EVA game installation of hired fossils. Possible problems when installing EVE Online

  • 01.04.2020

At the beginning of next year, we are going to change the way to deploy the client EVE Online.. The main reason for this change is our desire to enable the faster to turn out in the game to the pilot - both beginners downloading a trial account and existing players that set another patch. We move away from the practice of packaging resources to STAFF files in the folder to install the EVE client in favor of downloading individual resources on request. W. this solution There are many consequences, but be sure that nothing will be done while we will not have complete confidence in the new method of deployment and in what does not hurt anything gaming process EVE.

IN this momentThe full EVE distribution is designed to download, has a size of about 7 gigabytes. After installation, the game takes 12 gigabytes of disk space. After the specified change, the initial package for downloading, the necessary and sufficient to start the game will have a size of 200 megabytes that will expand up to 350 megabytes after installation. This installation includes only game code Without any resources (models, textures, audio, etc.). EVE client will download gaming resources As they are needed, after which it will sell these resources locally on the disk and, therefore, each individual resource will be downloaded only once.

With a quick connection to the Internet, you will most likely not notice the difference - except that sometimes downloads will be a little longer. As you play, more resources are cached and downloaded less and less. The client will be sufficiently tricky in order to pump up the resources in advance that may need in the near future. For example, when you are in space, it will start downloading resources for stations and gates in all neighboring systems. So if you jump through any gate, it is likely that the resources of all static structures will already be downloaded by the time of your entry into this system. In addition, the client, immediately after launch, begins to download low-channel textures for all ships, so it will soon be able to display any ship without any download. In any case, even now, when the ship appears in the scene (what you see on the screen) it is displayed using low-channel textures, and higher quality textures are loaded at the time of their need.

Naturally, if you prefer to download all the resources in advance, then you will have such an opportunity. With this configuration, the EVE client will behave in the same way as it behaves today - downloads all resources from the disk. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to start the game before the download will be completed. In this case, the client will just continue to download resources while you are playing. If the client needs to need a resource that has not yet been downloaded, he will simply take and scans it.


Does this mean that I have to download everything all?

No, when we turn to a new approach, we will simply provide you with a way to unpack your Stuff files.

What about offline installer?

We will continue to give the opportunity to download a full distribution. Just for cases when you need to throw it on the USB flash drive.

What if I have a slow connection?

You can use the offline installer or wait until the client runs completely. On the other hand, you can enjoy the opportunity to get into the game faster; Although the download time in cases where you see a certain type of ship for the first time, it can be quite large and it will not immediately seem.

What about several customers?

Life with several clients will be much simpler - the cache of downloaded resources will be common to all your customers without additional setting. Each installation will occupy only about 350 megabytes, and the cache will be in general place.

How can I try a new client (I have Windows)?

Now we have an assembly for DUALITY, one of our test serverswhere you can try everything. Click on this link to download the installer. Run the installer, but select your folder to install instead of the default folder.

When you get to "Completing the Eve Online Setup" ("Completion of the EVE Online"), you must remove a tick from the RUN EVE Online ("Run Eve Online"). It is necessary because we need to make a small change to connect to DUALITY.

After clicking on the terminal button, go to your desktop, right-click on the EVE icon, which has just been added.

This will lead to the appearance of this window ( if this led only to the appearance of the context menu - select "Properties" - approx. Translate):

You need to add the following to the Target field:


The Target field (object) should look like this:

(Keep in mind that only the end of the entered line entered is shown in the Target field.)

Click on the "Apply" button and then the Launcher window opens. When there is a sufficiently sufficient for the launch of a minimum of resources, the "Play" button will stop being gray and will become yellow and you can take off!

How can I try a new client (I have Mac)?

Grab the installer. When it is downloaded, click on the file.dmg and make installation. When the installation is completed, open the Finder and select your EVE Online setting. Select "Show Package Contents" ("show the content of the package"), then the "Contents" folders ("Content") and "MacOS". Now open the terminal, drag the launcher icon to the terminal and add /Server: Press ENTER and the client start menu configured to DUALITY will open.

Have something to say?

As soon as you try, please let us know about your thoughts on the forum. Did you like it in general? Have problems inconvenience or something strange happened? If you encounter any problems, give us as much as possible as possible, details including information about the speed of your connection. This information may be a key part of the equation.

Translation © Garret.

The EVE Online client can be downloaded from different sources, but better and more safer than - from the official site of the game. From there you download a small installer in size, which the EVE Online client itself will load after launch.

How and where can I download the EVE Online client?

Immediately after creating an account, you will get to the page where you can download the game client EVE Online. If you have already closed this page, then here is the link:

From this page you are guaranteed to download only the most recent client, as for the platform Windowsand for Mac Os..

Download Eve online from the official site is the most simple and reliable way to get game client the latest version. Third-party sites may somehow contain older versions of the client, which will lead to additional dispersion, and sometimes to update the EVE Online client to the most recent working version. Nobody will say for sure, and hardly can help in such a situation, so the official site of developers https://www.eveonline.com is definitely the best way Download client game.

For some reason, you still do not have an account in the game? Then create an EVE ONLINE account and fight on health! Bonus +250,000 Experience Points will not be superfluous!

Attention You do not need to additionally download the language pack or special Russian EVE Online client. As the official website, and the game client has long been translated into Russian. In any case, the language can be selected in the settings of both the launch program and in the Eva client itself.

EVE Online Client Installer Program and Mac OS

The EVE Online game client is designed for two OS platforms - Windows and Mac Os.. All modern versions of these OS are supported. Select on the download page of the operating system that suits you.

  • For Windows systems, a special customer installer downloads Evelauncher - *******. EXE (~ 60-80 MB), as well as the full EVE Online client can be downloaded Everesources.7z. (~ 10-11 GB), to install which still will have to download the installer and the program itself;
  • For Macintosh Systems - Evelauncher - *******. DMG File to install installer programs in Mac OS (~ 60-80 MB).

The EVE Online installer program takes quite a few space - about 70 MB. After starting, this program will automatically start download the most last version EVE Online Client, after which it will offer to install it by creating all the necessary labels and folders on your computer. Installer Options - You can select the installation path and the name of the label for the Start menu.

Hint The installer program supports the designer in the event of an Internet connection rupture. You can run it at any convenient moment and she will continue to download the client of the game.

Caution keep in mind you need to have minimum 20 GB of free space On the hard disk to successfully download and install the complete EVE Online client. With normal use - enough 10 GB of Free Place on the railway

In order to install Eve Online you will need to download the installer program from the official site. You can follow the link below and download it.

The turning point in this universe has already come. Sign up in Eve Online and begin to explore the space before our competitors.

In this guide, we will analyze the installation of EVE Online to a computer with the Windows operating system. After downloading, you will receive a file Evelauncher - *******. EXE. Instead of stars there will be a set of numbers that can change with the release of new game add-ons.

Step 1. Running the EVE Launcher Installer

When starting the EVE Online installer operating system May issue a security warning system. Press the "Run" or "Yes" button.

Step 2. Selecting a catalog for installing EVE Launcher and EVE Online Customer

It is best to use the proposed default path, but if you really need to use another way, you can specify it manually. It is necessary to choose a hard drive, where there are at least 18 GB of free space. After all the necessary actions, click the "Next" button.

Step 3. Selecting components for installation

Select Eve Launcher, which will take about 140 MB on your hard disk and click "Next".

Step 4. Adding the EVE Launcher label in the Start menu

At this setup step, you can select a specific name for a shortcut that will run Eve Online in the future. After choosing, click "Next".

Step 5. Everything is ready to install Eve Launcher on a computer

Everything is ready to download and install the EVE Online launch program. Click "Set" and wait for the end of the process:

Step 6. Running EVE Launcher Client Startup

After the installation is successfully completed, click Finish and run the Eve Launcher program to further packed the EVE Online client.

Step 7. Loading the main customer game EVE Online

The EVE Launcher program provides the integrity of the main EVE Online client, downloading it in background mode, as well as performing automatic installation New releases and updates of the game. It is through it that you will go to the game under your login and password that you select when registering an EVE Online account.

When breaking the communication, the installer will continue to pay files, and if you close it - then after re-launch.

After the strip indicator passes to the right end of the Eve Launcher window, you will see the "Ready" or "ready" window. This means that you can log in to the game and proceed to the gaming process. Successful and safe flights, capsuleler!

Possible problems when installing EVE Online

  • Network antivirus, firewall (firewall) or similar software Blocks Internet access for the EVE Online Installer program - add an exception for this program or temporarily disconnect this software.
  • When installing or downloading is not enough free space on the hard disk of the computer - make sure that there is at least 20 GB of free space on the hard disk.

If you have any problems when installing Eve Online - be sure to write about it in the comments to this guide.