How made a comparator in Minecraft. Universal Hyde near Redstone: Advanced Level

  • 17.05.2021

When the player has the need to compare and process two signals obtained from red stone - this device is useful as a comparator. Its main task is to show the user's consideration degree. This block for circuits in its design has two inputs. One is located in front, the second fromve. Both signals A and B, respectively, have different degrees of power and switch the buttons located on the mouse. Simply put, if the container is empty, then the signal analysis will show an indicator of zero at the output, if there is no, then it will consider the filling of the container using a special formula. At the same time, the signal strength data is taken into account, the number of objects located in the slot, the number of these slots and the height of their full rack.

Ingredients for comparator

The comparator is done like this:
- We manufacture red torches, amount 3 pieces. Since they are practically every player, we will not stop on the manufacturer's recipe.
- Quartz block (1 piece). We go down to the lower world with the picka and produce quartz ore. Then we interfere with ore with coal, and get a quartz block.
- Cobblestone (3 units). If you do not have cobblestones, you can get a stone in a simple way - mixing the lava bucket and the water bucket in the generator for the manufacture of cobblestones.

Manufacturing process

Open workbench. In its grid, lay out the mined materials. Lower row lay out a cobblestone. Then, in the second row in the first cell, we have a torch, in the second - quartz, in the third again a torch. In the first row over quartz, we put the remaining torch. As a result - a ready-made comparator.

Together with the Grand Update of Redstone Update in Minecraft, a new unit was added, which was called "Comparator". From this article, you can find out what it is, how to make a comparator in "Mininfest" and where it can be applied.

What is a comparator

Before we learn how to make a comparator in "Mininraft", we'll figure it out what it is. The comparator is a special scheme consisting of stone, redstone and quartz, which can be mined in hell. This mechanism is needed in order to distribute the rastone signals entering its incoming ports.

With it, you can create traps, secret passages and storages, as well as many other interesting schemes using Redstone.

He has two entrances. Conditionally, you need to designate them a and B. A - the one that is behind, and b - the one that is located on the side. If a redstone signal is simultaneously conducted to both inputs, it would be to be considered the strongest and level the signal A.

The comparator has two modes: in the "Default" mode, both signals are compared. The signal A will be passed through the comparator further along the Redstone chain only if it is more or equal to B. If the situation is reverse, then the signal will not go out of the comparator.

In the activated mode - when the comparator's torch is lit - the signals are compared with each other, and at the output of the circuit there are their difference. For example, if the signal A is 14, and the B - 7 signal, then the output will receive a signal corresponding to 7 blocks.

How to make a comparator?

Find out how to make a comparator in "Mininfest", quite simple. You need to refer to such a scheme:

The lower part of the field for work 3 on 3 blocks you need to fill in the burned stone, in the center of placing the quartz partial, and in the blocks two, four and six (you need to present the layout of old phones) you need to place torches from Redstone.

As can be seen, the krafting of the comparator is not the most wasteful occupation, but to remember its scheme, so that it is not to remember how to scratch the comparator in "Mininfest", very simple.

By the way, the answer to the question "How to make a comparator in" Micraft "1.8?" It does not differ from what will be specified for version 1.5, for example. Developers are not going to change the recipe for craftting and it remains stable.

Where can I apply a comparator?

These are subjects:

By the way, you need to consider that the repeater and comparator are completely different mechanisms with different principle of action. The comparator, in contrast to the repeater, does not enhance the signal. It is necessary to take into account when reflected above the question "How to make a" Minecraft "Redstone comparator?" Perhaps not this mechanism needed?

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This guide is the second on account and is designed to improve your knowledge in the construction of schemes and mechanisms with the help of Redstone.

You will familiarize yourself with the principle of the comparator and learn how Redstone interacts with different blocks. I am confident that after reading you will have even fewer questions and you can implement all those mechanisms that have long been conceived.

Blocks conducting signal

In the image above, you can see a lever that is not connected to the Redstone directly and the lamp, which is also not connected to the conductor - but the lamp will still be turned on when the lever is activated. This is because the signal passes through the blocks that block the path.

  • The Red Stone has two types of signal: strong and weak.
  • The red dust has a weak signal, while the repeater, a red torch and the signal is strong.
  • If the block is powered by a strong signal, all red dust, which is placed around it will also be powered.
  • If the block is powered by a weak signal, for example, with the help of red dust, which is connected and provides it with a signal, it will not work out another conductor from this block.
  • For example, if you conducted a signal block with red dust, you can power the repeater from it on the other side, but not another red dust. The same works if the source of the signal is reversed, and the red dust is used to continue it on the other side.

Solid blocks and semi-blocks

In Minecraft there are two types of blocks when it comes to Redstone - whole blocks and semi-blocks. In the screenshot, most semi-blocks that are currently in the game are depicted.

  • Solid blocks can signal, while half-blocks cannot.
  • If the Redstone goes to the block below or higher, then the one-piece block will break the signal, while the semi-block will allow the signal to continue the path.

Placing Redstone on semi-blocks

On most semi-blocks, it is impossible to place red dust, the exceptions are:

  1. Placing Redstone and repeaters on plates, steps and boot funnel.
  2. Placing Redstone on a luminous stone.
  3. Placing a red torch on the glass and fence block.
  4. These semi-blocks still will not signal through themselves.

About comparators in Minecraft

The comparator refers to more advanced blocks to build schemes from Redstone. The appearance of it resembles a repeater, but his function is slightly different. For a comparator, the strength of the incoming signal is important and it has two modes of operation, which are switched by PCM.

  • The comparator mode (standard) - compares the signals incoming to it. Suppose the Signator A and the signal B come to the comparator if the signal A is stronger, the signal strength at the output from the comparator will be equal to A. If the force A \u003d 12, and the force B \u003d 9, then at the output signal will be 12. If the signals A and B are equal, then preference is still given to A.
  • Subtraction mode - the comparator will calculate the power A-B and give the result at the output. That is, if A \u003d 12, and B \u003d 9, then the output of the signal will be equal to 12-9 \u003d 3 at the output from the comparator.
  • If B is stronger A, then in both modes at the output will be 0.
  • The comparator has two sides to receive a signal A and B. If both sides b receive a signal, then the stronger of them are taken into account.
  • The comparator can be used to check the contents of containers. If the side A is the chest, a distributor, etc., the output strength will depend on how many things in this container. It does not work with the edge chest and trolley chest.
  • You can also use to determine which plate is in the music block - each plate will return the different signal strength.
    Here is the table in which it is indicated how the number of things is necessary in different containers for a specific signal strength.


Timings in Redstone are measured by ticks - one tick \u003d 0.1 second.

  • Changing the status of a red torch with incl to Off and on the contrary takes one tick.
  • The repeater transmits a signal through one tick, in its standard mode. Changing modes allows you to transmit a signal after 2, 3 or 4 ticks.
  • The comparator also delays a signal to one tick.
  • When the piston changes its condition and moves the block, this unit will instantly stop signaling on its original position and only after 2 tick, starts to conduct a signal in a new place.

Short pulse interactions

When it comes to short impulses, Redstone can be a bit unpredictable. Here is some information that can help you with them.

  • Torches ignore one teak impulses. To enable or turn it off, you need to provide a delay in two ticks.
  • If the pulse in 1 tick enters the repeater with the mode of 3 tick, then the delay will be equal to the 3rd ticks.
  • If the sticky piston receives a pulse for 1 tick, it will work and remain in this position.

Since many newbies have many questions related to mechanisms, I decided to make a guide, which will help the nubs and beginners. In this small Redstone Guide, I will explain to you how to use repeaters (repeators) and comparators.

We will start with comparators. The comparator has two receiver of the signal, a and b. The signal A is served from the back of the comparator, and the signal in the sides of the comparator. The comparator compares two signals and gives the strongest. An interesting feature of the comparator is that the signal on it passes only in one direction, that is, the signal will not be able to send back.

Also, the comparator can recognize how many items in a chest or furnace. If there are many items, the comparator sends a signal, and if it is not enough, it will not be active. In order for the comparator to give a good signal from the chest, there must be at least 8 stacks of items. If you use the oven, you can do with one age of items. With the help of comparators, you can create very complex and exciting redstone puzzles.

Now let's talk about repeaters. Well, with this mechanism will be much easier. Repeater simply enhances a weak signal. For example, in the past update 0.13. There were no repeaters, because of this, the signal passed only to 15 blocks. But thanks to the repeater, the signal can be strengthened. You can spend a redstone chain on a very far distance and are not afraid that the signal will end immediately through 15 blocks. Just position the repeaters on this chain and then the signal will be strong and it will be enough for a long distance.

That's all! In this guide, we dismantled as two mechanisms, repeater and comparator.
I think that this guide, I liked it and helped to understand the principle of operation of these mechanisms.