is made with Lapis Lazuli blocks, Obsidian armor made with obsidian, etc.). Sugarcane and Emerald armor use the item form (i.e. emerald and not emerald block), and Snow uses leather or a leather chestplate in place of some snow blocks.


Additional Mods:

If other mods with blocks are added, there will be armor added for most of those blocks.

Armor Sets:

For each valid block, a full set of armor items (helmet, chestplate, leggings, and boots) will be added. Each item is crafted using the desired block in the shape the armor is normally crafted in, and can be repaired using that block as well.

Animated Textures:

Armor made from blocks with an animated texture will also have an animated texture.

Resource Packs:

The armor textures will change with the block texture when a resource pack is added.

Set Effects:

While wearing at least the number of pieces required for set effects (specified in config), certain armor sets gain special effects and bonuses!

You can easily choose to enable or disable any armor sets or set effects in the config. You can also change settings for the number of pieces required for set effects, whether or not set effects use durability, etc.


The Block armor mod gives you the ability to create armor from almost any block in Minecraft. Here, the armor is crafted in the same way as the standard one, only you now have a much larger choice of materials for its manufacture.

But this block armor carries not only a purely aesthetic meaning, but it can give the player some boosts and useful effects. For example, any armor made from vegetation (grass, trees, cacti) will gradually restore its durability.

The glowing blocks will generate light around you. This property of armor is very useful at night or deep in caves, so as not to carry a bunch of torches with you.

Glass block armor will give you the invisibility effect.

But even in battle, some samples of armor will help you. Quartz will give an increase in speed and strength, and armor from Hellstone will set fire to enemies during combat, after your blows, or when they hit you.