Didactic games on physical education in the middle group. Didactic Games on Physical Education

  • 12.03.2020

The game is not only a source of positive emotions, it is also the ability to develop the qualities necessary for further life. During the game, a child, without even suspecting this, can receive new knowledge, skills, skills, develop abilities. Any game is, first of all, communicating with peers or adults. And at this moment, the child learn respectfully to other people's victories and deserves its failures. From a wide variety of games, I would like to highlight didactic games, which in the hands of the teacher are becoming interesting, exciting, emotional and creative means of raising the harmoniously developed personality of the child.

In the existing practice of learning, the main movements of children in preschool institutions prevail the methods of direct learning that are not always effective. The introduction of the game component in training makes it possible to look at the movement with practical, i.e. game, position, teaches it to transform motor skills in its direct activity.

The main purpose of the Games offered is to strengthen the educational orientation in teaching children movements. The movement itself remains the main and obligatory component of the Games, but it appears not only as a specific motor effect, where it is necessary to obtain certain results, but as a cognitive object.

Through the games, children get acquainted with the variety of movements, their appointment; learning to differentiate movements by type and methods of execution; relate to compare the performed movement with existing measurements - motor velocities; We exercise in the application of movements in a new unusual setting.

With the help of the didactic game, additional perception is organized, distinguishing movements, recognition of them not only by external action, but also according to the verbal description. Thus, children learn to make primary generalizations, group movements on certain properties. Didactic games Recommended for use in physical education classes and in independent motor activities of children of five to seven years. The duration of the games is 7-10 minutes, the number of players is 6-10 people.

The dodactic games presented below physical education contribute to the consolidation of knowledge gained on thematic education in physical education. Their main goal is to form in children of sustainable interest in physical education and sports. All games are multifunctional. They not only develop interest in sports, but also contribute to the formation and development of mental processes:
- development of color perception, shapes, values, space, time;
- development of visual and auditory attention;
- the formation and development of mental operations (comparisons, comparison, generalizations, exceptions, classification), analysis and synthesis operations; formation of logical thinking of children;
- the formation of common and fine motility hands.
I made all the games with my own hands. For the manufacture of games, photos and symbols of sports, as well as pictures from board games and coloring were used.

    Didactic games should play during self or joint activity Children and teacher.

    For playing B. board games It is necessary to choose a table for which all the participants of the game will be able to sit comfortably.

    Participation in the teacher's games increases the interest of children to games, contribute to the development of friendly relations.

    For the development of activity and independence, it is advisable to the role of leading to charge someone from the guys.

    New game It should be clearly briefly explained, individual moments can be shown.

    The course of the game and its rules are explained before the start. If necessary, the tutor can show and with the help of questions to find out how children understood the game.

    All instructions in the course of the game need to be given in a calm tone, note the correct task execution, compliance with the rules.

    The activities of children in the game are evaluated by all its participants; It is important to note the compliance with the rules, the quality of answers, independence in the organization and holding of games.

    After the game, it is necessary to give an objective analysis of the behavior of all players, fulfill all the rules, which contributes to the formation of friendly relations and the conscious relationship of each child to their behavior.

Description of didactic games.

"Sports Equipment"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; To acquaint children with sports inventory; Teach children learn and call sports equipment, to determine his appointment; Develop thinking, attention, memory, logic.
Age: 34 years.
Rules: The kit includes cards with a black and white image of a sports inventory and to them colored parts of these pictures (from 3 to 12 parts). The child chooses a black and white picture and imposes colored pieces of this picture on it. After the child gates a picture, he must call the sports equipment that is depicted on it.
Complication: Collect a picture without leaning on a black and white image. Tell how this inventory can be used.

"Slug the picture"

Pictures depicting sports, inventory are cut on various geometric shapes.
Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; To acquaint children with sports; Teach children to learn and call sports; Develop imagination, thinking, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: The player collects a picture of pieces. Collected, the child tells what is shown in the picture.

"Find a couple"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; To acquaint children with sports; Teach children to learn and call sports equipment and equipment, to determine what kind of sport does it refers; develop the ability to analyze and summarize; Develop creative thinking and imagination.
Age: 35 years
1 option: Play from 2 to 4 people. The lead sorts cards on pairs and divides them equally between players. At the command, players must pick up pair cards and fold them. The one who first coped with the task and correctly called the sports equipment.
Option 2: Play from 2 to 4 people and presenter. The host sorts the cards: one card puts one card from the pair, and to another - the second card. He distributes one stack to players, and the second puts on the table with pictures down. The presenter takes one card and shows it to players. The player who has a couple from this card calls that it is shown in the picture, and in which sport is used. If the answer is faithful. The player takes the card to himself, if not, the master leaves the card to himself. Wins the one who has more collected steam.

"Two halves"

Pictures depicting sports equipment and the main types of inventory movements are cut into two halves.

Goals and objectives: Teach children to learn and call sports equipment, the main types of movement; develop thinking and memory; To form interest in physical education.
Age: 2 - 3 years.
1 option. The child folds two halves to get a picture.
Option 2. The child is looking in the stack of pictures the desired halves. Collect the picture, the child must call what is depicted on it.
3 option. Collect the picture, the child must call what is depicted on it. If this is a movement, then the child should show it. If this is an inventory, then the child should find it in the group and show, what exercises can be performed with it.

"Good and bad"

Goals and objectives: accepting children to a healthy lifestyle; Teach children to compare good and bad, useful and harmful; Incusional children wish to lead a healthy lifestyle; Develop thinking, logic, memory.
Age: 36 years.
Rules: Children are distributed cards that depict situations harmful to health. Players must determine why it is harmful and find a steam card with the image of a health care situation.

"Resting actively" (Cubes)

Goals and objectives: form interest in motor activity; Teach children to learn and call the types of outdoor activities; Develop memory thinking, logic.
Age: 36 years.
Rules: Collect the cubes so that the whole image is obtained by relying on the finished picture.
Complication 1: Collect the image, the child should call what is shown in the picture.
Complication 2: Collect image from memory without leaning on a finished image.

« Sports Domino»

Goals and objectives: Teach children to learn and call sports; Develop memory, logic, thinking.
Age: 4 - 6 years.
Rules: On the playing bones depicted symbols of sports. Play 2 - 4 people. Before starting the game, the dice is laid out on the table with shirts up and mixed. Each player chooses any seven bones. The rest of the bones remain lying on the table - this is a "bazaar". The first player walks, who has a dice with a double picture. If several players have a dice with a double picture, then the first player is chosen to read. Next, players go alternately, setting the bones to the right and left of the first, attaching the same picture of the other one. If a player (whose stroke) has no bone with the desired picture, then he takes the bone on the "bazaar". Wins one who will not have a single bone (or there will be the least).


Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to learn and call sports; Develop attention, memory.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: I play 2-6 people.
Each player takes 2-3 game cards, on which instead of numbers are depicted symbols of sports. The drive pulls out a bag with a symbol, calls the sport and shows it to players. He who game Map There is such a symbol, it closes it with a toe. Wins a player who will close all symbols to the tokens faster.


Goals and objectives: form the interest of children to physical education and sports; Teach children to learn and call sports; develop memory.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: Play 2 - 6 people. On the table shirt up the pair cards with sport symbols in random order. Alternately, players turn over two cards. If the characters on the cards are the same, the player takes them out and makes the next move. If the characters are different, then the cards turn back and turns the next player. The game ends when all the cards are at the players. Wins the one who collected more steam.

"Sport in winter and summer"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to learn and call sports; Develop logic, memory, thinking, ability to classify and sort sports.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: The player is invited to choose symbols (images) only winter or only summer sports. Then he calls these types of sports; explains why they are summer or winter; tells how the winner is determined.

"Sports Guessing"

Goals and objectives: replenish and consolidate children's knowledge about sports; Develop thinking, memory.
Age: 4 - 7 years.
Rules: The presenter (tutor) mixes the play fields (each depicted 6 different sports) and distributes them between children. Then the presenter shows the card with the image of the sport and calls it. The player, on whose field there is the same sport, takes her, and putting over his field, repeats the name. The player wins the player who will close his playing field cards quickly.
Complication: Play the same, but the name of the sport calls a player, on whose field there is the same sport. In the event of an incorrect response, the lead calls the correct answer, gives the card to the player, and the player over the card, which put on the playing field, puts the penalty area. It wins the one who has fewer free tokens.

"Fourth extra"

Goals and objectives: form interest in physical education and sports; consolidate children's knowledge about sports, physical education, hygiene and health; Develop logic, thinking, memory.
Age: 4 - 7 years.
Rules: The player takes one card on which four pictures are depicted. The player calls what is shown on the card, then closes an extra picture, explaining why it is superfluous.

"Charging becomes"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to make exercises for morning gymnastics; Develop memory, thinking, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: The player chooses a card with an image for the original position. Then picks up the movement for the exercise itself (for account 1-2 or 1-4) so \u200b\u200bthat the intermediate positions of the body and limbs are combined. After drawing up the exercise, the child must execute it. Playing can be a few people. They are in turn constitute an exercise, and the rest must complete the task.

"What is what"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to learn and call sports; learn to determine and call the necessary inventory, equipment, equipment for this sport; Develop thinking, memory, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: The player chooses a card overlooking the sport. Next, he picks up a symbol of this sport, inventory and equipment.
There can be several people at the same time: who will gather a row faster.

"Gather a symbol"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; To acquaint children with symbols of sports; Teach children learn and call sport; Develop thinking, attention, memory.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: From the cut parts, the player collects a symbol of sport. Then he calls this sport and tells about him.

"Sports Four"

Maps are used for the game with the image of the sport and its symbol. They are divided into groups of four maps combined with one symbol (standing in the upper corner), but having different images of this sport.

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to distinguish between sports (by seasons, inventory, at the place of entry); Develop memory, thinking, logic.
Age: 4 - 7 years.
Rules: Play 4 - 6 people. Players are distributed 4 cards. The task of each player to collect a group of cards with one sport. To do this, players transmit each other clockwise not the desired map shirt up. One who will quickly collect 4 cards with one sport.

"Me and my Shadow"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children learn source positions; Develop attention, memory.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: I play 2-6 people.
Each player takes 2-3 game cards, which show the silhouettes of source positions and movements. The drive pulls out the bag with a color image from the bag and shows it to players. He, who at the game map there is a silhouette of this image, takes a chip and closes her silhouette. Wins a player who will close all the silhouettes of images faster.

"Clean - Guess"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to learn sports on the grounds and definitions; Teach children to make a sport on the grounds and definitions; Develop memory, thinking, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: 2 and more people can play.
Driving (adult or child), with the help of cards - "definitions and signs", makes a sport.
Players are trying to guess the sport. The one who guess becomes leading.

"Find differences"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to learn and call sports; Develop memory, attention, logic.
Age: 4 - 7 years.
Rules: The player is offered to consider pictures; call sport; Find differences between images.

"My Mode"

Goals and objectives: To form in children the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle; Teach children to draw up the correct day of the day; Develop memory, attention, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: The child is invited to consider the picture of the day in pictures, and determine which moments are missing. On the initial stage Learning is missing only one picture. With the subsequent assimilation of the topic "Day Mode", the number of missing pictures becomes more. At the final stage, the child independently lays out the mode.

"What I know about sports - 1"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; consolidate knowledge of winter sports, the necessary inventory, equipment, equipment for these sports; Develop thinking, memory, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: 2-6 people play.

Yellow - Name of sport

"What I know about sports - 2"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; consolidate knowledge of summer sports, needed inventory, equipment, equipment for these sports; Develop thinking, memory, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: 2-6 people play.
The game uses a playing field, chips, a cube with numbers 1-3. Players alternately throw a cube and move chips, answering questions. If the player answered correctly, he gets a token. When one of the players comes to the finish line, the game ends and the amount of tokens is calculated. Wins the one who has them more.
The question determines the color of the frame of the symbol to which the chip falls:
Yellow - Name of sport
Red - equipment and inventory for this sport
Blue - Clothes and shoes for this sport
Grey - in which country this type of sport was originated
Green - How the winner is determined
Brown - Single or Commanded Sports

Games for fixing species and ways of movements

The game "Who knows more movements?"

Purpose: Secure the name of species and ways of walking, running, jumping, lasagna, throwing.

Rules of the game: accurately call and properly show movements; It is impossible to repeat the movements called other players.

Benefits: Five cards, each of which shows a person performing one of the main movements (walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing); Physical manuals: balls, hoops, gymnastic benches, plane track (at the discretion of the educator); Stationary physical education equipment (if the game is held near it).

Methodical instructions: Children are divided into two teams. One of the playing first team mixes the cards, the second (from another command) - pulls one of them. The game begins with the movement, which is shown on the card. If walking is depicted on the card, children remember all its types and ways. The first team negotiates which movement will perform, and then shows it (if possible synchronously), the second choir calls the type of movement. Then one of the species or methods of this movement performs the second command, and the first calls it. The game continues until children remember all types and methods of movement shown on the card. The team that failed to show the desired movement in time or call it, gets a penalty point. The team that has fewer penalty points is wins. You can calculate the result also by the number of motivations performed.

Note: To cause game excitement in children in this and other games, you can use special chips. For example, for each movement shown, the team gets a red chip, for the correct name - blue. At the end of the game in the teams, the number of those and other chips are calculated, their total number. According to the results, the winner team is determined.

Game "Pass the ball."

Purpose: Develop the ability to apply known movements in a specific setting.

Rules of the game: One and the same movement can not use twice. Start the transfer of the ball only by signal. Movement to perform correctly, previously called.

Benefits: Ball (any size) for each playing pair.

Guidelines: Two teams (3-5 people) take part in the game, which are built against each other at a distance of 2-2.5 m. The balls are in the hands of children of one of the teams. At the signal, the children pass the ball to the partner from another team standing on the contrary, any movement (throw the ball, to hit the floor, run up and give, rolling, etc.). Different methods Challenges - from the chest, from below, due to the head, etc. - should be considered different movements. The team, repeating the already used movement, gets a penalty point. A team of having fewer penalty glasses is defeated.

The game "Competition".

purpose: Develop the ability to transform familiar movements in the right direction to solve the task.

Rules of the game: Perform as many different movements as possible, clearly calling the sequence number of each new movement. When all movements are completed, the total number of movements performed loudly (for example: "Five!", "Seven!"). If the movement is performed for the second time, then performing stops the action, calls the number of movements performed and is inferior to another player.

Benefits: Wooden fucking diameter and 15-20 cm high, arc, chair, gymnastic benches.

Methodical instructions: In one game it is recommended to use no more than 3-4 items if playing two-three, and 1-2 - if more than three children participate in the game. Playing at their discretion can change the location of objects on the plane (vertically, horizontally, etc.). "Once, two, starting a game!" - These words spoken by the choir are a signal to the top of the game. One of the players begins to move on any of the benefits placed on the site, previously calling its sequence number, for example: "first - jumping", and inferior to another player who performs another move on the same manual. If none of the players can no longer perform a new movement on this manual, then each of the children calls the total number of movements performed. The game continues using another benefit. The overall result is supplied by the number of movements performed on all allowances.

The game "Tourists".

Purpose: Develop the ability to adequately use movements to achieve the goal.

Rules of the game: Each "tourist" or group passes the route in its own way, i.e. Using movements not used by other players. Act in the game is consistent, help those who find it difficult to perform movements.

Benefits: Any stationary physical education equipment, to which you can additionally put gymnastic stairs, boards, cubes, etc.; Rope with a length of 3-4 m (by 3-4 children) with hinges for putting on the shoulder (the distance between them is 1 m). For each subgroup, you can use special breastplates.

Methodical instructions: Selects a place for the game and admirement of physical education equipment for the flow of the route. Children are divided into two groups, each of which "develops" their route, i.e. decides, with the help of what movement will overcome the established obstacles. Then the drawing of the route groups is then determined by the drawing of the draw or count. The passage of the route is observed, because It is necessary to change the intended movement if it is already used. The team that acted most consistently. As a judge is an educator or any of the children. The game uses various types and methods of movements. For example, on a bench you can go on socks, a regular step, sprinkle on all fours, on the stomach; step or jump over cubes; The gymnastic staircase is climbed through the top, in the middle between the slats, on the side.

Option game: Each of the subgroups is developing a route that begins at the same time. The team wins, the first ending the passage of the route.

The game "What is superfluous?"

Purpose: Differentiation of species and methods of movements.

Rules of the game: Do not perform "extra" movements, for sure to call them.

Manuals: The game can be carried out without benefits or using small objects, such as hoops, balls (for each child).

Methodical instructions: Children stand in a circle. The educator shows 2-4 methods of one movement and one - the other ("extra" movement). For example, walking on socks, heels, withdrawal and running. Children perform movements in the same sequence as the educator, missing the "unnecessary" movement. The one who made a mistake should explain it. If the explanation is correct, then the error that allowed the error is not punished with a penalty point. In case of unsatisfactory explanation, a free task is performed, which offers any of the players.

Game "Guess the riddle."

Purpose: Differentiation of movements characteristic of different sports.

Rules of the game: Do not call a guess, but show it in motion.

Methodical instructions: Children stand in a circle, at a distance of at least 30 cm apart. The teacher makes the riddles. The guys depict the deposit of movements. At the end of each period of the game (i.e., after each riddle), they call the way of movement. Well, if the riddles are offered by the children themselves.

Near the house instead of a fear, a rope is tensioned, on the one hand at an altitude of 30-35 cm, on the other - 40-45 cm, with the third - 50 cm, with the fourth - 60 cm.

The educator starts the game: "It is in the field of teremok teremok, it is not low, not high. While nobody lives in the terhersion. Do you want to live in a terchemaker? Then it is necessary to become mouses, hares, chanterelles and bears. Each beast will wade into the house through your gate. " Children agree, which role will take. The educator continues: "Mouse-Norushka mouse fled, they saw the teremok and began to search where to come to the house. Saw under the fence of the gap, fit and think how to crawl, so as not to hurt the fence, because only those mice that move the movement correctly will live in the house. "Mysteries" are subject to the rope, the rest of the children look, how movements are performed, and decide who to live in the house, and to whom to stay on this side of the fence. "And then there were shooting bunnies," says the teacher, "they also wanted to live in the house. They stopped and asked ... what did the bunnies asked about? And what did the mouse answered them? True, mice answered, that they will empty bunnies in the house, if they guess where their "gates" (next rope height) ".

In the same way, the actions are played by chanters, bears. Children who have completed incorrectly or inaccurately movement and temporarily retired from the game, is offered a "penalty" option: they must crawl right under all ropes. Then they together with everyone can live in Teremka. The game ends at the dance; The educator proposes to go after his hands on the socks, on the heels, with a high knee lifting, side panel. Children can be asked when these walks are used in life.

The game "Guess what they conceived."

Purpose: Fastening knowledge about walking and their application in life.

Rules of the game: Completely perform movements.

Methodical instructions: Children are divided into two groups. Each group comes up with some vital situation where one or another look of walking is used. Then one group demonstrates walking, and the other group should guess what was conceived. For example, children agreed to portray walking on high grass. They say: "We walked around the meadow.", - And all together show movements. Children of another group express their assumptions, check them in action. If their assumption is incorrect, the children of the pen of the group choir say "no!", When guessing - "Yes!". Groups change places, and the game continues. Wins a group that has more faults.

Game "Learn Movement".

Purpose: Learn to recognize movements on the verbal description.

Rules of the game: accurately call the view and method of movement.

Methodical instructions: Children stand in a circle. The educator says to children that he wants to check how they learned the movements that were learned in physical education classes. "I will name the elements of the movement, and you guess and tell me what movement I told about," says the teacher. The elements of movement are listed, for example: to get up, aiming, swinging (or: disperse, push off, land on socks, etc.). Children call movements, the educator offers children to show individual elements - aim, make shim, show how to throw the ball from the chest, from the shoulder, etc. For the correct execution, each gets a chip. The winner is the one who more picks chips.

Game "Learn Travel Trail".

Purpose: Fastening knowledge about walking, running, jumping.

Rules of the game: To accurately move the movement to remain a clear track. Pra-wine call performed movement.

Methodical instructions: The game is carried out on the freshly empty snow or on the sand. The educator proposes to remember what types of walking can be imitated by the movements of some birds and animals (a hare - with the help of jumps on two legs with advance, geese - walking in the priest, wolf - running, etc.). All movements are pre-played. Children consider the left traces, compare the magnitude of the step, feet. After that, they close their eyes, and the presenter goes (running, jumping) the movement of the animal, trying to leave a clear track. Children open their eyes, guess who came from the animals or ran. They must be called what type of movement was used. If children guess movement, driven changes. If you do not guess - drives again. The game can be diversified by developing the plot. Children can, for example, learn in the footsteps where the house is hidden, in which the "Forest Beast" lives, and what is the beast. Methodical instructions: Three four-four subgroups of children are built by the horren face to the center. By the signal "For a walk!" All children go and run around the room, not coming around at each other. At this time, the teacher lay out visual guidelines for building. On the "Home!" Children run to the place of their construction and are built as prompts the figure: in a rank, in a circle, in a semicircle.

When repetition of the game, the teacher changes the location of visual landmarks so that all children exercise in different constructions. It wins the subgroup that is being built faster and more correct.

The game "Two Pools".

Purpose: Exercise in orientation in space.

Rules of the game: You can only enter the pool on the tickets and by the "Swim" signal, without pushing at each other.

Benefits: On the floor of the group room from the building material (or with the help of cords), two "basin" were built - narrow and wide with inputs on one side.

Methodical instructions: Next to the pool - Cashier. Children in turn "buy" tickets. Some are narrow, others - wide. At the tutor signal, children enter the "swimming pool" according to the form of a ticket (with a narrow ticket - to a narrow pool). Children imitate the movements of swimmers, divers. The tutor signal comes out of the pool and lowered tickets to the boxes (with an appropriate label of a narrow or wide pool).

Love Skarin
FIZOP project "Russian moving games in physical culture DOU "

View project:

Informational educational, long-term.

Participants project:

Children of senior and preparatory groups;

Parents of pupils;


Instructor for physical culture.

Terms of implementation project:

1 year (September-May)

Relevance project

Due to the fact that the preschoolers have developed an insufficient number movable gamesWe have been systematized and summarized experience on this issue. And designed project of Russian moving Games for preschoolers.

Folk games - This is a vivid expression of the people in them playing, the reflection of the ethnos in general and the history of its development. However, on games can be viewed, and from the point of view of pedagogy and psychology, as the means of education and education. In addition to everything, this is an excellent way to strengthen your spirit, your body, develop the processes of thinking, fanner, the emotional component of our life. Russian The people many processes of their livelihood reflected in this way through the game. Folk games At present, despite the fact that there is a fairly large number of temptations in our modern world.

Via russian moving scene games Children are easier to adapt in kindergarten, learn to act on the verbal instruction of an adult. They have an interest in classes that cause positive emotions, a joyful mood.

The influence of Siberia's natural climatic factors (long, harsh winters, low air temperatures, etc.) lead to a reduction or absence of a walk, which creates a shortage of movements.

One of the most effective ways to solve this problem in a preschool institution is the organization of activities russian moving games. Russian moving games Create favorable conditions To deploy active musculoskeys.

purpose project:

Development of motor activity and physical preparedness through russian moving games.


Promote the cognitive development of the child by meeting with russian moving games;

Promote the attachment of patriotism and love in children to their country of Russia;

To form and improve the vital motor skills and skills (walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing, etc.). Satisfy the need of children in motion;

Develop main physical Quality and motor abilities of children (power, speed - power, coordination, etc.);

Form the skills to execute the rules russian moving games, showing resourcefulness, exposure, dexterity and independence;

Rise in children interest in classes physical culture as an organized form of maximum manifestation of its motor and functionality;

Encourage motor creativity and diverse gaming activities children;

Promote the development of self-control and self-esteem in the process of organizing different forms of motor activity;

To promote the development of positive emotions, the ability to communicate with peers, mutual understanding and empathy.

Table 1 - Possible Risks project

№ Possible risks Possible way to overcome

1. Siberian climatic conditions for challenging children

2. Low attendance of children educational and preventive work with parents about the importance of visiting classes and kindergarten

3. Insufficient parent awareness of the need to form physical Quality B. preschool age Consultative - explanatory work of educators and narrow specialists (Consultations, Memo, Booklets, Recommendations, Master - Classes)

4. Passivity of parents in overcoming the problems of developing their child, the use of different forms of working with parents to bring them to work together

5. Low level physical Development of children Conducting a complex physical education-Pheless events with preschoolers

Table 2 - Implementation project

Teaching activities

1. Examine regulatory documents, methodical literature, analyze Internet resources on the topic project. September instructor in physical culture,


2. Develop an implementation plan project September instructor in physical culture,


3. Manufacturing and updating attributes and sports equipment required for implementation project September.

October Instructor Po physical culture,



4. Pick up and develop a cycle of multimedia presentations September instructor physical culture,


5. Develop complex movable games I. gaming exercises, aimed:

On the development of speed,


Defense development

Coordination development.


Instructor for physical culture,


6. Develop a cycle of plot measures using russian moving games. September

Instructor for physical culture

7. Make up and replenish card file: by russian rolling games September

October Instructor Po physical culture

8. Release of collages by Zozh:

"Healthy lifestyle for preschoolers"

"Influence movable games for the physical development of children»

« Russian moving games on the street»


Instructor for physical culture,


Children's activities

1. Conversations:

"The history of the emergence russian moving games»

"Acquaintance S. russian moving games»

"Summer sports"

"Winter sports"

"Sports for our health"

"The basic rules of a healthy lifestyle"

"To play fun together"

"Resting the whole family"


Instructor for physical culture, educators

2 events using russian moving games:

"Merry Torny"

"Folk playing"

"Day of People's Day games»

"The river played fun"

Instructor for physical culture,


3 Thematic events:

KVN "National Sports"

Day russian moving games"Sports - Shake"

May instructor in physical culture,


4 trainings:

"Right breathe"

"Prevention flatfoot"

"Why do we do sports"


March instructor in physical culture,


5 reading fiction educators

6 Productivity:

"My lovely russian moving game» Painting

"Children play in Lapta" Lepak

"In the dance" Applique



7 View multimedia presentations:

"History russian moving games»

« Russian moving games in water»

« Russian moving air games»


March December.

Instructor for physical culture,


8 Heat movable games:



"Grandfather Horn"

"Frogs on a swamp

"Golden Gate"

"Tatar woven"

"Running on the trunk"




"Santa Claus - Red Nose"


"Claw! Claw! Runly! "


"Equestrian competition"

"In leg"



"Mother Spring"


"Malchina - Kalechina"

"Caught chains"


"Swallows and hawk"



"Torching burners"

"Chrome Lisa"



Instructor for physical culture

9 Didactic and wall - printed games

"Kinds of sports"

Cutting pictures "Summer sports"

Pictures "Nazova movable game»

"Name the game on attributes"

"Be healthy"

During a year


Work with parents

1. Parent meeting:

"Influence russian moving games for comprehensive development of preschoolers "

September instructor in physical culture,


2 Questioning of parents on theme:

« Physical My child's health

« Physical culture for the child»

"Parents' relation to classes physical education of children»



Instructor for physical culture

3 Consultations on the topic:

"Role physical education in the physical development of the child» .

« Physical Education

"Healthy lifestyle in the family"


Instructor for physical culture

4 Visual design information:


"Exercises for the development of coordination in children"

"The most deft and fast"

« Games on the development of equilibrium "

"How to develop the eye meter"

Collage registration: Special issue "Healthy Siberian"

Making Baby Books « Russian folk games» .

Photo exhibition "FROM physical education we are friendly - we are with physical education»



Instructor for physical culture

5 Memo:

"Play with children"

« Russian moving games at home»


instructor for physical culture

6 Participation of parents in the preparation and conduct physical Events:

"Day of health in the fall"

"Winter Health Week"

World Health Day


Instructor for physical culture

7 Joint events

Master Class:

"Musculoskeletal activities"

"School - Metalia"

Stock "Be healthy"


Instructor for physical culture


1. M. F. Litvinova « Russian folk games» . Moscow 2004

2. L. Y. Lyamin "People children's Garden Games» .2008

3. T. A. Kutsenko, T. Yu. Medynova "365. merry games for feeding ".

4. M. F. Litvinova « Russian folk moving games» 1986

5. L. F. Zhdanova "Holidays in kindergarten".2000

6. N. Efimenko "Theatre physical Development and Improvement ».1999

7. Magazine "Music Manager".2005 №6.

8. Magazine "Our house - South Ural" Chelyabinsk 2007

9. A. A. Emets, T. N. Ponomarenko, O. V. Cap "Tales of the peoples of the world".

10. Publisher "Teacher - AST" Care, teasers, murils and other children's fun.

11. Beckin S. I. et al. Music and traffic: Exercises, games And dances for children 5-6 years old. - M., 1983.

12. Lifitz I. V. Rhythmics: Tutorial. - M.: Academy, 1999.

13. Shevchenko Yu. S. Music therapy of children and adolescents // Psychocorrection: theory and practice. - M., 1995.

Estimated implementation results project:

Level up physical Development of the preschooler. Development physical qualities: Dexterity, speed, endurance;

Reduced morbidity. Strengthening the health of children with movable games;

Increasing interest in a healthy lifestyle;

Children's ability to play in russian moving games;

Development of motor activity of children;

Cohesion of the children's team;

Enrichment of the Word of Children (counters, new words for children).

RESULTS project

Children had an interest in a healthy lifestyle.

In children have formed ideas about sports, movable Games, healthy lifestyle, health.

Children learned to play and follow the rules in movable Games.

Children increased motor activity.

Socio-communicative communication skill between children has been formed.

Anisina Julia Valerievna,

physical culture instructor

MBDOU " Kindergarten 81"

g. Oh. Samara

Description of didactic games

"Sports Equipment"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; To acquaint children with sports inventory; Teach children learn and call sports equipment, to determine his appointment; Develop thinking, attention, memory, logic.
Age: 34 years.
Rules: The kit includes cards with a black and white image of a sports inventory and to them colored parts of these pictures (from 3 to 12 parts). The child chooses a black and white picture and imposes colored pieces of this picture on it. After the child gates a picture, he must call the sports equipment that is depicted on it.
Complication: Collect a picture without leaning on a black and white image. Tell how this inventory can be used.

"Slug the picture"

Pictures depicting sports, inventory are cut on various geometric shapes.
Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; To acquaint children with sports; Teach children to learn and call sports; Develop imagination, thinking, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: The player collects a picture of pieces. Collected, the child tells what is shown in the picture.

"Find a couple"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; To acquaint children with sports; Teach children to learn and call sports equipment and equipment, to determine what kind of sport does it refers; develop the ability to analyze and summarize; Develop creative thinking and imagination.
Age: 35 years
1 option: Play from 2 to 4 people. The lead sorts cards on pairs and divides them equally between players. At the command, players must pick up pair cards and fold them. The one who first coped with the task and correctly called the sports equipment.
Option 2: Play from 2 to 4 people and presenter. The host sorts the cards: one card puts one card from the pair, and to another - the second card. He distributes one stack to players, and the second puts on the table with pictures down. The presenter takes one card and shows it to players. The player who has a couple from this card calls that it is shown in the picture, and in which sport is used. If the answer is faithful. The player takes the card to himself, if not, the master leaves the card to himself. Wins the one who has more collected steam.

"Two halves"
Pictures depicting sports equipment and the main types of inventory movements are cut into two halves.

Goals and objectives: Teach children to learn and call sports equipment, the main types of movement; develop thinking and memory; To form interest in physical education.
Age: 2 - 3 years.
1 option. The child folds two halves to get a picture.
Option 2. The child is looking in the stack of pictures the desired halves. Collect the picture, the child must call what is depicted on it.
3 option. Collect the picture, the child must call what is depicted on it. If this is a movement, then the child should show it. If this is an inventory, then the child should find it in the group and show, what exercises can be performed with it.

"Good and bad"

Goals and objectives: accepting children to a healthy lifestyle; Teach children to compare good and bad, useful and harmful; Incusional children wish to lead a healthy lifestyle; Develop thinking, logic, memory.
Age: 36 years.
Rules: Children are distributed cards that depict situations harmful to health. Players must determine why it is harmful and find a steam card with the image of a health care situation.

"Resting actively" (Cubes)

Goals and objectives: form interest in motor activity; Teach children to learn and call the types of outdoor activities; Develop memory thinking, logic.
Age: 36 years.
Rules: Collect the cubes so that the whole image is obtained by relying on the finished picture.
Complication 1: Collect the image, the child should call what is shown in the picture.
Complication 2: Collect image from memory without leaning on a finished image.

"Sports Domino"

Goals and objectives: Teach children to learn and call sports; Develop memory, logic, thinking.
Age: 4 - 6 years.
Rules: On the playing bones depicted symbols of sports. Play 2 - 4 people. Before starting the game, the dice is laid out on the table with shirts up and mixed. Each player chooses any seven bones. The rest of the bones remain lying on the table - this is a "bazaar". The first player walks, who has a dice with a double picture. If several players have a dice with a double picture, then the first player is chosen to read. Next, players go alternately, setting the bones to the right and left of the first, attaching the same picture of the other one. If a player (whose stroke) has no bone with the desired picture, then he takes the bone on the "bazaar". Wins one who will not have a single bone (or there will be the least).


Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to learn and call sports; Develop attention, memory.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: I play 2-6 people.
Each player takes 2-3 game cards, on which instead of numbers are depicted symbols of sports. The drive pulls out a bag with a symbol, calls the sport and shows it to players. He who has such a symbol on the game map, closes it with a toe. Wins a player who will close all symbols to the tokens faster.


Goals and objectives: form the interest of children to physical education and sports; Teach children to learn and call sports; develop memory.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: Play 2 - 6 people. On the table shirt up the pair cards with sport symbols in random order. Alternately, players turn over two cards. If the characters on the cards are the same, the player takes them out and makes the next move. If the characters are different, then the cards turn back and turns the next player. The game ends when all the cards are at the players. Wins the one who collected more steam.

"Sport in winter and summer"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to learn and call sports; Develop logic, memory, thinking, ability to classify and sort sports.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: The player is invited to choose symbols (images) only winter or only summer sports. Then he calls these types of sports; explains why they are summer or winter; tells how the winner is determined.

"Sports Guessing"

Goals and objectives: replenish and consolidate children's knowledge about sports; Develop thinking, memory.
Age: 4 - 7 years.
Rules: The presenter (tutor) mixes the play fields (each depicted 6 different sports) and distributes them between children. Then the presenter shows the card with the image of the sport and calls it. The player, on whose field there is the same sport, takes her, and putting over his field, repeats the name. The player wins the player who will close his playing field cards quickly.
Complication: Play the same, but the name of the sport calls a player, on whose field there is the same sport. In the event of an incorrect response, the lead calls the correct answer, gives the card to the player, and the player over the card, which put on the playing field, puts the penalty area. It wins the one who has fewer free tokens.

"Fourth extra"

Goals and objectives: form interest in physical education and sports; consolidate children's knowledge about sports, physical education, hygiene and health; Develop logic, thinking, memory.
Age: 4 - 7 years.
Rules: The player takes one card on which four pictures are depicted. The player calls what is shown on the card, then closes an extra picture, explaining why it is superfluous.

"Charging becomes"

Goals and objectives: To form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to make exercises for morning gymnastics; Develop memory, thinking, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: The player chooses a card with an image for the original position. Then picks up the movement for the exercise itself (for account 1-2 or 1-4) so \u200b\u200bthat the intermediate positions of the body and limbs are combined. After drawing up the exercise, the child must execute it. Playing can be a few people. They are in turn constitute an exercise, and the rest must complete the task.

Didactic games

Topic: "Sport"

"Who needs these things"

Consolidate kids about different types Sports, athletes, sports attributes. Develop visual attention, logical thinking.

Material. Side pictures from the Sport series.

Stroke Game

Children determine which athlete needs these items.

Skiing are needed ... (Skier).

Skates are needed (shape, hockey player).

The ball is needed (football player, volleyballist, basketball player).

The stick and the washer are needed (hockey player).

The racket is needed (tennis player).

"Who will name more words about the ball?"

Expand and activate vocabulary.

Material. Ball.

The teacher offers a child to assemble a picture of parts, and when he will gather, he must tell what is depicted in the picture.

"Memo, Sport"

To form in children interest in sports and physical education, to acquaint children with sports, to learn to learn and call sports equipment and equipment, to determine what sport does he treat, develop the ability to analyze and summarize, develop attention, memory.

Material: Two Sport Cards for Each View (Same)

Before children lay out the cards of the pictures down, children open one cards to find a pair of each image. If the child gave birth, he has the right one more move.

"What is what"

to form in children interest in sports, to learn to call and recognize the sport; learn to determine and call the necessary inventory, equipment, equipment for this sport; develop thinking, memory, logic

Players choose a card overlooking the sport. And everyone who is faster, must choose everything for this sport (symbol, equipment, equipment, clothing form)


to form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to learn and call sports; Develop attention, memory.
Stroke Game

Each player takes 2-3 game cards, on which instead of numbers are depicted symbols of sports. The drive pulls out a bag with a symbol, calls the sport and shows it to players. He who has such a symbol on the game map, closes it with a toe. Wins a player who will close all symbols to the tokens faster.

"Try guess"

to form in children interest in physical education and sports; Teach children to learn and call sports; Develop logic, memory, thinking, ability to classify and sort sports.

On the table there are various sports pictures, which leads the picture and not showing it to anyone, should tell the scheme about this sport, and the rest to guess.

Games associated with the development of power and endurance in children are conjugate with certain physical exertion. By and large, this can be said about any mobile game, but in many of them it is the validation of the player for strength and endurance, and not on flexibility and dexterity is placed in the first place. These games we placed in this part of the book.

Games that develop strength and endurance in children are useful in that they develop individual muscle groups, not allowing them to "be lazy", they train the cardiovascular system of a children's body and, of course, give a good mood.

From parents often have to hear dissatisfied replicas about the fact that, they say, the child "is worn around the site as a tremendous". But running and movement in general is an integral component of the physical education of children. Of course, you are restlessly for your child, but believe me: it is better to be crumpled knees than rubbishness, lethargy and badness.

Moving games are useful for the child absolutely at any age: even children under 1 year and even more and more try to attach to movements (of course, as much as possible). But, conducting mobile games in kindergarten or school, or even playing with your child and his little friends, remember the age of age features physical development Children. So, for example, not from each four-year-old child, it can be achieved that he jumped on one leg: these motor skills develop as follows only to five to five and a half years. As for running skills, even five-year-old children are far from always perfect. Of course, general: Some children are movable than others, almost with diapers, others prefer not to hurry. From here, one more comment follows: study the individual features of the physical development of your child.

Games that we offer you below are able to make a child of any level of preparedness more mobile and hardy.

Catch - Pokoli

Age: 5 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: Teach children to count their strength when performing monotonous movements. The game trains the muscles of the legs and the lumbar department, and also develops the speed and clarity of movements.

Necessary equipment: rubber or volleyball balls (by number of player couples).

The course of the game (the even number of people participate in the game). The participants of the game are divided into pairs. In each pair, players are located face each other at a distance of approximately 1 m, and one of the players is worth it, and the second is squatting. The player destructed takes the ball and pushes his standing player. He must quickly bend down, without bending the legs, and intercept the ball, after which, straightening, throw the ball to the partner, who, to catch the ball, must quickly stand up. After the conventional number of crowns, the players change places. You can play as long as it does not get bored, or before it comes to a predetermined time. The same couple wins, the movements of which were the most accurate, and the number of caught balls is the greatest.

Note. For this game, you can choose the lead that will have time to interfere and follow the course of the game. The role of the host can be performed by an educator or teacher.


Age: 6-8 years.

Purpose of the game: To develop running skills in children, promote the development of proper breathing. The game makes children more hardy and fast.

Necessary equipment: Some identical goals (rubber or football) by the number of players.

Stroke Game (8-10 guys can take part in the game at the same time). Participants of the game are in line on one side of the site or the gym. Each player has a "bun" - the ball. Children put balls on the floor in front of them, and then chorus recite words from a fairy tale.

I am a bun, bun,

I left my grandfather

And from the grandmother left, etc.

With the last word, the kids with force pushed their foot each ball, and then run behind him, trying the first to catch their "bun". The most non-historical participant comes out of the game, and the remaining players are staged again in the line, and the game continues.

Note. For the game to take place and all players received initially equal chances, you need to ensure that the playground for the games is flat (or with a small slope in the run direction). In addition, children should try to push the ball as far as possible (this should also be taken into account during the game). To monitor the progress of the game, you can choose the lead in advance (it is desirable that it was a senior).

Who is stronger?

Age: 5 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game:

Stroke Game. The game involves two equal players teams (the optimal number of players of each team is 7-8 people). First, the playing field is drawn. It is three lines spent at a distance of 8-10 steps from each other. The length of each line is approximately 4.5-5 m. All lines should be equal length and placing at the same distance.

Both teams are built on the two extreme lines face to each other. Then they converge on the midline so that each team player has turned out between two players of the opponent team, after which all players take each other under his arms. Thus, the chain is built out of the players, and each team looks in the opposite direction. The game begins. Its essence is simple: teams must try to drag each other, the stirmers and trying to move the enemy from the place. It turns out that players of each team will drag the entire chain to "their" line, where the team stood at the beginning of the game, before all the fields come together. And they will win as a result, the players who will be stronger.

Note. If the chain is torn in the game, the players who are obeying in the chain break are dropped out of the game.


Age: 6 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: Develop strength and endurance in children.

Stroke Game. This is another one of the many games for dragging, simple, but fascinating. On the playing field, the line is drawn, then on both sides of it at a distance of an elongated hand, two players get up. According to the signal of the lead, watching the game, the players begin martial arts: everyone is trying to drag the enemy to themselves, forcing him to go through the line. The player who was stronger is declared the winner.

Note. This game can be played and teams. In this case, two teams are involved in the game with an equal number of players in each. Command players are becoming opposed to each other from the line. At the team of the leading opponents try to drag each other by the line to themselves. If the player succeeded, his opponent is considered prisoner and should take an active part in the "Battle": get up behind the winner player, grab it for the waist and try to drag to your side another member of his team. With this version of the game, the team wins the team that it was possible to recruit more prisoners.

Myshkin House

Age: 7 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: To develop endurance in children, the dexterity of movement and the speed of the reaction.

Stroke Game (No less than ten people should take part in it). With the help of readings among the participants of the game, the "cat" and "mouse" are chosen. All other participants get into a circle, holding hands and raising them up. This is Myskin "House". The arms raised up the hands of two players form a "gate" through which you can run. If players will devote hands down, the "gate" will be considered locked.

The game begins: "Cat" begins to run for the "mouse". According to the rules of the game and the "cat", and the "mouse" can be like running from the outside of the circle, so rushing into it. The highlight of the game is that the players standing in a circle sympathize with the "mouse" and interfere with the "cat" to catch her. For this, they, by lowering hands, can "locate the gate" for the "mouse" who ran into the "house" and thereby do not give a "cat" to catch it up. In addition, thus they can lock and "cat" in the "house", so that in this game "cat" is more difficult for everyone. After the "cat" caught a "mouse", a new steam is selected from among the players.


Age: 7 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: Develop endurance in children. The game contributes to improving the coordination of movements, develops their speed.

Necessary equipment: Two caps in the form of repka (for example, paper rims, which are on the front cut from colored paper of repka), two stools.

Stroke Game. This is a game-relay in which 14 people can take part. Players are divided into two teams, each of which consists of "repka" and, according to a fabulous plot, those who reproached. Teams are built up at the starting line. "Robes" put on the caps and sit on the chairs from the opposite side of the room or the site face to their team. The game begins. By team Master the first team players ("Dedi") rush to chairs on which "repka" are sitting. Fucking a chair with "his repove", "grandfather" returns back, to the starting line, where the grandmother clings for him. They rush to repka already together, envelp the chair and return to the place where "granddaughter" joins them. Thus, a team pulling the repank, grows with each run. After the last player is joined by the last player - "Mouse", the team comes to the chair, on which "repka" sits, "pulls" her ("repka" clings for the "mouse") and returns to his place. That team that will faster will pull out "repka", declared the winner.

Note. From the first team players - "Dedok" - more endurance is required: they not only run more than the other players, but also dragged the entire "train" from the team players. That is why "Dedi" need to be prescribed the strongest guys.

Game-relay on agility and speed

Age: 7 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: to develop in children the dexterity and speed of movements. The game contributes to the development of endurance and strength, and also fixes many skills necessary for the harmonious physical development of the child, such as: running, walking, jumping, etc.

The course of the game. It is played by teams with an equal number of players in each. Commands can be two or more. The lead (senior) observes the course of the game, following all tasks to be performed by playing accurately and correctly. The game is carried out as an ordinary relay, but its participants are not just running from the start to the finish line and back, but perform certain actions.

♦ First tour: Players of both teams take turns run to the finish and the same way back.

♦ Second Tour: Players are not running, but you move the so-called giant steps, that is, they try to make a step as wide as possible, but do not go to run.

♦ Third tour: players reach the finish line and return, but the steps they do not as usual, but arms crossed. It will not be possible to move quickly in this way, but someone will still do it faster than everyone else and more deftly.

♦ Fourth Tour: Before starting this tour, the host presents the first players for two cardboard sheets of slightly more feet. Players must move, coming only to these "islands". For this, each of them should get up with both legs on the first sheet, put the second one in front, cross it on it and pick up the leaf remaining behind.

♦ Fifth Tour: Players are running, but not as usual, but as a thief. In order not to fall, they can look over the shoulder.

That team wins, which coped with all the tasks faster and more correctly.

Note. Of course, we suggested only some options for game tasks. You can come up with your own, do not be afraid to connect your fantasy. The main thing is not to cease: take into account the level of physical development of children and their capabilities.


Age: 5 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: Develop muscular power in children. The game perfectly strengthens the muscles of the hands and legs.

Necessary equipment: Metal sport hoop.

Stroke Game (The minimum number of players is two, the maximum is six). Players are divided into two equal teams. The hoop is placed in the middle of the room or platform. From opposite sides at a distance of 1.5 m from

the hoop is held two features. Player teams depart at an equal distance from the hoop. According to the team of the lead (senior), both teams run to the hoop and grab it from opposite sides. The task of players is to pull the hoop on yourself and not give another team the ability to drag the hoop for the opposite line. The team wins the team that was able to drag the hoop to his half.

Note. You can drag the usual rope or jumping.

post office

Age: 5 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: Develop weight lifting skills, train the muscles of the hands. In addition, the game develops dexterity and coordination of movements.

Necessary equipment: plywood box or sand bag. Weight - 200-250 g for children of five to six years, 300 g - for children of six-seven years, 450-500 g - for children eight years old.

The course of the game. Players (the number of participants is strictly limited) get into the circle face to the middle of the circle. One of the players in a circle - it will be considered first - the "parcel" (box or bag with sand) is given. The second of the players standing in the opposite side of the circle strictly opposite the first player is assigned to the "addressee". On the team game begins. The first player transfers the "parcel" standing near The player, the next one, etc., when the parcel comes to the "addressee", he says: "Got! Wait for the answer! " - And transfers the parcel to the next player. So on the "parcel" chain returns to the first player.

If the "parcel" slips out of the hands of someone from the players, he must pay a phanta (for example, jump on one leg).

Results are announced: when the "parcel" reached faster - to the destination or back to the sender. In accordance with this, one of the sides of the circle ("Mail") is declared the best.

Note. In this game, the senior help will not prevent. He can monitor the progress of the game, mark the missing players, demand the payment of scaffold, to span the indicators of each team in the stopwheel and declare the results.


Age: 7 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: develop power and endurance in children, teach them to act in the team. The game is perfectly trains the muscles of the legs, contributes to the acquisition of equilibrium.

Necessary equipment: Big inflatable ball.

Stroke Game (In the game can take part from 10 to 20 players). The playing field is placed on the site or on the floor in the floor: from opposite sides, the "gate" is drawn, in the middle the field of continuous line is divided by half. The center of the field is marked with a circle.

Players are divided into two teams with an equal number of participants. The ball is placed in the center of the field. The game begins. The essence of the game is to spend the ball to the goal of the enemy and score a goal. The "highlight" of the game is how players move: it is impossible to walk and run, you can only jump like a kangaroo, holding legs together. Hands players pressed against the chest, touch them the ball is forbidden. Push the ball becomes only in the jump. The team wins the team that scores more heads into the opponent's gate.

Note. In this game, the rule can be slightly complicated. For example, as in the real adult command game, It is possible to divide it on the hats (one half lasts 3-5 minutes). After each time, the teams can change places.

Playground for the game (especially if the game passes on the street) must be smooth.

Catch the ball

Age: 7 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: Develop the accuracy and speed of movements in children. The game helps to increase endurance in children.

Necessary equipment: Rubber balls by number of participants, a long rope (rope).

Stroke Game (4-5 people can take part in it). The rope is stretched across the playing field in its center at a distance of approximately 1.5 m from the ground. On one side of the rope, approximately 0.5 m is counted, and the line (parallel to the tensioned rope) is drawn with chalk. Players are awarded on the ball, after which they all become in a row on the line. At the command of the leading (adult), players tweak the balls so that they flew through the rope, and they themselves catch them, running under the rope. The player's actions are considered accurate if the ball, overwhelmed through the rope, does not concern the Earth. The player who will win the fastest and strong one wins; You can play in this game on glasses assigned to the player for each successful throw.

Note. Here is a small trick that will allow players to win. The ball should be thrown up as far as possible, but not far. It was at the same time that the player will have time to slip under the rope on time to catch the ball. Nevertheless, despite this trick, this game is not simple, so the conditions of the game can be specified. For example, a throw and catching the ball can be considered successful if the ball, overwhelmed through the rope, will affect the earth for no more than one or twice.


Age:6 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game:develop the power and speed of movements in children.

The course of the game. Players are divided into two teams with an equal number of participants (6-8 people). Teams become in line opposite each other at a distance of 5-6 m. Players of both teams are tightly held by arms. Loss or by agreement is determined which team will begin the game. Players of this team are starting to speak choir:

Chain chains forged

Chains are not filled.

After that, they shout out the name of any player from the opponent team. The player, sneaking, tries by force to break through the "chain" of the commands of opponents (players, remind, tightly hold hands). If he succeeds, he returns to his team, taking with him the "captive" - \u200b\u200bone of the players of the opponent team. If the players were so tightly held by the hands that their "chain" could not "freeze", the player himself captures the team of opponents.

Play until all players are in the same team.


Age: 6 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: Develop running skills in children, as well as the speed of the reaction.

Stroke Game(An even number of players participates in the game; at the same time, a practically unlimited number of participants can play). Players become in circle pairs: the first player of each couple gets up ahead, the second is behind the first. All players face a face.

One pair of players should stay outside the circle: one player will have to run away, and another - catch up. Run they have the right only on an external circle. Charter (or feeling dangerous), running away the player can run into the "house", that is, to get up to the first player of any couple standing in the circle. Thus, behind the back of the first second player becomes the third, that is, it is superfluous, and it comes to run away. If the player still catch up, he himself will have to catch up. There is no one unconditional winner in this game: you can play in the "houses" until it bothers.

Wolf and Kozdyat

Age: 6 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: Develop stamina in children, the ability to count movement.

Stroke Game. Before starting the game you need to place the playing field. To do this, in the middle of the platform or room on Earth or on the floor there is a winding "track". The width of the track should not exceed 1 m (you can make it already, it depends on the age of children). The track may be straight and smooth, and may also argue, form zigzags, and its width can be where more, and where less.

Among the players (you can play with the whole group or class), three-four "wolves" are selected using readers, which are in different places Tracks, Karaul "Kozdyat" - the rest of the players outside the track on both its parties.

The essence of the game is that the "goats" jump over the track, and the "wolves" try to "stain". If this manages, the "goat" drops out of the game.

Note. In the "Wolf and Kozdyat" play, observing two indispensable conditions. The first: "Wolves" have the right to be only within the walkway. The second: "Cats" can only jump over the "track", but do not move and not overdone it.


Age: 5.5 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: Develop running skills in children. The game contributes to the production of speed and accuracy of movements, and also develops auditory attention.

Necessary equipment: Rubber middle size ball.

The course of the game.10-15 people take part in the game (it is possible to expand the circle of IDO 20 participants). It is necessary to play on a clearly marked game field or indoors ( sports Hall). With the help of readings, the "hunter" is selected, which goes the ball. All the other playing quietly, so as not to hear the "hunter", decide who which animation will be called. After that, all the "beasts" are built before the hunter in a row at a distance of approximately 2-3 m. The ball lies near the foot "Hunter". "Hunter" Mindsho pronounces the name of some beast. If among the players there is something called this animal, he breaks away from the place and runs in the side opposite from the "hunter", without turning anywhere. "Hunter" throws the ball. If the player turned out to be a "outstanding" ball, he joins the Hunter. Mandatory condition: "Hunter" should throw the ball without going from his seat. After caughting several "animals", the "hunter" says: "I catch the animals." At the same time, all the "beasts" are running out, and the "hunter" with players, previously "assured" them, rushes to catch them. After the "hunter" thus caught four-five players, the game begins again: the new "hunter" is selected. You can play until it bows.

Note. If the "hunter" calls an animal, whose name did not take one of the players, he has to pay Phanta: sing, dance, read the poem.

Rental ball

Age: 5 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: Teach children to accurately calculate the power of movement. The game contributes to the development of the dexterity and accuracy of the character.

Necessary equipment: Rubber balls in the number of pairs of players.

The course of the game. It is played pairwise. Two children are sitting on the floor face to each other, each pair of players is given a ball. The distance between the players in the pair should be approximately 1.5 m. The first pair player vigorously repels the ball from himself, making a strong movement of the brush. The second player catches this ball. If it was successfully done, players have the right to move away from each other a little, after which the ball pushes the ball from himself the second player, and first catches. In the event of good luck, both players again move away from each other. Thus, the distance between them may increase to 3 or even 4 m; Much, as you understand, depends here from the game skills and the degree of physical development of children. Players in a pair that made misses or generally come out of the game, or, better, have the right to repeat the attempt - once or repeatedly.

Note. Methodically pick up the players in pairs, one of which is better than the movement.

Snacks (Salk)

Age:6 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: Develop the endurance, speed and dysfastness of movements.

Stroke Game (You can play in it with the whole group or class). Among the players is chosen by the leading, the remaining players get around it. On the team leading "times! Two! Three! Run! " Players run through the playing field (platform). The task of the leading - catch up and "stain" someone from the players, that is, having overtook him, touch him with her hand. After that, the "stained" itself becomes leading and, in turn, tries to stain any other player. "Spotted" player must immediately raise his hand and shout: "I am Salka!" (or "I drive!"), because in the heat of the game it may not be noticed by other players. The game has another necessary condition: the newly-made "cabin" does not have the right to "spot" the previous leading - it takes some time to run away to a safer distance.

Note. This game is a real test of children on endurance. Despite all its mobility and energy, children are embarrassed out of their strength. That is why it is advisable to make some special conditions in the game. For example, it will be considered that a player in the "house", if he grabbed his hand for some iron object (the benefit that there are all sorts of metal horizon and ladies in any playground) or stand on one leg, grabbing it with both hands. By the way, in the latter case, "Salka" can change tactics: having ceased to run after the other players, he can stay near the player in the "house" and wait, when he gets tired standing on one leg or will lose its equilibrium. You can do another "house" (for example, draw a circle on the platform). You can not stain players in the center of this circle.

There is one more option of this game: "Salka" "stains" players not hand, but the ball to which he can throw in the players.

Who quickly?

Age: 7 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: Develop stamina in children, the ability to properly spend physical energy. The game fixes the skills of throwing the ball and teaches working in a team.

Necessary equipment: Two small balls (you can tennis) identical weight and size, but different colors.

Stroke Game. Play two teams with an equal number of participants. In addition, a leader is needed for the game, which conducts an account and watches the game (someone from the older may become). Two commands are built up at the starting line (players of each team are behind each other). The first players of both teams are given on the ball. By teammate, they throw balls with the calculation so that they fly as far as possible. Then again at the signal of the leading players (one of both both teams) is running every ball. Raising the ball, the player runs back to the team, and gives the ball to the first player.

Wins the one who will bring the ball faster, in this case the winners team is counted the point. The game is coming At the time by agreement. The team managed to gain the largest number of points is considered won.

Note. Conducting this game is possible only under the observance of two conditions, which should closely monitor the presenter. The first condition is that everything in the game (throwing the ball and run behind him) must be done by the team. Players who have begun to act before the signal do not bring a prize polar team. The second condition concerns the first players: they should try to reckon the balls as far as possible - the wrong "non-shift" of the ball is considered a dishonest game. The first players are always thrown in the game: a player, catching ball, can be any member of the team.


Age: 6 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: Develop strength and dexterity in children. The game also contributes to the development of proper coordination of movements and equilibrium.

Stroke Game. Placed a playing field. To do this, on the site (it is advisable to play on the sand, and not on the asphalt, since it is not possible to avoid drops in this game) it is necessary to draw a circle with a diameter of approximately 1.5-2 m. The essence of the game is martial arts. Of those who want to play with the help of readers, two players are selected. They get into the center of the circle face to each other. The essence of the game is that one player must try to push off his opponent outside the circle. It is not so easy to do: the players should stand on one leg, and their elbows should be pressed to the sides (on the manner of cock wings). Thus, it is possible to push each other to push each other only by sideways, trying to preserve the balance, jumping on one leg. In the game, it is strictly forbidden to push the enemy with your hands, as well as get up on both legs. Of course, the game can delay, and in this case the players have the right to change their leg, but it is possible to do this without stopping and not touching the ground at the same time with two legs, but in the jump.

After the winner decided in the pair, a new pair of players enter the game. The game can be finished when the winner will be determined in each pair. It can be done differently: if the game is carried away by children, you can arrange a real competition with the semifinal and the final, in which the absolute winner is determined.

Note. The opponent will be closely difficult if the players fit the elbows to the sides, and grab the hands for the "free" leg, having rushed a little at the same time. Keep equilibrium in this position is quite difficult, so we recommend it for older children.

In addition, not only couples, but also more participants can play "Cockflets". Players must stand in a circle (face to his middle) and try to push out any of their "neighbors" from the circle. In this case, the number of players will constantly shrink until it reaches the martial arts of the two most powerful opponents: their fight should pass in the center of the circle, we described his rules.

Once - Cowboy, Two - Cowboy

Age: 5 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: develop the speed and accuracy of the movements in children. The game trains the muscles of the hands, making them stronger.

Necessary equipment: Two long narrow benches, from those used in physical education lessons.

The course of the game. The leading (senior) resembles children the famous Cartoon eponymous, after which he asks children, on what and how the cowboys go. Naturally, the correct answer is riding a horse. After that, the lead offers children to play cowboys. Two benches are put in parallel to each other. Two players take part in the game at the same time. They are sitting on each other on their bench and on the team lead they begin to "jump". For the absence of horses, the cowboys move on the bench like this: sitting on her riding, the player grabs both hands over the bench, trying to pull out as far as possible, and then pulls up after the hands of himself. Then again stretches as far as possible, and rebuild the body again, pulling away in the hands. The "cowboy" wins, which is better "riding", that is, the faster "passing" throughout the bench.

Note. In our version of the game, only two players are involved at the same time, but no one bothers you to put three or four benches and play at the same time play more Guys. The game can be made and command (for example, sharing all players for two teams). The first players depict Cowboys, then, reaching the opposite end of the bench, they run back to their team and become in her end, and a new pair of players enter the game. Thus, all team players will be able to visit cowboys. The team that will cope with the task is faster than another, declared the winner.

Slim from the ball

Age: 7 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: Develop strength and endurance in children. The game fixes the skill of possession of the ball and develops dexterity.

Necessary equipment: Volleyball or rubber ball.

Stroke Game. In the game at the same time, up to ten people can take part. Among the players is chosen by the point, which is given to the ball. Players line up face to a distance of 3-5 m from him. The game begins. The task of the leading - "knock out" by the ball of any of the players. He throws the ball, trying to get into one of them. Players, not having the right to run off, still have a lot of opportunities to feel from the ball: they can bounce with the calculation so that the ball flew under them, jump aside or just shy away from the ball. Mandatory condition: Sovering off from the ball, players do not have the right to move away from the line more than one step to any side.

The game can proceed in different ways. The first option: the player hits the player's ball, which becomes the place of the leading (the leading players itself comes to the rest of the players). The second option is perhaps more interesting: the point is trying to "rally" by the ball alternately all players. The player who was leaning comes out of the game, and players standing on the line becomes less and less. It is clear that with each new stage of the game the task of the leading is becoming more difficult: if earlier the ball could easily get into someone from the players, now it becomes difficult to hurt one or two remaining on the line it becomes difficult - the ball often "beats" wasted. You can play on the first option until it is getting bored, and on the second - until the last player knocks out the ball, after which the game can or stop at all, or start re-on.

Jumping with obstacles

Age: 6 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: Develop the skills in children. The game perfectly trains the muscles of the legs.

Necessary equipment: long rope or rope.

The course of the game. Two players get up against each other, holding the ends of the rope so that it is stretched. The remaining players try to jump through it. Mandatory condition: Jumping, you need to step on the rope of both legs. The difficulties of the game lies in the fact that holding the rope players after each jump raise it. For example, the first jump is performed when the rope is at the level of ankle, the second - at the level of the heads, the third is at the level of the knees, etc. The player who made a good jump is entitled to another, but already more complicated. If he made a slip - only one foot came to the rope, he is inferior to another player, and when the queue comes to him again, he has the right to start with a jump on which last time failed. The game wins the one who was able to fulfill a good jump at the greatest height.


Age: 7 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: Develop endurance, accuracy and accuracy of movements. The game fixes and improves the skills of jumping through the rope.

Necessary equipment: rope. The course of the game. Up to 6 people take part in the game. The essence of the game is to jump through the rope, but not simple. Each stage of the game is the name of one of the number, and the order of them goes in accordance with the countdown: first players jump "dozens", then "nine", then "eights" and so on until the unit.

How to jump correctly?

♦ "Dozens" - ten jumps on two legs through the rope.

♦ "Nine" - nine jumps through the rope on the right foot.

♦ "Eight" - eight jumps on the left leg.

♦ "Sevenki" - seven leaps with crossed legs.

♦ "Sixters" - six jumps on two legs, but the hands holding the rope are crossed.

♦ "Five" - \u200b\u200bfive jumps on two legs.

♦ "Fours" - four jumps on the right leg.

♦ "Troika" - three jumps on the left leg.

♦ "Two" - two leaps with crossed legs.

♦ "Units" - one jump on two legs, hands holding a rope, crossed.

The player wins, who first consistently passes all the steps of the game. Make it is not so easy. A player who made a mistake is inferior to the next player. When his turn appears again, he continues to play from the moment on which he stopped last time.

Among the players who fulfilled all the tasks, the very best is the one who completed all jumps continuously: without stopping before each new stage of the game. Of course, this manages not immediately, but if it starts to get, it means that the players have passed the inspection of endurance.


Age: 6 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: Develop the power of movements in children. In addition, the game performs other functions: contributes to the development of a good eyereer, develops thinking and is a training, as she teaches children (first of all, of course, boys) proper handling of tools.

Necessary equipment: Big nail with a wide hat, hammer. Inexperienced players can drive into the ground, more experienced you can offer a chorbach or a piece of thick board.

The course of the game. This is a competition that consists of two rounds. At the same time, two players can participate in it, but after they passed both rounds, they can give way to a new pair if there are still wishing to play.

♦ First tour: you need to drive a nail into the ground or a chorbacker with a minimum number of shocks. The leading (senior) slightly drives the nail so that it is tightly entered the tree (land), after which the players try their strength. The one who spends a smaller strike of a hammer blowing to robbing a nail. Make it, without mobilizing your strength, it is simply impossible, so the players will have to forget about the laziness and make maximum effort.

♦ The second round: the master slightly drives the nail, after which it transmits a hammer one of the players. Players are driven by a nail, making in turn one by one blow. In this game, he loses the one whose blow became the last and the nail was completely driven. Here, players will have to compete their strength, relying on the eye: they should be able to properly use the hammer and try to do not too strong blows.

At the end of the game, the presenter sums up and announces the winner. If one player defeated in the first round, and in the second - the other, then the lead says that friendship won, and announces a draw.

Note.In this game, much depends on the experience of players. Inexperienced for a start, it would be nice to take off. We think it will appeal to any boy. Not quite experienced and not too strong players, it is better to score a nail into the ground, and not in a tree: firstly, the Earth is a significantly more supportive material, and secondly, a robbed nail can be easily pulled out and used in the second round. More experienced players can try their strength on the tree.