Intellectual game history of the fatherland events people. Intellectual game "through the pages of history"

  • 07.02.2022
INTELLECTUAL GAME "For the first time in history"

Schoolwide history event

Dear friends!

Any person, when studying history, sooner or later notices one of the features of historical development, which Ecclesiastes described in ancient times:

"What was, is what will be, and what has been, is being done, and there is nothing new under the sun. It happens that they will say about something: look, this is news! And it has already been in the centuries that have passed before us." History loves repetition. Its study is largely based on this eternal principle. It is all the more interesting to turn to another no less ancient property of history - to happen in its memory for the first time. Inventions and scientific discoveries, religious teachings and flights into space often tell about a particular time brighter and more truthfully than other documents. It is on this property of historical events that the didactic game "For the First Time in History" is built, which is held for students of senior classes of secondary educational institutions as part of school-wide events - historical games, holidays for certain memorable dates, history competitions, etc.

The game is played as a journey through a history museum, each hall of which is dedicated to one of the historical eras. The proposed materials of the poster are intended for the game. The presented rules and game tasks can be supplemented or changed based on the specifics of teaching social science disciplines in an educational institution or the characteristics of the event.

Rules of the game

Participate in the game2 – 3 teams made up of students7 - 10 grades , amateurs and connoisseurs of history (7-10 people each), as well as team support groups (up to 10 students).

The game is played infive halls (classrooms), designed as a museum of history with the help of reproductions of paintings, photographs, portraits of historical figures, creative works of children, etc.

"Museum Tour" teams start from the floor"Entertaining story" , where they play among themselves the right of the first move and compete in the ability to solve entertaining historical riddles and puzzles.

In the course of the game, excursions of the team pass through the halls "Ancient World", "Middle Ages", "Modern Time", "Modern Time", in each of which they answer questions related to a certain historical era. In these halls, game participants are accompanied"guide" (host), 3 - 4 members of the jury, as well as team support groups.

Topic questions - events that occurred in history for the first time, and the characters of these events.

The answers of the teams are evaluated in points - depending on the complexity of the task. The team during the game has the right to appoint and replace those who answer the question, but in such a way that all members of the team take part in the game. The team that scores the most points wins.

If the teams achieve the same results (an equal number of points scored), an additional competition is held between them, the result of which determines the winner.

At the end of the game, its participants gather in the hall"Entertaining story" where the jury sums up and awards the winners.

Winners are determined not only in the team, but also in the individual championship - for example, for the largest number of correct answers among all participants (1st, 2nd, 3rd places), for versatile knowledge (erudition), etc.


NAYA HALL "Entertaining story"

Teams participate in this hall at the same time. At the beginning of the game, the right of the first move is played out: the participating team, which was the first to answer the question about the contents of the black box, starts the game.The black box is taken out.

What lies in this box has long been an integral part of everyday life in the era of the New Age. There is a riddle about him - "The body is white, the soul is linen, the dome is golden."(Candle)

playing field consists of nine squares, each of which contains

entertaining history assignments.

"Historical Fifteen"

"Folk Wisdom"

"Historical Zoo"

"Black box"




"Historical Mosaic"

roll cube

The team that received the right to make the first move chooses any square (task) and, if the answer is correct, chooses the next square. The game is based on the principle of tic-tac-toe. The team that solved the problem in one of the squares closes it with their sign.

The goal is to answer questions in three squares. If a team finds it difficult to answer or gives an incorrect, incomplete answer, the right to move passes to the next team.

For each correct answer, teams receive points.

Teams that have solved three competitive tasks receive a route sheet and continue the game in other halls of the "museum"

"Black box"

The black box is taken out and the task is announced:

This box contains a natural substance familiar to people from ancient times. The same substance is also found in meteorites falling to the ground. Therefore, many ancient peoples called it "Heavenly Stone". And this word in translation means "red". What is this substance? Competition evaluation -3 points . (Iron ore)

"Folk Wisdom"

The team is offered an envelope with a task, which contains one of the famous Russian

proverbs or sayings. By means of pantomime, team members must express this proverb. Five minutes are allotted for preparation. The performance of the task is assessed by5_point system.


1. "Until the thunder breaks out, the man will not cross himself"

2. "The well-fed does not understand the hungry"

3. "The hut is not red with corners, but with pies"


The team is given the task to choose one of three cards with the name of the city:

1. Rome

2. Constantinople

3. Paris

It is necessary to name everything that is associated with this city within 1 minute (historical

events and memorable dates, famous people, architectural monuments, literary works mentioning the city, scientific achievements, etc.).

The maximum score of the competition is5 points .

"Historical Mosaic"

The team is shown, starting with a small fragment (for example, 1/8 or 1/4 part), one of the famous paintings on a historical theme. If the participants cannot guess its name,

the fragment is enlarged (doubled). The faster the team learns the name of the picture, the more points it will receive:

one fragment of the picture -4 points ;

two pieces -3 points ;

three pieces -2 points ;

four fragments (full image of the picture) -1 point .

The team can earn extra points (plus2 points ), if it not only determines the name of the painting, but also tells who the artist is, what historical event is depicted

in the picture and when it happened. As a task, fragments of paintings are offered:

1. V. Surikov. "Morning of the Streltsy Execution".

2. K. Bryullov. "The last day of Pompeii".

3. E. Delacroix. "Liberty Leading the People to the Barricades on July 28, 1830".

"Life of Wonderful People"

Teams according to the description given within 1 minute must determine which

the historical figure in question.

The maximum score for the task is3 points .

1 . He was thoughtful and calm

I am fascinated by the riddle of the circle.

Above him is an ignorant warrior

He swung his rogue sword.

Centuries have passed,

The scientific feat is not forgotten.

Nobody knows who the killer is

But everyone knows who was killed.

Which of the mathematicians of antiquity was killed by the sword of a Roman soldier, proudly declaring to him: "Step back, do not

touch my blueprints!"?(Archimedes, founder of hydrostatics, creator of powerful catapults,

giant cranes, defender of Syracuse)

2 . This woman reigned not on her own behalf, but on behalf of her son, who was a minor; observing the traditions of her time, she cruelly and subtly avenged the death of a loved one.

It was she who was the first of the rulers in Russia: she carried out a tax reform, setting the size

tribute and places of its collection; was baptized in Byzantium. What kind of person are we talking about?

(Duchess Olga)

3. This man received a good military education, but had no experience in either the military or

in government affairs. He had two older brothers, and in the normal course of events he would not

was supposed to reign, so he took his accession to the throne as a sign of fate.

Under him, many German nobles from the Baltics turned out to be in the highest government positions, which he himself explained as follows: "Russian nobles serve the state, and German nobles serve me." ON THE. Dobrolyubov wrote about him: "A soldier by vocation, a soldier by education, in appearance and in appearance." Who was this person?(Emperor Nicholas I Pavlovich)

"Historical Zoo"

The team is given a sheet containing images of animals and birds that "went down in history":

she-wolves , geese , elephant , lion , bull , eagle . The host notes the time (for example, 5 minutes),

during which the participants of this game answer (in writing): Why is this or that animal famous, in the history of which people did it play a historical role? For each correct answer, the team receives1 point .


She-wolf ("Capitol"). Her statue was erected in Rome, in the Capitol, because, according to legend, she

brought up the twin brothers, the founders of Rome (753 BC) - Remus and Romulus.

geese . There is a popular expression: "The geese saved Rome", associated with the legend of how the geese woke up the Roman soldiers with their cry at the moment of the start of the assault on the Capitol during the attack of the Gauls on Rome in 390 BC. e.

elephants . Used in wars by the Carthaginian king Hannibal and especially famous

on a campaign in 218 BC. e.

a lion . Honored in India since ancient times. Four lions crown a stone column from the 3rd century BC. e. - a symbol of the power and security of the state (they are vigilantly looking in all directions of the world). Today, this image is the emblem of India.

Bull . The Phoenician princess Europa impressed Zeus with her beauty. Captivated by her, the Thunderer, in order to hide his passion from the jealous Hera, turned into a bull and delivered the princess Europe on his back across the sea to the island of Crete.

Eagle . The sacred bird of Zeus is a sign of royalty. A huge terrible eagle, by order of Zeus, for many centuries flew daily to the chained Prometheus, tore the liver of a titan with its beak and claws, until it was struck by the arrow of Hercules.

"Historical Fifteen"

The team is given the task of listing historical dates that are written in 16 cells.

playing field, in chronological order. Each date corresponds to a famous event

national history. It must be named, showing the date on the field, after which it will be possible to

move to the next date in chronology. The task of the team is to indicate as many dates as possible

and historical events. The maximum score for the task is5 points .


988 - Baptism of Russia

1147 - The first annalistic mention of Moscow

1223 - Battle of the Kalka

1237 - The invasion of Batu in Russia

1242 - Battle on the Ice

1380 - Battle of Kulikovo

1480 - The overthrow of the Horde yoke

1549 - First Zemsky Sobor

1612 - The liberation of Moscow by the militia of Minin and Pozharsky

1649 - Adoption of the "Council Code"

1703 - Foundation of St. Petersburg

1709 - Battle of Poltava

1799 - Italian and Swiss campaigns by A.V. Suvorov

1812 - Patriotic War

1825 Decembrist uprising

1861 - The abolition of serfdom in Russia


The teams are given sheets in a cage on which they write down the words for a given

historical topic. The first word (at least five letters, each letter in a separate cell) is written by one of the team members in the middle of the sheet horizontally. Then the rest of the team members take turns writing words on the same topic in such a way that when writing

vertically and horizontally to achieve the greatest number of intersections with the previous words (like a crossword puzzle).

Time to complete the task - 7 - 10 minutes. Points are awarded based on the number of crossings

(common letters) in written words.

Example. Let's say the theme is "Ancient Greece". The first participant writes down the word "Antigone" horizontally. The second one writes the word "trireme" vertically, writing down one point, since these words have one intersection (letter "and"). The next participant writes down the word "sphinx" vertically and puts one point (the intersection is the letter "n").

The fourth participant writes the word "Xerxes" horizontally, adding two points (for two crossings), and so on.

HALL "ANCIENT WORLD" (from ancient times to the 5th century AD)

Teams are offered a choice of three questions on the topic "Ancient History".

3 points .

1 point .

Time to think about the issue30 seconds .

1. Namefirst metal that man used to make tools.(Copper)

2. Name the mostancient musical instrument in the world. It was found in the area

of our country during excavations in Khakassia. Its age is about 34 thousand years.(Svirel)

3. Wherefor the first time were the sports called the Olympic Games held?


4. What were they calledfirst aqueducts - arched bridges built by the ancient Romans

to pass water over deep ravines, valleys, rivers and other obstacles?


5. Namefirst in history, a weapon that has an aiming quality.(Onion)

6. Nameancient a type of person who has in his appearance many of the features of a monkey.

(Pithecanthropus, translated from Greek - ape-man)

7. The compass, which is still used today to navigate the terrain, was invented

vancient times . Name the country where this device was invented.(China)

8. Nameancient the state where they invented the calendar, in which the duration of the year

was first defined as 365 days, and the year itself was divided into 12 months.(Egypt)

9. Which countryfor the first time invented a decimal-positional counting system, later

spread all over the world?(India)

10. In which state are artisansfirst learned how to make transparent glass? They

mixed coastal sand with saltpeter and melted this composition. Small vessels were blown out of the resulting transparent glass, and round mirrors were cast.(Phoenicia)

11. What are the mostfirst , invented in ancient times, means of transportation

still exist today?(Boat, skis, cart)

12. What is calledfirst largest division of labor in history?(Separation of cattle breeding and agriculture)


Teams are offered a choice of three questions on the topic "Middle Ages".

Questions with even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) have an increased difficulty and are scored in3 points .

Questions with odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) are less difficult, for the correct answers they are awarded by1 point 30 seconds.

1. Namefirst in Russia, a government agency that was in charge of relations

with foreign states.

(Ambassadorial order, founded in 1549. It was headed by the clerk I.M. Viskovaty)

2. In Russia, a single military uniform appeared for several decadesbefore , how

in Western Europe. The established regiments were dressed in long caftans and trimmed

fur caps. When did the first regiments appear in Russia, and what was their name?

(In the middle of the 16th century, these were archery regiments)

3. Now it is difficult to imagine a person who would not have a surname. And when they appearedfirst

Russian surnames?(In the 16th century)

4. Which of the famous scientistsfirst observed the starry sky through a telescope and made a number of discoveries that confirmed the teachings of Copernicus? This scientist, using a telescope, discovered a large number of stars, thus confirming Giordano Bruno's conjecture that there are countless sun-stars, and the Universe is infinite.(Galileo Galilei)

5. Where and when did they appearfirst tower clock in Russia, which remained for a long time

the only tower clock in Russia?(On the Spasskaya Tower in 1404, the clock was created by a self-taught mechanic, monk Lazar Serbin)

6. When was opened in Russiafirst pharmacy?(In 1581, under Ivan the Terrible)

7. Say a namefirst European, who laid the foundation for the development of Siberia and its liberation

from Tatar rule.(Russian Cossack Ermak Timofeevich)

8. Name the founderfirst a monastic order created in the 11th-12th centuries to strengthen the authority of the church and restore monastic ideals.(Francis of Assisi)

9. Whenfor the first time schools appeared in Russia?(At the end of the 10th century)

10. When in Russiafor the first time used firearms, and what was it called?

(When defending Moscow from the troops of Khan Tokhtamysh. Cannons were installed on the walls of the Kremlin and fired stones and finely chopped iron)

11. Name the mostfirst seaport of our country.

(Arkhangelsk, the original buildings date back to the 16th century)

12. What wasthe most ancient awards in Russia?("Golden hryvnia" - the very first sign

military prowess. The warriors wore them around their necks as an honorary award)

HALL "NEW TIME" (XVII - XIX centuries)

Teams are offered a choice of three questions on the topic "New Time".

Questions with even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) have an increased difficulty and are scored in3 points .

Questions with odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) are less difficult, for the correct answers they are awarded by1 point . Time to think about the issue30 seconds .

1. It is known that the history of the Russian flag began in the 17th century. And whenfor the first time on ships of the military

of the Russian Navy hoisted the St. Andrew's flag?(At the end of the 17th century)

2. Namefirst female officer in Russia. She was born in the family of a squadron commander

hussar regiment stationed near Kherson. Father's orderly, Akhmetov, taught the girl to ride a horse, shoot, and wield a saber. In 1806, she ran away from her parents' home, dressed in men's clothes, and, under the assumed name Sokolov, volunteered for the Lithuanian Lancers. Participated in battles in Prussia; near Borodino

shell-shocked. Having given the army a total of 10 years, she finished her service with the rank of captain's staff. She left behind the famous "Notes of a cavalry girl".(Nadezhda Durova)

3. What city isbirthplace Russian fleet? When and why is it

event happened?(Voronezh. In 1696, Peter I ordered the construction of a shipyard here, on which the Azov fleet was built, which ensured the success of Peter's Azov campaigns)

4. He not only foundedfirst professional public theatre, but was also its architect,

decorator, bandmaster, author and translator of plays and, finally, director.

Currently, this theater bears the name of its founder. Who is he?(Fyodor Grigorievich Volkov)

5. A famous Russian architect of the second half of the 18th century built a private house in Moscow,

in which in 1861 was placedfirst public library in Moscow. name,

what kind of house is this, what was the name of the architect?(Pashkov House; architect V.I. Bazhenov)

6. In which city was opened in January 1883first in Russia city mail?

(In Petersburg)

7. Where and when was it createdfirst in the history of mankind the government of the dictatorship

the proletariat?(In France in 1871 the rebellious workers created the Paris Commune)

8. On July 20, 1882, in Krasnoye Selo near St. Petersburg, he took off into the airfirst in the world

airplane. This flight took place 21 years before the flight of the Wright brothers. name

designer of the world's first aircraft. (Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky)

9. Name the Russian monarch,for the first time in the history of the people elected to the kingdom.

(Boris Godunov)

10. To whomfirst Russia was vaccinated against smallpox, at a time when a terrible disease

mercilessly mowed down the population of the country?(On October 12, 1768, Catherine II was one of the first in Russia to agree to be vaccinated against smallpox for herself and her heir to the throne, Paul I)

11. When was it openedfirst higher educational institution in Moscow and what was it called?

(The Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy was opened in the 17th century on the initiative of Simeon of Polotsk)

12. Whenfor the first time In Russia, universal military service was introduced? In the Supreme

The manifesto on this occasion said: "Protection of the throne and the Fatherland is sacred

the duty of every Russian subject ... ".(In 1874, under Alexander II)

HALL "NEWEST TIME" (from the 20th century to the present)

Teams are offered a choice of three questions on the topic "Recent Times".

Questions with even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) have an increased difficulty and are scored in3 points .

Questions with odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) are less difficult, for the correct answers they are awarded by1 point . Time to think about the issue30 seconds.

1. For the first time Russian athletes took part in the Olympic Games in 1908. Delegation

consisted of eight people: two athletes, one cyclist, four wrestlers and one

skater. Where were these games?(In London)

2. Which of the domestic filmmakersfirst received one of the main prizes of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts - the Golden Oscar statuette? What was the name of this "best foreign film shown in the US"?(Film director S. Bondarchuk, film epic "War and Peace")

3. Namefirst Russian Nobel Prize winner, creator of the doctrine

on Higher Nervous Activity, who received this prize for his Classical Treatise on

physiology of circulation and digestion.(In 1904, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov)

4. The current Russian parliamentarians only repeated the experience of their predecessors:

first button voting experience made possible by a Russian engineer

P.M. Avaev, who invented the electric voting device. When did this appear

invention and wherefor the first time was used?(In 1905, it was used in voting

in the First State Duma)

5. Who is called"father" hydrogen bomb, the first in the world to create this thermonuclear

weapon?(Academician A.D. Sakharova. A thermonuclear bomb was first tested in August 1953)

6. What was the namefirst Is there a legal political party in Russia, and when was it created?

(Constitutional Democrats (Kadets); the founding congress of this party met

in Moscow in October 1905)

7. On June 18, 1937, the news spread around the world about Soviet pilots who committedfor the first time

in the world flight on the route Moscow - Vancouver (USA) through the North Pole. Name the names

these brave pilots.(V.P. Chkalov, G.F. Baidukov, A.V. Belyakov)

8. To whom under Soviet powerfirst a monument was erected, inaugurated

in Petrograd on September 22, 1918?

(To the Russian writer A.N. Radishchev. Since the monument was made of wood, to this day

it didn't survive)

9. When was it createdfirst world's scientific station at the North Pole?

(In 1937, it was the Soviet station SP-1)

10. Name the inventor who designed in 1911first tank in the world. It is known that

he was the son of a great Russian chemist, and also that the imperial officials prevented the practical implementation of this project. The tank was first used by British troops during the First World War, and the first Soviet tank was built in 1920.

(V.D. Mendeleev, son of the Russian chemist D.I. Mendeleev)

11. Whenfor the first time during the Great Patriotic War, salute was given to the winners?

(August 5, 1943)

12. Namefirst a living creature that flew around the moon on a Soviet spacecraft. This

happened on September 21, 1968 (before the Americans).

(Central Asian turtle, she returned home safely)

Intellectual game,

dedicated to history

Great Patriotic War.

Ermoshina Lyudmila Valerievna,

Subject (orientation): story

Children's age: 8-9 grades

Location: classroom or auditorium


- educational: repeat, generalize, systematize the studied material, pay attention to the role of the individual in history;

Developing: consolidate the basic skills acquired during the study of this period, a comprehensive analysis, historical thinking;

Educational: continue to cultivate a sense of respect, interest in the history of their country, in the people who created this history.

Equipment: presentation, historical map, historical documents, memoirs.


holding an intellectual game dedicated to 65 anniversary of the Victory.

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.2. Draw.3. Greeting teams (Name, emblem, motto).4. Stage 1. Blitz tournament.5. Stage 2. Contest of connoisseurs of the history of the Great Patriotic War.6. Stage 3. Competition of captains.7. Stage 4. Competition "Encryption".8. Stage 5. Competition "Designers".9. Stage 6. Contest "Decoders".10. Stage 7. Competition "Homework". (Creation by students of a model of the monument to VICTORY in the Great Patriotic War).11. FANS Contest (held during the Captains Contest).12. Summing up the intellectual game.13. Awarding of the winning teams.Introduction.

Valentin Sidorov.

(The poem was written for the 30th anniversary of the Victory)

And silence will embrace you and me,

The stronger and more clearly audible

Her peals, raising the earth.

And the quieter the quiet sunsets,

The sharper we see in the sunset mist

The fire of war charred huts.

Having fully known all the bitterness of these years

Not by hearsay, not from the outside,

The closer our memories are to us.

And the peaks are more clearly exposed,

The more clear what we have done ...

Stage I. Blitz tournament

Teams take turns answering questions on the topic. 30 seconds to prepare an answer

Team task 1.

    At one time, the following song was taught at school: “The evil autumn was circling in the field, / Late foliage flew. / There were only them ... / And behind was Moscow.” What number is missing?(28)

    Lyubov Timofeevna had two children of the same age. Immediately after the start of the war, they voluntarily went to fight. However, the daughter fell into the clutches of the Nazis and was hanged in the village of Petrishchevo, and the tanker son died in battle. Both were awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union medal. What is the name of Zoya and Shura.ANSWER. Kosmodemyanskiye.

    The Museum of the Armed Forces has a very simple exhibit: in a small box, earth from the Malakhov Kurgan, which is located in the city of Volgograd, is poured. And why is it immediately clear that this is land from the battlefield? ANSWER.It's just littered with shell fragments.

Contest of connoisseurs of the history of the Great Patriotic War

Team task 2.

    In Berlin, in Treptow Park, a monument to a Soviet soldier was erected. In one hand he has a lowered sword, and on the other hand he holds ... Complete the description of the monument.(girl) Comments. “And in Berlin on a memorable date / It was erected to stand for centuries / A monument to a Soviet soldier / With a saved girl in her arms.”

    Everyone knows that a military parade is a mesmerizing performance.
    But one parade on Red Square was special: the troops of
    walked around the square and on the same day entered into battle with the Nazis.
    Name the date of this parade.ANSWER. 7 November 1941

    In the deep rear of the enemy, a free zone has developed - a partisan region. The Germans passed through these villages, which they could not take away, they destroyed. But the fighting near Moscow pulled their forces there, and about 600 villages and towns began to live without invaders, under the protection of partisans. They opened a school, a hospital and even a cinema. Only now the newspaper could not be released - there was nothing to print on. However, thanks to the guerrilla radio and some school furniture, news was communicated to people in time. What kind of furniture helped to acquaint fellow villagers with the news?ANSWER. School board.

Comments. News from the fronts was written on the blackboard with chalk.

Contest of connoisseurs of the history of the Great Patriotic War

Team task 3.

1. This temporary road, not laid on the ground, has truly become the Road of Life for a thousand
Leningraders. So where was it laid anyway?ANSWER.

On the ice of Lake Ladoga.

2. Poems of the front-line poet Eduard Asadov:

It was different for us: both bitter and difficult.
We knew: it is possible, sliding on the bumps,
You can perish in a swamp, you can freeze,
Fall off like a bullet, you can despair,
It is possible bothothercan -
And only ... you can’t give it away.

The last line is missing one word - the name of the city. What?

ANSWER. Leningrad.

3. Academician historian Yevgeny Viktorovich Tarle could quote numerous
historical documents of different eras and peoples. Maybe that's why he suggested
some rite. He was so effective that, despite the fact that Tarle served time in 1930 in
prison and spent several years in exile, his proposal was the culmination of the
famous triumphal event in our country. What did he propose?

ANSWER. During the 1945 Victory March, throw fascist banners on the ground in a heap.

Stage 3. Competition of captains.

Captains complete the task within 3 minutes.


Enter in the table as many names of the Soviet commanders of the Great Patriotic War as possible. After completing the task, each of the captains in turn must name the names of the commanders (one at a time) from their list, without repeating those already given by the other captain. The winner is the one who called the last name of the commander.


The winner gets 3 pointsCompleting a task fans teams during the CAPTAIN competition. Exercise. Enter in the table as many names of hero cities in the Great Patriotic War as possible. After completing the tasks, each fan in turn must name the name of the hero city (one at a time) from his list, without repeating those already named.


Stage 4. Competition "Encryption". Exercise.Unravel the words and give them definitions

Stage 5. Competition "Designers"

Task of the first group.

Answer: (Tank T-34)

Task of the second group.

Assemble an image from the proposed puzzles (elements). Name the image and briefly describe it.

Answer: (Yak -34)

Stage. 6. Competition "Decoders".

Assignment to team number 1.

Remember future generations

Victory of heroes, fathers, mothers.

Remember the deeds and accomplishments

the name of your future children.

Task for team #2

Hear, new generations,

How your hearts beat.

This is the echo of heartbeats

Soldiers who did not return from the front.

Task for team #3

Know future generations

In any century, in any year

The feat is not consigned to oblivion.

The feat always lives nearby.

Task №1,2,3

It is necessary to decipher the proposed text and read it expressively.

Stage 7. Competition "Homework". (Creation by students of a model of the monument to VICTORY in the Great Patriotic War).Stage 8. Summing up. Winner's reward ceremony.


1. Anashina N.Yu.History day at school. Intellectual games and entertainment. History of the Fatherland, world history, history of law. M., 2008.

2. Timokhin E. All about weapons. M., 2000.

3.Turchaninov V.I. Decisive victories of the Great Patriotic War. SPb., 2005.

4. Chuikov V.I., Ryabkov V.S. The Great Patriotic War. M., 1994.

5. Shcherbakov V.I. On the coastal flanks. SPb., 1996.

Intellectual game “Historical portraits. The Time of Troubles". Abstract

3. Now we divide each double sheet in half: for one student - one sheet each.

4. We make 7 marks along the length of each sheet. The distance between marks is 5 cells.

5. We cut the notebook sheet into 8 strips-leaves (one strip turns out to be superfluous, we put it aside).

6. For a class of 20 students, you need to make only 140 leaflets. At the beginning of the game, we distribute these sheets of paper to students (7 pieces each) and ask them to sign the strips as shown below: the student's last name is written on the left, an oblique line is placed, and the space on the right remains blank - it is intended for writing down the answer.

7. During the game, students move one piece of paper towards themselves and, after reading the prompt (first, second or third), write down the answer (name of a historical figure) on the right side of the strip.

8. Having written down the answer, the student quickly folds the piece of paper in half (with ink inside) and raises his hand to give the answer to the teacher.

9. In order to avoid confusion when evaluating answers made after different prompts, I recommend that teachers group the sheets of paper into three piles: the first pile - answers made after the first prompt (3 points), the second pile - answers made after the second prompt (2 points) , third stack - answers made after the third prompt (1 point). Wrong answers in any of the piles are worth 0 points.

I hope I was able to clearly explain the principles and features of the gameplay. And now, in fact, portrait clues - 7 historical figures of the Time of Troubles.
historical portraits
Portrait one: Boris Godunov
1. He came from an old boyar family. Under Ivan the Terrible, he served as a guardsman, married the daughter of Malyuta Skuratov, and married his sister to one of the tsar's sons.
2. With his direct participation in 1589, the first Russian patriarch was elected, the construction of fortresses and monasteries began, the first water supply system was built.
3. After the suppression of the Rurik dynasty, in 1598 he was elected by the Zemsky Sobor to the kingdom. Seven years later, he unexpectedly died for everyone, his son Fedor was killed, and the reign of impostors began in Russia.
Second portrait: Prokopy Lyapunov
1. He came from an old noble family. Boris Godunov did not trust him, and, as it turned out, not at all by chance. Immediately after the death of the tsar, he went with his detachment to the service of False Dmitry I, and after the assassination of the latter, he joined the movement of Bolotnikov.
2. Frightened by the growing power of the popular movement, he betrayed Bolotnikov and went to the service of Vasily Shuisky, whom he had previously considered the king "without the will of the whole earth." But he did not serve him long. In 1610, he participated in the overthrow of Vasily Shuisky.
3. No matter how complex and controversial personality he was, he remained in national history, first of all, as the organizer and leader of the First (Ryazan) militia, created to liberate Moscow from the Polish invaders.
Portrait three: Fyodor Mstislavsky
1. He belonged to an old princely family, becoming its last representative. Participated in numerous military campaigns. In 1604 he led the army in the fight against False Dmitry I
2. Being a member of the Boyar Duma for many years, he was not only its most distinguished representative, but also received the largest salary in the Russian state - 1200 rubles a year.
3. Three times he refused to be nominated for the royal throne (1598, 1606, 1610). After the overthrow of Vasily Shuisky, he headed the "Seven Boyars" and offered the Polish prince Vladislav to become the Russian tsar.
Fourth portrait: Ivan Susanin
1. He was a man of the simplest rank. Almost nothing is known about his life, we do not even know his middle name. He was born in the village of Derevnishche (another name is Derevenka), and lived in the nearby village of Domnino, Kostroma district.
2. According to some sources, he was an ordinary serf of the Shestov nobles, according to others, he was a patrimonial headman in the village of Domnino, thanks to which he was respected among the peasants and knew the surrounding places very well.
3. There are several versions in the literature describing his feat. According to the most common of them, in the winter of 1613 he was taken as a guide by a Polish detachment heading to the village of Domino, the seat of the young Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, whom the interventionists wanted to take prisoner. Agreeing to show the way to the village, the headman led the Poles into an impenetrable swamp, where he himself died, but also killed the uninvited guests.
Portrait fifth: Kuzma Minin
1. Its exact origin is still unknown. Presumably he was the son of a salt worker. From an early age, he was used to working and quite early acquired his own business. In 1611 he was elected zemstvo headman.
2. After the failure of the First Militia, he turned to the inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod with the famous appeal "Let's lay down our wives and children, but save the Russian land!" In a short time, large funds were collected, which were spent on organizing a new militia.
3. In the Second Militia, he was in charge of collecting money, providing troops and all economic issues. On his advice, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky was chosen as the military leader of the militia. Together with him, he remained in the memory of the people as the organizer of the liberation of Moscow.
Portrait sixth: Patriarch Hermogenes
1. He was born in the same year as Ivan the Terrible - in 1530, and met the events of the Time of Troubles already a deep old man. During the reign of False Dmitry I, he was close to the court, but due to a mismatch of views with the king, he was soon sent into exile.
2. After the overthrow of the impostor, Tsar Vasily Shuisky called him to Moscow. In 1606, the most important event in his life took place, thanks to which he received a great influence on the people. Being an adherent of Vasily Shuisky, he cursed all the participants in the peasant uprising of Bolotnikov and declared them heretics.
3. After the overthrow of Vasily Shuisky, he tried to organize the election of a new Russian tsar, but, having failed, agreed to recognize the Polish prince Vladislav as the monarch, on the condition that the latter accept the Orthodox faith. For refusing to cooperate with the Poles, he was imprisoned in the Chudov Monastery, where he died of starvation.
Portrait of the seventh: False Dmitry II
1. His real name is unknown. The origin is shrouded in mystery. According to some sources, he was the priest's son Matvey Verevkin, according to others, the son of the Starodub archer. Still others claimed that he was the son of a Jew from the city of Shklov, and others that he was the son of Prince Kurbsky. But there is no real evidence in favor of one version or another.
2. Appearing out of nowhere, he very quickly gathered a large army, consisting of Polish detachments and Cossacks, service people and the remnants of the Bolotnikov army. Russian cities began to swear allegiance to him. In the summer of 1608 he approached Moscow.
3. He went down in history under the name "Tushinsky thief": in honor of the village of Tushino near Moscow, where his army settled. However, this motley horde could not take over Moscow. Two years later, the Russian-Swedish army forced the "Tushinos" to retreat, and a few more months later the "Tushino thief" himself was killed, whose real name remained unknown.
PS. I plan to prepare notes for the game "Historical portraits" for the entire course of Russian history for the 7th grade. The theme "The Age of Troubles" will be followed by "Rebellious Age", "The Age of Peter's Reforms", "The Age of Palace Revolutions".

Intellectual game "Through the pages of history"

to update students' knowledge about the history of the Great Patriotic War.
- develop logical thinking, form teamwork skills;
- instill a sense of patriotism.

Equipment: computer, projector, computer presentation, handout.

Event progress:

There is no such family in Russia

Wherever your hero was not remembered

And the eyes of young guys

From the photographs of faded look

The Great Patriotic War was the most terrible test for our country. She touched every inhabitant of our Motherland with her breath. And you can't forget about it. This year, we recently celebrated the 70th anniversary of the lifting of the siege of Leningrad, not so long ago there was another anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. And today we have gathered to find out how well we remember the history of this war.

And now we start the game. The game will consist of four stages, in each of which you will need to perform certain tasks. We especially want to note the following - any disputes with the organizers are prohibited and will be punished by disqualification of the team. But at the end of the game, the teams will be given the opportunity to appeal. How to do this, we will tell at the end of the game.

First stage. My own game

At the first stage, we will play an analogue of the television program "Own Game". On the screen you see a table in which the topics are given. In each topic you have five questions of different cost, which is also indicated in the table. Teams will select questions in the order in which they registered for the game. After a question is chosen, it is voiced and all teams have a minute to think about the answer. The answer is written down on pieces of paper lying on your table. Write the name of the team on each piece of paper. Anonymous responses will not be accepted. The team that chose the question also thinks for a minute, but then responds verbally. For a correct answer, a number of points is given equal to the value of the question. In case of an incorrect answer, the teams do not receive points, and the team that chose the question loses a number of points equal to the cost of the question. Each team will choose two questions.

(Questions are asked that are displayed in parallel on the screen)


Weapon of victory

Katyusha (BM-13)

Mosin rifle (three-ruler)

Holy war

Victory Day


The last fight


I.V. Stalin

N.F. Vatutin

A.I. Popov

Ya.F. Pavlov

M.V. panic


Not one step back

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Nuremberg Trials

Young guard


Great battles





Second phase. Travesty:

We pass to the second stage. It's called Travesty. Travesty is such an acting role when an actor plays the role of the opposite sex or a child, that is, changes clothes. And now you will expose disguised words!

You will now be given assignments. This will be a piece of text that tells about a well-known historical event. But a few words - names and titles - have been replaced. The replaced words are written out separately below. You need to figure out what words were actually instead of them. The number of words and their form must match. If, for example, Tsar Gluzd IV the Usurper is written in the text, then the name of the Tsar in the same form should be written in the answer, for example, Ivan IV the Terrible. You have 5 minutes to complete the task.

Citizens and citizens Human Commonwealth!

human government and its leader Mr. Serebryanin I have been instructed to make the following statement:

Today, at 9PM, without any claim to Human Commonwealth without declaring war alien troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed our cities from their aircraft ....

human community -

Mr Serebryanin -

at 9PM -


Today, February 8, in 24 hours the capital of our Motherland Doriath will salute our valiant troops who have liberated Nargothrond and Gondolin, twelve artillery volleys of 120 guns.

For excellent offensive actions, I express gratitude to all the troops led by you who participated in the operations to liberate Nargothrond and Gondolin.

Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in the struggle for the freedom of our Motherland!

Death angbandi occupiers!

Doriath -

Nargothrond -

Gondolin -

Angband -

3 hellon 2323 v Babylon representatives Assyrian High Command signed an act of unconditional surrender Assyrian armed forces. Grand Patriotic Battle led Hittite people against the invaders, victoriously completed. Assyria was completely destroyed. Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in the battles for the freedom and independence of our Motherland!

3 hellon 2323 -

Babylon -

Assyria -

Grandiose Patriotic Battle -


Third stage. Captains competition

    Which battle is considered the bloodiest in history? (Stalingrad)

    What is the name of the medal that was awarded to the Hero of the Soviet Union. (Golden Star)

    What is the name and patronymic of Marshal Zhukov (Georgy Konstantinovich)

    Largest concentration camp (Auschwitz)

    German field marshal who surrendered to the Red Army (Paulus)

    This girl, during her life in besieged Leningrad, kept a diary with only 9 pages (Tanya Savicheva)

    What battle marked the end of a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War? (Kursk

    Who during the war turned to the citizens of the USSR with the words "Brothers and sisters ..."? (Stalin)

    What is the name of the war plan against the USSR, developed by the German command (Plan Barbarossa)

    What was the name of the road that connected Leningrad with the country and passed through the ice of Lake Ladoga? (The road of life)

- So, our game is over and while the jury sums up the results, the teams can appeal. Does anybody want? The appeal is filed as follows. You write about what you think was wrong, why you think so, and how you propose to fix it. If the appeal is logical and justified, then it will be accepted. And now a few words about the most interesting or funny answers received by the jury (if any).

Announcement of game results.

Intellectual quiz on history "Own game"

among 8th grade students.

To participate in the quiz, a team of 5 people is required from each class. The quiz will feature 5 categories: "History of the school", "History of the native city", "The Great Patriotic War", "Great people of Siberia". Questions in each category are scored from 10 to 100 points.

Quiz Rules:

1. By lot, one of the teams names the category and the amount of points that it would like to earn.

2. After the correct answer, she receives this amount and continues to play until she is not mistaken, and the turn passes to the other team.

3. Time to think about the answer - 1 minute.

4. If a team cannot answer, another team can answer for it and receive this amount of points, it then chooses a category.

5. If no one can answer the question, the person from the audience or the host answers it, and the next team in turn continues the game.

6. The winner is the team that scores the most points in total.

"School History"

1. When did our school start functioning? (name the date) 1997

2. Collectives of students and teachers of which schools were united into a single team of school No. 2? 2,4,3 schools

3. Who was the first director of our school? Seleznev Evgeny Sergeevich

4. What are the traditions of our school?

5. How many editions were there during the functioning of our school? 18-19?

"The Great Patriotic War"

    When did the Great Patriotic War begin, what is the exact date and time? (June 22, 1941 4 am)

    Who led the defense of Moscow in 1941? (Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov)

    An ordinary Red Army soldier who closed the grotto embrasure with his body in the battle near the village of Chernushki? (Alexander Matrosov)

    What is the name of the main monument dedicated to the Second World War in the city of Volgograd? ("The motherland is calling")

"Russian history"

    What is the date of the baptism of Russia, under which prince this event was held?

    Which old Russian prince, according to legend, hung his shield on the gates of Constantinople? (Oleg the Prophet.)

    Name the princess, the ruler of the Russian state, under the young brothers Ivan and Peter. (Sofya.)

    Who and when introduced in Russia the numbering of years from the Nativity of Christ, which we use today? (Peter I, in 1700.)

    In July 1945, at this conference, the Soviet Union confirmed its consent to enter the war with Japan. The last stage of the Second World War began. What was this conference? (Potsdam conference, near Berlin.)

"Great people of Siberia"

    A peasant from the village of Pokrovskoye, Tobolsk province, gained worldwide fame due to the fact that he was a friend of the family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II? Rasputin G.E.

    Soviet military leader, twice The hero of the USSR, commander of the 78th Infantry Division, which stopped the German offensive on Moscow in November 1941. (Afanasy Pavlantievich Beloborodov)

    One of the leaders of the Decembrist uprising, after the uprising in December 1825, was exiled to Siberia, the house-estate where this man lived has survived to this day in Irkutsk and functions as a museum (Trubetskoy S.P.)

    Russian public and statesman, reformer, lawmaker. A native of the lower classes, thanks to his abilities and diligence, he attracted the attention of the emperor Alexander I, in 1819-1821 he was the governor of the Irkutsk province. (Speransky M.M)

    Russian statesman, from 1847 to 1861 he served as the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia. In the history of the expansion of Russian possessions in Siberia, he played an important role by annexing territories near the Amur River. Muraviev-Amursky N.N.

"History of the hometown"

1. How is the word "Taishet" deciphered? (cold river)

2. In connection with what did Taishet arise? (railway construction)

3. Decipher the word BAM. What does BAM have to do with Taishet?

BAM - Baikal - Amur Mainline. The Baikal-Amur Mainline starts from Taishet (the first kilometer of the Baikal-Amur Mainline is in Taishet).

4. How many Taishets received the title of hero of the Great Patriotic War? eight

5. Name the streets and neighborhoods that are named after the soldiers - heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Neighborhood (street):







    of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya