Assassin's Creed 4 black flag walkthrough. Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

  • 02.05.2020
Now you need to go to sea and capture two brigs. So you can gain popularity among enemies. Also, do not miss the opportunity to clean the holds, because you can take about 30 kg of sugar from them. As soon as the level of popularity increases, you will get the vessel Hunter. It is worth noting that it is not difficult to find it on the map, because it is marked with an icon. Hurry up to board this ship. Then in the passage of the game Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag you should go to the bank and bribe the local official. Now start improving the ship with the "cannon volley" option. After that, the task will be considered successfully completed.

Flashback 5: Sugar Cane and Income

Climb onto the ship and sail to Andreas Island. Go to the park located in the southern part of the island. Climb up and approach the corpse. Search it and get the treasure map. Then you can go to the sunken ship and inspect its hull. So you will have two treasures. Head along the western beach and look for another treasure. Then move to the east, carefully looking around to pick up a bottle with a message. Go further just be careful, because now you will be attacked by two guards. Kill them and take the treasure and the manuscript for yourself. Head to the northern part of the location and find two more treasures there.

That's it, you won't find more jewelry on this island, so chat with James Kidd and follow him. Once in the green zone, activate Eagle Vision and look for the target. It is worth noting that hiding in tall grass, you can safely follow the opponents until you overtake the exclusion zone. Go around it and hide until an enemy appears.

AT further passage Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag games, as soon as the agent appears, follow him to the ship. You will end up near Cat Island. Run to the beach to eavesdrop on the agent's conversation with the unknown. When you see two opponents, run into the tall grass and hide there so you can sneak up on them.After one of them takes the key and walks away, quickly run to the tower where the bell is located.There are two guards near it.Kill them and take the key.You can go to the next tower and kill the drunken guard Try not to catch the eye of the captain, and then make every effort to kill him.

This completes the additional quest. You can pick up two treasures and go to the warehouse. From now on, warehouses will bring you profit and improvements during the game.

Flashback: Self Defense

I advise you to purchase the upgrade for heavy shooting, because this is the only way you can go through the rest additional missions. Set a course for the Salt, towards the lagoon, and drop anchor on the east coast. Then look around and find a suitable point for synchronization. It will contribute to the search for treasure in the southern location. Head north and look around for more treasures. When you find yourself on the east coast, you will see a corpse there. He has a map. So carefully inspect it and take the find for yourself. Continue through Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag and find Blackbird, who is now walking along the beach. After talking with him, you can proceed to the next task.

Head to the indicated place, and from it, to the northeastern part. Take out the spyglass and use it to find the right vessel. I advise you to wait until the ship is alone, and only after that attack the enemy. Use cannons and let it sink to the bottom. At that moment, when the first enemy is neutralized, eight schooners will immediately appear. Wait until each of them is in close proximity to each other in order to sink two ships at once with heavy fire.

Flashback 7: Lonely Psycho

Find the exclamation point marker and walk towards it when you get off the coast of Great Iguana Island. Now, in the passage of the game Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, you need to move without turning anywhere. As soon as you step on the bridge, it will begin to collapse. Run across to the opposite side and find a passage in the wall. Climb through it and find the treasure.

Go outside and move through the ruins, straight to the jungle. You can immediately fall into the grass and crawl towards the two guards. Eliminate them and move on. When you kill another guard, you can crawl under a fallen tree. Then you can move to the north, along the way putting the treasures found in your pockets. Sooner or later you will find yourself in a village. Go into it and notice the guard standing near the nearest building. Whistle to attract him, then eliminate him. Then you can destroy the second guard. Hide and wait until the last of the enemies appears, quickly run up to the gunpowder keg and set it on fire. Then you can return to the beach.

Our days

Approach Melanie and follow her into the elevator. Once in Olvier's office, watch the video and go down to where you see the marker. Then, in the passage of the game Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, you can go to the computer and hack it. Since he is not alone in this room, hack the other two as well. After you finish downloading important files, return to the game.

Episode IV

Flashback 1: Old Bay Approach Kid and go through the forest with him. Walk until you are near the Mayan stele. Climb up and get her active. Now you need to align the square and circle to open the passage. You can pick up the treasure and follow Kidd. Follow him until you reach the treasure chest. Search it and get the keys of the Templars in order to continue the robbery with their help. Follow Kidd again to complete the mission in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. From now on, the Great Iguana location will become your base, which can be updated and improved.

Merry Havana

Havana, Cuba. July 1715 Exercise: Edward, disguised as the assassin Duncan Walpole, follows Steed in search of a place where he can stay before his risky meeting with the governor. Secondary task: Grab a pickpocket. Escape the fight by throwing smoke bombs. On the way to the tavern, look into the trading shop and buy a few blades - for this moment we are interested in English broadswords. The trading process itself is quite simple. Choose the type of purchase - Blades - then go to the overview of items and get acquainted with their characteristics - at the end, choose and confirm the purchase.

After a successful deal, climb to the very top of the nearest church and synchronize. All treasures available within the radius, trading shops, guild tasks, etc. will appear on the map. After that, take a leap of faith into a haystack and run to the rescue of your unlucky comrade. The pickpocket will be quite nimble, so I advise you to immediately start the pursuit. To perform 100% synchronization, you should not kill him, but you need to catch and pick pockets. To catch the thief, you must press the button in time "E" (being about two or three meters away from him) to knock him down and be sure to kick him once with your feet "LKM". After this simple procedure, feel free to clean your pockets while holding the button "E". If the thief is not kicked in time, then you will have to run after him again and repeat the capture procedure.

After these errands, we return to Steed and go into the tavern. What's a pirate without a good fight? Therefore, we arrange a good thrashing of local regulars to Roma and women. At this stage, we will learn the basics of hand-to-hand combat. There will be several lessons:
1. By pressing "LKM" attack the enemy (press this button several times to perform a combo attack)
2. You can parry by holding the button. "E" with every enemy attack.
3. To grab and throw an opponent, press twice in a row. "E"- once to counterattack, and the second time to grab the scruff of the neck and throw.
4. Use a Combination "E" + "SPACE", to hurt the enemy with his counterattack (this combo can also break through enemy blocks)
5. And in the end, give the enemy a spectacular fatality with a single click of the button "E" and beyond "LKM"- Edward will make a beautiful knockout.

At the end of this difficult battle, the guards will come to separate us. Use smoke bombs - F- to slip away. As soon as the visibility of the pursuers is reduced by the effect of the smoke bomb - hide in haystacks, hide in the vegetation and merge with the crowd to become invisible and get away from the chase. Upon returning to the pier, a battered Steed is waiting for us and sugar was stolen from him ...

What about my sugar?

Exercise: The cards that Edward hoped to sell to Governor Torres fell into the hands of the guards. Find out where they are and bring them back. Secondary task: Find the dancers and distract the guards. Avoid skirmishes. Turn on Eagle Vision (OZ) - "V"- and find the targets we'll be spying on. In this part of UBisoft, it was somewhat modified, which partially made it possible to simplify the pursuit. OZ allows you to notice any details. If it is activated, opponents and animals are highlighted in red, while goals and objectives are highlighted in gold. remember, that OZ not available while running. Also using OZ, you can tag up to 5 enemies just by looking at them. Marked enemies will be visible through walls even when you stop using OZ. The pursuit will take place in three stages. Pick a target in the first step OZ and to go unnoticed, use different shelters - merge with the crowd, hide in haystacks, peep from around the corner, you can also relax on a bench, etc.

At the second stage, we have to sweat a lot, because now we are faced with the task of not being seen anymore, and not falling behind the fleeing guards. As soon as they stop our pursuit enters the third stage, where we will need to eavesdrop on a conversation between them. To complete the mission with 100% synchronization, this is where I advise hire nearby dancers for 150R. Being in their company, no one will be able to detain us.

After the officer proceeds to the protected area, we have to quietly steal the key from him. This can be done in two ways:
1. For the extreme. We climb onto the roof of the building and jump into the haystack, which is located in the courtyard. As soon as the officer turns away from the haystack, approach him closely and hold the button "E" until the indicator with the hand is full, steal the key.
2. The second option is suitable for those who like to watch their victim for a long time. Wait outside until he's out of the red zone and just follow him while calmly searching his pockets.

As soon as you get the key, go towards the fort. To fulfill the condition for 100% synchronization, we will need to penetrate imperceptibly and not get involved in an open fight. Come to the fort from the side where the synchronization point is located on the map. On the outer wall you will see beams, jump along them to the lever that will take us to the right.

Before using it, I advise you to observe the path of the patrol on the mini-map. Wait until he turns away and only then jump on him. If you do get burned a bit, quickly hang off the ledge and wait until he finishes his investigation. Next, continue your route along the beams and ledges on the wall. Calmly run through the ammo room and climb out of the window.

Approximately in the middle of the fortress wall there will be small ledges along which you can climb to the very top. Wait until the patrol goes from us in the opposite direction, climb up the ledge and hide in a haystack with foliage.

From the stack it is very convenient to observe the routes of movement of both guards - the second walks on the roof of a one-story building, where there is a ladder. As soon as both turn away, slip past them and open the treasured door.

We watch a video where we pick up our things and leave in English by jumping into the water from the side of the lighthouse tower.

Mr. Walpole, I presume?

Exercise: In the costume of assassin Duncan Walpole, Edward must deliver cards and an unusual crystal cube to the governor of Havana Secondary task: Complete Rogers' Shooting Challenge. Rob all the Templars. We enter the gate and go up the stairs. We are met on the terrace Woods Rogers and Julien Ducasse who immediately offer us to shoot. Aimed shot from firearms you can simultaneously hold "PKM" to aim and tap once "LKM" to shoot. You can reload the weapon with the button "R". Automatic reloading also exists and can be triggered by firing an empty weapon. In addition to aimed fire, there is the so-called "offhand shot" - you can use it if you simply point the view camera at the target and press the button once F. But the consumption of ammunition with such shooting increases significantly, due to the fact that Edward can start shooting with two hands.

After you hit 6 dummies, immediately go to Rogers, who will give you a task where you will have to hit all the targets in 22 seconds. I advise you not to shoot offhand, but to make aimed shots with our guidance.

Once you're done with the challenge, talk to Ducasse and follow them. Our circus performance will continue... Having received the hidden blades, we will be asked to demonstrate our "Assassin skills" in all its glory.
1. To kill a nearby target, walk up to any dummy and click kill "LKM".
2. Next, climb into a haystack and gently drag away innocently standing next to enemy.
3. Stealth kills can also be done by blending in with a crowd or around a corner. Get between the group of construction workers and kill the nearest mannequin.
4. Show them killing in the air. To do this, climb onto the roof of any building and jump in a deadly speedkill. In order for Edward to jump on the one he needs, the target must be highlighted.
5. And finally... kill an enemy on the run by holding "SHIFT", click once "LKM".

After enthusiastic oohs and aahs, follow them to the veranda, where you will meet Laureano Torres i Ayalom. In the process of receiving further briefing, be sure to complete the conditions for 100% synchronization and pick their pockets (by holding the "E" button by default). You can steal safely and without looking back - they will not notice anything, but it is better, of course, to start doing this as soon as their conversation begins at the table with cards.

The Man Called The Wise Man

Exercise: In anticipation of his reward, Edward is to meet the Templars near the docks. Secondary task: Attack the Sage from above. Use a pistol in combat. The mission is very short. Try not to let the enemy attack Torres and be as active as possible. To fulfill the first condition for 100% synchronization, during combat press F to fire offhand. Pay special attention to the snipers who are standing on the roof - also shoot them with a pistol. After a short hitch, the sage will try to escape from us and we will need to jump on top of him. To do this, at the very beginning of the chase, climb the beams to the very top and guess the moment until he goes down during the chase. Once you are over it, press the button "E" and Edward will jump on him.

Any complaints?

Exercise: Dissatisfied with the size of the reward, Edward decides to infiltrate Torres' camp and rescue the one called the Wise Man. Secondary task: Avoid skirmishes. Kill the guard from the surveillance zone 3 times. To complete a mission with 100% synchronization - it is possible to eliminate opponents quietly, but it is impossible to raise a panic among them. We immediately jump over the fence and proceed to kill the guards from the surveillance zone, in a simple way - from the bushes (out of a haystack a kill won't count). Also, do not forget that the guards have a very musical ear and they will come to our whistle quite quickly. At the first stage, you can immediately drag two into the bushes - we lure the one that patrols and walks in a circle to us with a whistle. His comrade, who stands still, can be dragged without luring into the bushes. As soon as they are dealt with, run across to the left side of the plantation and move past the guard standing next to the hay cart. (if you wish, it can be pulled into hay). Now use eagle vision - "V"- and we determine the keeper of the key - we also call him with a whistle and clean our pockets.

After that, climb the wall and eliminate the patrolling guard in any way - from the bushes or simply pull it off the wall. Further, I advise you to keep all the time to the left edge. On this path, we will come across only one standing alone at the wagon, we lure us with a whistle and kill.

Two paths open up ahead of us - one along the top, the other along the bottom. I do not advise you to go along the top - if a sniper burns you, and he really sees better than everyone else, then you will break your synchronization. Therefore, we take to the left and pass by the hammock. A patrolling guard is on guard behind a locker.

We immediately hide in the bushes and after looking around we run again along the left edge - take it closer to the wall. We climb the tree and jump from the branch into the yard. We watch the video, we get a tambourine.

Silver Fleet

Exercise: Edward, chained in the hold of a Spanish ship, decides that escaping will significantly improve his life. Secondary task: Free 23 pirates. Kill 3 guards around the corner At the very beginning of this mission, we are given the opportunity to fulfill the condition for 100% synchronization. We lure the guards with a whistle and twist around the corner. Adewale will help us in every possible way and take the initiative.

Next, you will be tasked with freeing all the hostages. It is entirely your choice how you will pass - rush into battle or try to go through stealth. But in any case, do not release the hostages until you kill most enemy forces. On this stage I can show how you can go through all the ships without getting involved in an open battle with the enemy.
1. Ship. The three patrolmen closest to us can be killed from around the corner by hiding behind the ship's crates. After that, I advise you to go down from the starboard side and throw another one off the karma.

Next, return to your original place and guess the moment for the distant patrolmen to start moving to the left. Once turned, quickly approach the guards closest to you and kill with hidden blades. After that, without delay, approach those patrolmen and repeat the procedure. Well, do not forget to eliminate the one looking at the top, for this, use a quick climb to the mast.

After these simple operations, free the captive pirates and move on to the next ship.

2. Ship. Climb on the starboard side and pull the guard standing at the edge into the water. After that, wait until the patrolmen pass by you, get out quickly on the deck and following them quietly eliminate them with hidden blades. Next, kill another enemy standing near the steering wheel.

After that, go down from any side of the ship and eliminate the patrolling guard by pulling him into the water. We finish the latter by sneaking up from behind and freeing the hostages. Move on to the next ship.

3. Ship. As soon as you climb the karma, drag the first guard into the water. The second patrols under the very nose, wait until he goes to the right (if you try to kill, when he goes to the left you can be noticed), get out onto the deck and follow him quietly kill. Climb overboard again and fight along the ledges to the next guard standing near the edge.

Next, jump at the helm and make a double kill. After that, I advise you to release the hostages, ignoring the remaining opponents.

4. Ship. I advise you to start again with karma. There are two behind the box with goods - kill from above with a double kill, then immediately run and hide behind the far box. The patrolman will be interested in two corpses - it’s just very good to kill him from around the corner.

A little further away you will see a guard patrolling along his route. You can follow him, hang from the edge of the side and when he returns, drag him into the water. After that, climb onto the canopy-covered boats and perform a double kill in the air. Further, you can safely kill the one who walks on the bow of the ship and finish off the rest with a double speedkill. We climb into the hatch.

We continue to pass the stealth mission. It will not be possible to lure a patrolman with a whistle, therefore, as soon as he turns away from us, run after him and kill him with a hidden blade. The second guard can be dragged around the corner. The third is patrolling two cabins - stand behind the column and guard him from around the corner. You can safely approach the gray ones and kill them with a double kill. Free the last pirates and get out.

The red marker will be our last objective in this mission. Jump onto the rope and perform a speedkill on the captain. Get behind the wheel and try to slip away from the battlefield - head for the green marker, which is a little more than 2km away. Along the way, we will have to survive the invasion of killer waves twice - they can cause huge damage. To survive them safely, turn the ship to them with a nose. If you fail to do so in time, press and hold "SPACE" to order your team to stand up and thereby reduce damage. In addition to the killer waves, there will also be hurricanes, which I strongly advise against getting caught along the way - on the mini-map, pay attention to their affected area - it is highlighted in yellow.

A game Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag - continuation of the famous action series, telling about the ongoing struggle between two secret organizations - the Order of the Templars and the Assassins, which lasted throughout human history. This time, players will visit the Caribbean Sea at the beginning of the eighteenth century - a time when pirates ruled almost completely in this region, organizing their own republic there.

AT Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Knowledge Base all users can get acquainted with valuable information about the game.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Game Tips

Don't lower wanted level

To pump "Daw" you need not only money, but also resources. They are obtained by capturing a ship through boarding, but for this you need to raise fame. Therefore, do not lower the wanted level. Then on your way you will come across pirate hunters with red sails, which will serve as a good source of loot. Then you will be asked to lower the wanted level. Should not be doing that. Even if you are sunk, the metals and resources obtained in this way will remain with you.

Don't forget to sink ships

Everyone wants to move faster in the story. But with a weak ship it will be more difficult or even impossible. Therefore, spend time on piracy and picking up booty when sinking a ship or plundering during boarding. Use the loot to improve the Jackdaw.

Fight multiple opponents, go boarding and repair your ship

A fight with two opponents is already a feat. But the evidence of a true master is the boarding of one of the opponents, the plundering of the captured ship and the repair of his own. And when you are a knovenky, you can finish off the ship of another of the enemies. In addition, during boarding, other ships stop attacking.

Winners are not judged - use guns and smoke grenades

The battles in Black Flag have gone on new level compared to previous games. Therefore, no one cancels honesty and valor, but dirty tricks can also be put on the road. When boarding and health drops to a critical level, throw a smoke bomb. It will help to kill 2-3 enemies at once, even strong ones. Does it look like cheating? Guys, we're pirates, we can.

Reduce the enemy team when boarding

The fewer teams left on the enemy ship, the better for boarding. Before throwing cats, use a swivel gun, it will thin out the enemy team.

Mark as many enemies as you can during stealth

Stealth in Black Flag just got better. Mark enemy patrols to see them through walls. Edward can mark a large number of people, and whenever you enter unknown territory, remember to turn on Eagle Vision. Then you can have fun with the victims from the heart.

Pay attention to additional tasks in missions

Additional tasks in missions are not just bonuses, but subtle hints for passing. If in additional task they write: "Kill some guards from around the corner", - take note that there will be many corners in the task for which you can hide.

“Stay unnoticed” means that the mission can be completed in stealth mode.

Collect as many sea songs as you can

Collecting shanti, or nautical songs, is the most interesting and fun thing that appeared in Black Flag. Find a new song and let the team sing it while working on the Jackdaw. To make the game even more interesting, find out which of the sailors will sing what, who has a good ear and voice, and who is shamelessly out of tune.

Don't spend too much on upgrading your pirate hideout

When Edward gains access to the Pryatian hideout, it will be possible to improve it. Don't waste your money - improvements are mostly cosmetic. The game has where to spend money. When you pump your income substantially, then squander the honestly looted as you please.

Sell ​​rum and sugar

Rum and sugar are the most useless commodity for your leveling. Sell ​​the rum and sugar you get and spend it wisely. Don't forget to sell the sugar and rum. There are two materials in the game that will not be useful to you for anything other than selling. In the early stages of the game, don't forget to sell the extracted sugar and rum.

Buy a black marque robe

At the beginning of the journey, a standard blue and white suit will do, but when you earn some extra money, buy a black marque robe.

They will ask for about 5,000 R for it, but it's worth it.

Upgrade your arsenal

To do this, get the skins of the animals you need or buy them in the store. Larger bags for ammo and other essentials will help you go longer without restocking.

Mortars - good weapon against a serious opponent

Mortars will become available in the early stages of the game. They are powerful and quite accurate. Use them against opponents stronger than you. You need to replenish the supply of shells at the docks. You can't get them at sea.

Find treasure and maps to them

What's a pirate without treasure? Find cards and treasures on them. An island where you will find a map and an island where you will find a treasure on the map, most often different islands.

Drawings will help to pump "Daw"

Drawings are needed to improve the maneuverability, strength and combat qualities of the Jackdaw. The good news is that they are often found in treasure chests.

Pay attention to the tasks "Hunting the Templars"

As you progress through the game, mark, write down, or memorize the location of these missions, then you won't find them on the map.

Now, in the passage of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, you can go to your ship and head to the exclamation mark, which is located near Long Bay. As soon as you get there, you can immediately start the task. Head into the jungle and navigate through them , killing enemies along the way.

After you completely clear the location, you can catch your breath a little and go north. Look around and find the treasure. Jump into the water and swim to the search area, turn in the direction where the bushes grow, and go right. Be careful because three opponents are attacking now. Disarm them first before they use their guns. Also use sleep darts on them. Continue playing Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag and move through the swamp, and then jump onto the platforms. Put the next enemy to sleep, and when the second one attacks, kill. Then activate Eagle Vision to see all the enemies settled in the west and north Sneak up on them and neutralize them, then head to the eastern part of the location and eliminate the last living enemy.

Look around and go towards the caves. Then get out to the coastal strip and save. Climb back into the cave and hide in it. Get the barrel and kill three fighters. It is worth saying that when they are sitting, then you will not be able to attack them, and they - how else. So do not take risks, it is better to wait a bit until the enemies get up. You can use a sleeping dart on one of them, and weapons on all the others. Having dealt with these enemies, go further and remove the next ones.

Head to the topmost level and arm yourself with sleep darts to use them to take down the gunner. Move across the bridge and try to remember the number and location of the enemies that have settled on the other side. Then take the most convenient position and send everyone to sleep and find a passage to get out through it. Be careful, as two opponents will attack now, deal with them, and then pick up the utilities scattered around.

Now, in the passage of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, you should head east and reach the end of the location to find the enemy there and put him to sleep. Then run up to the water and dive into it to take cover and shoot at two more opponents. Regarding the third a fighter, then he can be killed in close combat when you find yourself near the point where you have already been before climbing into the cave, but a little lower.

Move to the southern part of the location and look for the guard who has settled in a small cave. Then wait until he turns away and move down to get to the jungle. Activate Eagle Vision and find the fighters crouched in the bushes. Then try to calm the situation as quietly as possible. Now go to the northern part and you will find yourself near the waterfall. Near it, you should look to the left and notice another fighter. He also needs to be killed if you want to loot the chests.

Move to the southern part of the location to be on new territory. Just be careful, as there are a lot of patrols here and they go often. Wait for them and put them to sleep. Run upstairs and save. Then look around to find another Fighter. It is worth noting that it can be destroyed from the air. As soon as another enemy appears near you, kill him without drawing attention. Continue through Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag and go to the Mayan stele.

Approach Roberts and move after him. As soon as you pass through the laboratory, you will be able to find a crate. Watch the video and climb up. But you won't be able to get to the topmost level because the path will be blocked. So head north and climb up the wall. Then you can jump onto the rock and slide down it. Then go to the corsairs on the beach and talk. After that, the task will be considered completed.

Our days

After you receive a message from John and Lemay, explore the area, not missing the chance to hack all the computers and read the notes lying on the tables. Now, in the passage of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, go into the room from which video surveillance is being conducted. Then proceed to solve a simple problem. You just need to set the following correct sequence of numbers: 3-5-77. As soon as you complete the task, then go to north room and find the server in it.Disable it and set the following sequence: 3-7-7-7.After that, remote access is activated, and you can get the information you need.Watch the video and get out of here.

Episode 11

Memory 1: Suffer without dying

Once the video ends, you can do the following:
1) Wait until everything ends by itself;
2) Go to the grate and rattle it to get the guard's attention.

But whatever you decide, in the further passage of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, you need to run to the left, jump onto the boxes and climb a tree. Then jump into a haystack and hide. Wait for the guard to approach to finish him off. Then you need wait for the captain and his retinue to turn away.Quickly start running towards the bell and smash it.

Then quickly run for cover before you get caught. You should not leave the guard alive, because he can cause significant damage later, so it's better to neutralize him immediately. Move to the opposite side and deal with the next two guards. Just do everything quietly, in order to avoid trouble.

If the fighters notice losses in their ranks, they will instantly raise a panic. Therefore, it is better for you to immediately destroy them or drag the lifeless bodies to where they will not be discovered soon. And if they find it, then we will not scatter in a crowd, but one at a time. So lure them out there and finish them off. Then play again.

It is worth noting that you do not have to complete the entire game in stealth mode. First, because in additional quests nothing is said about it. And secondly, it is not necessary to give the opponents the opportunity to be too close to the desired bell. If now the alarm is raised in the passage of the game Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, then there will be much more problems. I advise you to shoot those fighters who want to get to the bell.

Then move to the southwest direction and go to the fence. Wait a little while the patrolmen pass to deal with them. I advise you to carefully monitor the guards during the battle and ensure that they turn away. Because otherwise the attack can be very dangerous. After the enemies die, move across the road and approach the crates. Hide behind them and wait until the enemies appear. Use the whistle as bait and kill them. Then run to the bell and remove the last guard from there.

After disabling the bell, you can move forward when you see two opponents, hide in the bushes and wait until they disperse. Try to destroy the one closest to you, the very first. Continue playing Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag and wait, the second one will return. Whistle again and kill him. Keep your way back, dealing with enemies along the way.

You can move to the south and meet there Rackham imprisoned in a cage. Approach it and click on the active key that appears on the monitor. Only in this way will you be able to complete one of the additional objectives. Then climb along the wall through the scaffolding and the bell and look north. You can see the gunner there. Wait a bit for him to turn away and sneak up close to put him to sleep with a sleep dart.

After a while, the opponents attack. Don't think too long, just destroy them. Then jump down to those boxes that are not far away. If you see that the gunner sees another 10 dreams, then calmly move north, not paying attention to him. Then move along the wall and hide in the bushes. Now we need to wait for the fighter to approach. He will come out of the ditch. Try to finish him off as quickly as possible, because otherwise he will cause a lot of problems when completing this task in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. Then return to the bushes and wait until it becomes quiet around and get out of there.


Let's present the most full walkthrough the first part of the mysterious and exciting game Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. In the fourth part we have to play for one of the ancestors of the main characters of the previous game - Edward Kenway. (If you spend just a little time researching the family tree of this surname, you will learn that Mr. Edward was the father of Haytham Kenway and the grandfather of Connor Kenway). Our new hero- this is not so much an assassin as a pirate, and the game itself is not so much a land game as a sea game. In the third part, we have already taken part in naval battles, but they can hardly compete with new naval adventures in Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag in their colorfulness and scale. Approximately 40% of all playing time here we will have to spend on the water.

And it all starts with the usual introductory part for this series of games, in which we have to refresh our memory and character control skills.

Episode 1. Memory 01. Edward Kane

After loading the game, we find ourselves near a large ship that we have to capture. Using the most powerful guns installed on board, we deal with enemy ships, after which we watch the video. Following the prompts that will pop up during the game, we swim to the shore. We find a bridge on the shore, we pass through it and get into a location full of treasures. We search the neighborhood to enrich ourselves as much as possible.

Hint 1: If the hero needs to get to the upper floors of buildings, use nearby trees. You can also use the bow of the wreck to get to the upper areas.

Hint 2: Treasures should be sought in the northern part of the location. After the treasure is found, we go west. On the way we meet a mysterious stranger who sends us in search of a new treasure in the northeast.

After the money is collected, we go to the tower. Further along the water we move to the north and watch the video. Following the instructions, we recover in pursuit. After all the ups and downs, we find ourselves in the village, synchronize and again climb into the water. We swim to the schooner. On the ship, we are waiting for a tutorial to improve skills, as well as the first hand-to-hand combat in the game. To defeat the guards, it is best to alternately sneak up on them from behind and perform a silent kill. In principle, a frontal attack can also be used, only in this case it is necessary to show maximum skill so that the soldiers do not have time to raise the alarm.

After completing the quest, head south for another treasure. Here we find the seller and watch the video.

Hint 3. Do not disdain searches of corpses. Sometimes dead bodies hide very interesting artifacts, such as treasure maps. In order to complete the level, we take the ship and go to the extreme point of the cape.

Our days

Waking up in our time, we understand that everything that we have seen up to this point is just a dream. In the present, we will meet with a stranger who will take us to new location. On the way, we learn to use the communicator, which will become for our hero best friend for the rest of the game time: this is where new messages, information about quests and progress will be displayed.

Following the stranger, we come to the elevator, from here we head to the registrar, we find a note on the table. Further we go in the southwest direction, we find the second note. The third and subsequent notes will be waiting for us in the east and south wing of the building, as well as in our own office. Hint 4. In the first episode, we do not yet have the lockpicking skill, and therefore many locked doors will remain closed for our hero.

Episode 2. Flashback 1. Living Havana

We follow Steed until we see a gunsmith. We buy the sword we like and run to the church to pass the synchronization. On the way we lose Stead. A little later we learn that our friend is in trouble and, of course, we will have to help him out. We follow the trail of the attacker, take away the stolen money from him, return the wallet to Stead and go to the tavern to watch the next video.<.p>

After watching the video, we get involved in a fight that starts with our appearance. The fight will take place in training mode and with the sole purpose of teaching us how to attack correctly. Get ready for the fact that after all the tavern drunkards are scattered, more experienced and formidable opponents will come into action - the Spanish soldiers. Following the prompts on the screen, we distract the enemies and leave the room in a smoke screen. To break away from the pursuers, we develop speed. Having escaped from the soldiers, we complete the mission.

Hint 5. Now Havana is at our disposal. You can wander around the city to explore the location. We will not collect many quests along the way, but we will still be able to find a few useful items on the streets.

Episode 2. Flashback 2. My sugar

We leave for the city docks to find out what happened to Stead after the fight in the tavern (alas, we lost him again). We follow the Spaniards, trying to remain incognito. In order not to be detected, we follow them at a considerable distance and, if possible, hide behind various buildings, haystacks, in a crowd of passers-by, etc. If closed territories come across on the way, we run around them and wait for the appearance of soldiers from the other side. The guards will try to break away and start running. The main thing is not to lose sight of them. Finally, when they stop, we eavesdrop on their conversation. To make the operation as successful as possible, we hire street dancers to divert the attention of the soldiers to themselves.

Using a special vision mode (eagle vision), we follow the captain's guards. We patiently wait until the captain leaves the exclusion zone, and follow him to the stall. As soon as the captain enters the stall, we quickly run into the building, approach it and select the key.

We leave for the fort. Here we kill all the enemies we meet on the way.

Hint 6. In order to divert the attention of the guards, set fire to the barrels. This will make the mission much easier. We climb onto the roof of the fort, wait for the patrol to approach it, jump on the heads of the military and quickly send them to the next world.

Tip 7. While pirouettes, keep an eye on the roof to the left. There is a sentry there who should not be aware of your presence. After cleaning the fort, we watch the video, climb the fortress wall, dive into the sea. We are looking for Stead and move to a new location.

You can see an example walkthrough of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag below.